Sunday, January 15, 2012


Post-dinner baba while lounging in mommy's arms

We had a very chill weekend.  We spent our time lounging indoors or outside enjoying the sun.  Bode did go skiing with RWF, but that was the only activity that was done outside our homestead this weekend.  We usually go out to dinner on the weekends.  Not this time. I cooked and enjoyed my family sitting around our dinner table together.

I absolutely adore Gianna's body. All babies have adorable bodies, right? But right now, Gianna's body is especially adorable. She's got a little sumo wrestler body with thick thighs and a belly. And sometimes she evens squat-walks like a sumo wrestler. She is my little Jesse. I love it! I would post pictures but you know that she would hurt me if she found out.  Instead, check out this profile:

RWF called her Khloe Kardashian. Naturally, Gianna screamed at  him.

I don't know if it was the wicked cold weather (3 degrees when we woke up this a.m.) or what, but everyone was relaxed and content to stay together.   Looking back, I think Bode spent most of the weekend in his pajamas? I was too lazy to fight it.

Watching the Orange! Gianna was lounging in my lap when I took this pic

Even my amaryllis and paperwhites are lazy:

We exerted ourselves a little bit outside.  And by "we," I mean me and RWF.  Those little crumb snatchers were content to stay bundled on their sleds while we ran around the yard, pulling them like work horses.  Bode got the better horse because RWF can run very fast.  I loved watching Bode giggle like a loon as RWF ran faster and faster.  Then, RWF would let go and Bode would go flying past him.  It was fun for me to watch, and I'm sure more fun being on the sled. Gianna got stuck with the old grey mare who trudged slowly through the snow.

Do you have the MLK holiday off?  I don't.  I have two bosses who expect me bright and early tomorrow morning.  I am pretty sure that I won't get off  from work early, either. 
Happy Monday.

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