Dear Smiling Baby,
I am astounded that you are already 6 weeks. I will probably say this every week, expressing surprise at how fast time goes, and how quickly you've grown.
*You are smiling a lot lately, which is such a joy (and almost, almost makes the sleepless nights worth it).
*Your hands have turned into little tether-hooks; you grasp things tightly (blankets, my hair, etc.) and I have to pry your little fingers apart from things.
*Sleep? Eh. Not too bad. You might take a nap during the day, sometimes around 11 AM, or sometimes around 2 PM, and will snooze for 2 hours. At night, you have one solid 2-3 hour chunk, followed by 1 1/2-2 hour intervals of sleep, between long feeds (I'm catching up on tv shows!).
Happy 6 weeks, my love!
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