Friday, March 21, 2014


Nico has not been feeling well these past 2 days.  A fever (and it appears to be only and weirdly a"fever") has been going through our house, starting with Bode, me, and then it  hit Nico.  Nico has been 'off' with this fever, and he is also teething. So this poor little baby has been dealing with a lot, not sleeping well, not eating much, and not feeling good.  He has not been smiling or laughing.  He's been wanting "Mama" a lot, and only wants me to hold him 24/7.  So this means I'm doing everything that I normally do, but I'm holding Nico on my hip while I do it.

Tonight, as per our usual routine, I was sitting and reading books with the babies before bed. We were all on the floor, and I was sitting between Bode and Gianna.  Nico started crying for me, and I stopped reading and told him nicely that I had to finish the story.  He got frustrated and struck Gianna.  And he looked at me while he was doing it. So he was clearly expressing his disapproval with my refusal to drop everything for him.  I paused, and since Gianna didn't even react to Nico's "hit," I looked at Nico and made a sad face.  "I'm sorry, Nico, I know that you're ready for bed. But we don't hit Gianna.  We love Gianna."  And I gave Gianna a kiss on the head (where Nico had hit her) and then I gave her a hug.  "We love Gianna," I repeated and kept my arm around her.

Nico watched me.  And then I resumed reading.  Then, he leaned over and 'fell' on Gianna to give her a hug.  It was so sweet. He just leaned on her and put his arms around her.  I said, "Yes! Love Gianna. We love Gianna!" I continued to 'love' Gianna.

Smiling at me, he continued hugging Gianna, and then he said, "Anna, Anna..." 

Yay! He said Gianna's name!  (Well, almost!)

"YES!" I cried, "Yes, this is Anna. GiANNA." I squished the two of them together, continuing my Anne-Sullivan-to-Helen-Keller style of teaching. "Anna," I repeated over and over, patting Gianna's head. "giANNA," I said, smushing them into a hug.

Then I leaned over and whispered to Gianna, "Do you hear what Nico is saying? He is saying your name! That is very special! You are a good sister. Nico loves you."

Of course Bode, Mr. Facts Only, pointed out that Nico really didn't say "GI-anna," but "Anna" (AHN-na, without the "gee").  I reminded him that Nico is learning how to speak and he's trying new words all the time.  [Also, technically, I think Nico already says Bode's name, but it's not as clear as "Anna" and I'm probably the only one that understands him! Nico already says Priscilla, "puh-duh-ya" and RWF & I think it is funny that Priscilla ranks higher on the scale than Bode and Gianna. And she has a harder name!]

Nico said her name a few more times, probably because I got so happy and encouraged him every time he said, "Anna."  Then we continued reading, and Nico laid down with his head resting on my legs.  I finished up quickly and then put everyone to bed. 

Hooray for Nico! Hooray for Gianna!

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