Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy Friday

This morning began with French toast and strawberries (made by Mommy), kisses (from Daddy), music & dancing (Bode and Mommy).

Someone asked, and yes, Gianna does wear Bode's old pajamas.  I saved everything of Bode's from day one (well, almost).  I love reusing his pajamas, and any other appropriate clothes, for Gianna.  It reminds me of when Bode was a baby, and I love "recycling" the clothes.  This is becoming a problem though.  I am saving all of Gianna's clothes, too.  So between the two of them, you can imagine that the amount of stuff is getting kind of crazy. Am I a candidate for that "Hoarders" show? Ack!  I am at a loss about this, so any advice is appreciated!

Gianna's breakfast: bananas, strawberries, hard-boiled egg, French toast

Dude, your head is huge!

Same noses!

We skipped our usual morning walk (sorry, Priscilla) and went to the park. We went to the Friday play date with Gianna's play group.  This time, we stayed in the sand lot, instead of joining the other babies on blankets in the grassy area. Gianna had to climb the play structure several times.  She is so mobile, and loves climbing stairs (yikes).  Bode friended a couple of boys with his construction trucks again (win).  And this cute little girl came over and played with him, too.  She was a cougar, that one...obviously older than Bode and a little fashion plate, to boot.  She looked right at him and asked, "Can I play, too?"  So sweet!

Barefeet! Ugh!

Gianna "lost" her socks somewhere between the car and the park.  She is always pulling them off. I was a bit self-conscious about my baby being shoeless & sockless at the park.  But I didn't have any extras. I had to just watch her like a hawk. Nothing new there!  Bode insists on pushing Gianna in her stroller. This means it takes us twice as long to get anywhere. But I let him do it, because it is important to him.  And this is what I keep repeating to myself, "It is important to him, it is important to him..."  No matter how excrutiatingly long, no matter how frustrating, it is important to him!

Here are some pics from yesterday's park excursion. Gianna is trying to keep up with her brother.

Check out the rubberbands on her wrists! Love! Nom, nom.

I am looking forward to a run and some solo time this weekend.  What about you, any plans?
Happy Friday!

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