Dear Gianna,
Every month, I lament about you getting a month older: Oh my gawd, can you believe it? She's already [X] months! This month, your daddy reminded me that there are only 28 days in February. So technically, you do not turn a month older because you don't have an official birth date on this month.
We will continue to enjoy the milestones that we celebrated last month: sitting up by yourself, eating pureed chicken (almost every night for dinner), playing "How Big is Gianna?" and "Peek-a-boo" games, and (not quite so celebratory but manageable) sleeping for 4-5 hours every night. February was hard, because you had a cold for most of the month. Or at least, it seems to me like I've wiped your nose a thousand times a day, and apparently, you think so too, because you now start to protest and turn your head when you see me coming with a tissue in hand. Even though you are not feeling good, you always smile for us.
A new milestone (if you want to call it that) would be teething. Yesterday you were crying and wanted to be held all the time. This is completely out of character for you (the crying part, not the holding part), and I was a little annoyed because I was trying to get some things done while Bode napped. Then, you bit my finger and I felt the little ridges of your first baby tooth peeking through. After that, I held you for a long time. I closed my eyes to stop my tears, and thought, Oh my gawd, can you believe it? Her first tooth!
Happy (Not) 8 Months, Gianna.