Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday by Mia Gianna

This morning I woke up and Daddy put my brother's Elmo slippers on my feet.  I think Elmo is da bomb!

Nevermind my bedhead

After naps, we went outside because Mommy and Daddy said it was a beautiful sunny, warm day.  I wore a sunhat and a pretty dress.

My brother worked on his car. Boys!

Daddy and I did push-ups in the shade.

Doing push-ups is exhausting! 

My brother did push-ups, too.  First, he ran around until one of his shoes fell off. And then he refused to put his shoe back on.  Boys!

Daddy tickled my brother. I think he was trying to distract Bode while he put his sneaker back on his foot.

Then Mommy said we had to go inside because she was worried I was getting too much sun.  Sometimes Mommy doesn't make sense. What happened to the "It's a beautiful sunny day, we should be outside"?  Anyway. I wore a pretty dress, but I did not wear the matching bloomers.  My rabbit, Hop, wore the bloomers instead. Doesn't Hop look pretty?  I think so.

Priscilla loves me.  I think she's the cat's meow, too.  By the way, that's just an expression. She's not a cat. She's really a dog! Or as I say, a "woof-woof."

 My brother played with his cars. Again. Boys!

While Mommy ran out to pick up dinner, Daddy gave my brother and I a bath and then put us in our jammies.  Daddy put me in my Christmas jammies.  He also put my diaper on backwards. When Mommy saw that my diaper was on backwards, she laughed and laughed.  But then she hugged Daddy and thanked him for getting us ready for bed "early." Whatever. She's still going to have to read us 3 night-night stories.
 Snaps don't go in the back, Daddy.

Mia Gianna

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