My blissful, happy Mother's Day came to a grinding halt in the evening. Earlier in the day, I was laughing to RWF about my mother's day card. Inscribed inside the card was something about putting my feet up and resting for the day. That afternoon, I was cleaning vomit off the floor at one time, changing poopy diapers, and then cleaning ketchup and juice off the floor another time. "Is this what the card meant, when it said to relax today?" I joked to RWF. But then, things got even more fun. On Mother's Day eve, I was in the ER from 10 PM to 4 AM.
First off: ALL IS WELL. Nobody is sick, injured or dying (thank God!). I have a raging UTI. If anyone has had one before, you know the fun involved. (I have had one before, and the experience is so positively burned into my conscious that I knew what was going on last night almost immediately. It is bizarre that I was so matter-of-fact and calm in the face of this, given my pregnant state. I am usually a hysterical wreck at the slightest twinge when I am pregnant.). I called my OB, explained that I was 99% sure I had a UTI, and was told to go to the ER. I hung up and cried to RWF, because the last thing I wanted to do was sit in an ER. He suggested that I call the OB back and explain that I knew the drill, and would be ever so grateful if she'd just prescribe some antibiotics. I called her back and was given a "Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Go straight to the ER. NOW." When I pressed her, she said that a test was absolutely necessary. So move it, move it, move it is what I did.
Anyone who has had the unfortunate experience of waiting forever in the ER understands what it was like for me last night. I won't go into the gory, gory details. Naturally, it took for-freaking-ever to be seen and checked out by the ER doctor, even though I was "expedited" given my 21 weeks pregnant status. When the results came back, I was not given a prize of any sort for self-diagnosing (even though I stated emphatically, "Look, I know what it is...if you could just expedite this somehow and give me an RX for antibiotics so that I can be on my way (because I really, really need to sleep....)"). No, the doctor said, your white cells are high. I am going to give you an IV with antibiotics right now. So I was prisoner, given some IV fluids and a 'push' of antibiotics. Then around 2:30 AM, I was given a bonus! blood test while the IV dripped dripped dripped. At 4AM I was released. The doctor told me to drink plenty of fluids. I know, I know, I said. I have been very lax about drinking water (usually I drink from a water bottle alllll day). He also advised that I need more calcium! "Your calcium levels are too low!" he scolded, "You need to eat more dairy." I find this surprising and laughable, because anyone who knows me knows that I am a true dairy queen. So to compensate, I ate a whole block of Cheddar today. No joke. And RWF needs to understand that Ben & Jerry's will be frequented more often - doctor's orders!
Today was even better! I was so sleep deprived and you know, that whole UTI thing (even though, God bless that IV of antibiotics!). I went to the drug store to fill a prescription bright and early this morning. I was pulling Bode out of the cart when the shopping cart tilted. My only reaction was to SCREAM as the cart (with Gianna and Bode held prisoner inside) came crashing down to the floor. I think every employee had gathered around us. The store manager was actually holding Gianna and kept asking me "Are you sure, are you sure everyone is okay?" as I checked Bode out. Of course the store manager was nervous. Gianna of course cried and cried but thankfully, is fine. Bode was the whole thing. I am just so thankful that neither of them were hurt. It wasn't the cart's fault, even though it was one of those smaller shopping carts that you don't see very often these days. It was a smaller-scale shopping cart to fit inside this tiny store. It was my own fault, because I was pulling Bode out of the cart and between my pulling him and his weight leaning on the cart, the whole damn thing just crashed over. I tried to break the fall with my leg, which was a mistake. I now have a twinge/strained feeling on my thigh/hip. My poor babies! What is sad is, my mother-in-law was warning me on Saturday about how I really shouldn't put Bode into shopping carts these days. She had warned me that I probably should be careful about Bode, and that is when I admitted that I was already having problems lifting him. Lesson learned (the hard way).
It was one of those, "Did that really happen?" experiences. I was shook up, and walked out of the store on jelly legs as I clutched Gianna in one arm and held Bode close to my leg with the other arm. I was very, very loving to them all afternoon. I am always loving toward my children but when something like that happens, I am always extra gentle and attentive.
The rest of the day passed in a fog. I was so tired from lack of sleep. And the constant rain did not help my fatigue. The babies were great, enjoying running around the house together and then getting outside for a time when the rain ceased briefly.
It was one of those, "Did that really happen?" experiences. I was shook up, and walked out of the store on jelly legs as I clutched Gianna in one arm and held Bode close to my leg with the other arm. I was very, very loving to them all afternoon. I am always loving toward my children but when something like that happens, I am always extra gentle and attentive.
The rest of the day passed in a fog. I was so tired from lack of sleep. And the constant rain did not help my fatigue. The babies were great, enjoying running around the house together and then getting outside for a time when the rain ceased briefly.
I am not complaining. Really! Sitting in the ER this morning, I couldn't help but be thankful for my health, my family's health, and the good services and resources that we have available to us when there is a need. The nurses were truly wonderful to me, and some of their own personal stories they shared made me that much more grateful for my little life. And for the wonderful people in my life!
RWF just called me and told me that he is going to be "very angry" if he gets home from work, and I'm not in bed sleeping. So, off to bed I go. :)
Happy Monday.
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