Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mia Gianna: 17 months

Dear Gianna,
In your 16 month, you endured a lot of changes. I think your daddy would say that you "thrived" through the travel and changes.  I would say that you have endured the changes of the move (not that you  had much choice) but you did get very clingy over the past couple of months.  You always want me to hold you!  Not that I am complaining (except when I need to cook dinner, or you know, use my hands for something).  I am enjoying this "baby" part of you as I am not at all anxious for you to become the independent toddler I know that you will be soon.

And you are becoming independent.  Now that you are a walker, you will just take off in any direction you want.  Isn't being able to walk the best?  I know that you are enjoying this newfound freedom (except when  the rest of your family is walking faster and ahead of you).

I think the funniest thing you do lately is allowing your daddy to kiss you.  When he comes home from work, or walks into the room, you lean your head forward so that he can kiss it.  It is like you are the queen offering your hand so that your subject can kiss your ring. 

You broke from teething tradition and now have a giant back toofy (a molar?).  So you have three front teeth on bottom, two on top, and this big tooth in the back.  I don't know what is going to pop out next, because you don't seem to follow the typical pattern.  

You are a terrific napper and sleeper.  Dare I say that???  But you are...even with all the changes, after a brief hiccup on schedule, you get right back into the sleep mode.  You still love your Penguin and bring him to sleep with you always.

When I mention to Bode that we are going out, or going "bye-bye,"  you will run and get your shoes.  You bring them to me, drop them on the floor, and then sit down so that I can put your shoes on your feet.  

You still love taking a bath more than anything.  Sometimes I have to "Shhh!" Bode because he will mention taking a bath around dinner time.  If you hear the word "bath," you start saying, "BAAAA! BAAA!" over and over.  If you are able to, you'll run to the bathroom and stand by the bathtub, announcing, "BAAA! BAAA!" You love taking a bath and God forbid if someone says the word before I am ready to give you a bath.

You are very loving and seem to be exhibiting typical "caretaker" roles, like playing with dolls, that are common with little girls. It really surprises me to witness this behavior coming out.  And I only attribute it to being a girl because Bode never showed any signs of "caretaker" or "loving" behavior.   If you are given a stuff animal, you will say, "Baby" and then give the baby a hug.  You will carry a baby around and pat it on the back while you carry it.   You are more interested in dolls and stuffed animals than cars or blocks.   You like blowing kisses, too.

Sadly, you are still not interested in reading.  I have tried reading to you in different settings, at different times, with and without Bode present.  In all cases, you show no interest in following a story.  Last night, I was reading a book to you and Bode at the dinner table, and Bode was absolutely engrossed in the story and pictures.  I looked over at you, and you were looking off in the distance, as if you were imagining what your future prom dress might look like.   Gianna, we are readers in this family and we expect you to enjoy reading!  

You do love music and will "dance" or sway while listening to it.  You still love clapping, and think it is quite the party when we all clap together. 

Happy 17 months, my lovely girl.

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