Yesterday was Gianna's first day of camp...ever! Bode was also at camp with her (he went last year).
Last night, I tried to prep her, by talking to her about what to expect, what to do in xyz situation(s), who would be there, etc. We also packed her camp bag, and I explained every item and what it was for so that she would know. (Note: this is only day camp). Finally, RWF whispered, "Knock it off." He thought that I was talking it up too much, and possibly getting her a little too excited (nervous). So I stopped, and put her to bed. Well of course, she couldn't go to sleep. I heard her later on, and went into her room to check on her. She was crying. She said that she wanted to be with me downstairs (stalling!). So I brought her downstairs and talked to her, about everything but camp. Finally, I told her that it was time to go to bed. She went without any resistance. But then, I couldn't sleep last night because I kept worrying about her and how she would do at camp.
Well! I wasted a LOT of time not sleeping last night, let me tell you.
Well! I wasted a LOT of time not sleeping last night, let me tell you.
Yesterday morning, as soon as I went to her to get her out of bed, she asked, "Where's my bag?" She was ready to go. We went through breakfast, getting sunscreen applied, getting dressed, etc. And on the drive over, she kept saying, "Bye, mommy, bye!" I would murmur, "Mmm hmmm...but I haven't dropped you off yet."
We got there, and after introductions and hanging her stuff up, she looked at me and said, "Bye, Mommy!" And she didn't look at me again. I walked downstairs with her and then she and Bode took off running. They didn't look back.
They had a blast, and when I picked them up, they didn't want to leave. Gianna kept screaming this high pitched shrieky scream whenever I asked her to do something in order to leave (put your sunscreen in your camp bag, put on your shoes, etc.). It was hurting my (and everyone else's) ears. I knew that she was over-tired. I asked Shawn, the camp instructor, "How did Gianna do?" Shawn blinked, and then looked apologetic, "Do you mean Mia? Am I supposed to be calling her Gianna?" I laughed. She continued, "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know. I was wondering why she was ignoring me and wouldn't even look at me!" Of course, my first thought was, as a nervous mother, thank goodness she wasn't yelling, "Mia, look out for that wild animal!" because Gianna would surely have perished at the hands of a....I don't know what...a gopher? a wild turkey? So I'm glad that we got her name sorted out!
But overall, success. Gianna loves camp. Bode loves camp. I have a few hours in the morning to myself (and Nico).
Kumbaya, my lord, kumbaya....
But overall, success. Gianna loves camp. Bode loves camp. I have a few hours in the morning to myself (and Nico).
Kumbaya, my lord, kumbaya....
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