In another attempt to be all Christmas-y, I told the children that we would visit Santa today. Bode and Gianna were so excited. They were bouncing around our house until Nico (finally!) woke up from his nap.
We get to the mall. (Note: eeek! This place is so gross. No joke. But in the name of Christmas, I went there.) The children's eyes were huge, taking in all the sights and lights, the Christmas decorations much to see! I never take my children to the mall (see previously written description of said mall) so this was like going to Disneyland for them (albeit the Disney version known as "skankytown").
We (finally) arrive at the center of the mall where Santa is sitting on his throne, amid some (empty) presents, ugly Poinsettias, and fake snow. Suddenly, Bode and Gianna are quiet and reserved. No longer are they hopping along like rabbits. They eye Santa warily. When our turn arrives, they stand back, and do not want to approach Santa. I walk ahead, with Nico in the stroller. I notice that Santa is on his cell phone. SERIOUSLY? I look at the photographer and say loudly, "It looks like Santa must be calling to check on his reindeer!" The photographer winks at me and says, "Yes, he's on the phone with Mrs. Claus!" I've had enough of this charade and turn back to Bode and Gianna. They stand back, eyes dull. "Okay, monkeys! Let's say hi to Santa!" By this time, Santa has gotten off his what I can only assume is a very important call and turns to my children. No, "Ho ho ho!" but he smiles and beckons them over. Bode walks up to him and Santa cuts right to the chase, asking Bode if he wants Batman for Christmas. Bode mumbles, "No," and stares at his feet while Santa asks him what he would like Santa to bring him. Meanwhile, Gianna is holding up the line behind us because she refuses to move an inch forward toward Santa. I wave her down and she shakes her head No. I walk back up the ramp to her and say in my most cheerful Mommy voice, "Come on, Gianna, Santa is waiting to say Hi to you!" But she isn't interested in meeting Santa. Santa's photographer tricks her to walk down by offering her a stuffed toy. But Gianna still won't go near Santa. They are waiting on taking the photo, trying to get Gianna to stand in the vicinity of Santa. No go. I don't care. I'm totally understandable about a child who is not keen on approaching a stranger masquerading as Santa Claus. I smile and say, "It's okay! Gianna doesn't have to be in the photo!" The photographer starts snapping photos of Bode, who is not smiling an authentic smile but trying. Nico is bored/tired/hungry but sits patiently on Santa's lap (I'll say it again: he is such a good baby, oh my god).
Santa's photographer and I meet at her laptop screen to view the photos she snapped. I just want to leave so I pick a photo where Bode is kind of smiling (and Nico looks...sick). By the time I sign the credit card slip, the photo is ready. I admire it with Bode as we walk out of Santa's "village" (in the middle of the mall). When Gianna sees the photo, she perks up and whispers, "I want a photo with Santa." I smile and say, "Of course, you do, sweetie" trying not to grit my teeth.
We make a small U-turn back to Santa. We stand in line for a few minutes. When the photographer sees us, she says, "Oh, back so soon!" I explain that Gianna is willing to give Santa a few minutes of her time for a quick photo op.
Gianna has her diva moment. She walks off when Santa tries to talk to her. When we suggest that she stands in front of everyone, she decides to stand off to the left, or off to the right, or just anywhere out of the camera's range. Gianna looks ticked off and annoyed, like, "Whose idea was this, anyway?" We use all sorts of toys, lights, and sounds to get her to Nothing worked.
I couldn't believe her.
I am not one to force my children to pose with Santa. But Gianna said that she wanted to (again), we waited in line (again), and we were going to get that photo! Okay, so I gave up and told the photographer to just find the best shot.
Merry Christmas from Mia Gianna, everyone:
I think I'll skip the visit to "Santa" next year.
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