After viewing some photos of me and the babies taken on Mother's Day, I realized that a hair appointment is long overdue. I've actually been aware of this need for awhile now. I'm getting discouraged with my stylist. It seems like we don't communicate the same way. It's a total Mars and Venus thing. So I've been thinking about breaking up with him. Anyway. My hair color is now red. And before I step on anyone's toes, please understand that I love red hair. One of my girlfriends in Texas and I are always debating if we should color our hair auburn. We love the shade. Unfortunately, that is not the shade of my hair. It is red. I mean,
RED. It is so red that every time he looks at me, Bode can't help but say, "You hair is red, Mommy. Like Lightning 'Queen!" (ed: I know it's Lightning
McQueen, but Bode says "Queen.") He says this all.the.time. "You hair is red, Mommy. Like Lightning 'Queen!" As if I need reminding! Suffice it to say, there will be no photos of my new Lightning 'Queen hair any time soon.
Image of Disney's Lightning McQueen |
In addition to reminding me (constantly) about my new hair color, Bode is such a big help around the house. He loves mixing things in the kitchen. This week, we made salt dough (a homemade play dough) and used the dough to form the letters of his name. Bode can sing the ABC song now, which is super cute to hear. We also made "pancakes" and other mixes involving flour and water. If I spend any amount of time in the kitchen, Bode will ask to mix something.
The head chef mixing while the sous chef observes and learns. |
We played "Sink or Float," which is a fun activity. You take a bowl of water and various things around the house (picked out by Mommy, not Bode!) and find out if they sink or float.
Why yes, I do ignore huge piles of clean laundry in order to play games with my son! |
Bode started swimming lessons. He goes once a week with Bob. He did so well that he was moved up to the next level after his first two beginner classes. I am sure that Bob has a lot to do with Bode's comfort in the water. I am dying to sneak into the swim class and spy on Bode! There's also a small part of me that knows that the cautious mother in me is probably not ready to watch her baby jump into a pool.
Speaking of pools, Bode could water our plants for hours. He is into mixing the water and dirt to make mud.
Watering the roses and making mud. |
Enjoying a peanut butter sandwich after a mud bath! Is it me or does he look huge now? |
Gianna is now feeding herself little finger foods. I love that I can put her in the high chair, sprinkle some Cheerios on her tray and she will entertain herself while I empty the dishwasher or fold laundry (ahem).
(See? No laundry in the background) |
Last night, Gianna started pulling up on her own. Bob was reading to the children, and he started calling for me. I walked into the living room, and there she was, pulling herself up on the chair arm, up and down, up and down, like she had been doing it since birth. Bob loved this new development, and was actually encouraging her to continue practicing this new skill. I reminded him that the next thing is walking. Are you ready for that? I'm not. I didn't get a photo of it because I was in a hurry to get the babies down for bed. Priorities!
May 21, 2011 |
Your daddy is helping you to develop too quickly! |
Have a happy weekend, and may your hair color not resemble any Disney Cars!
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