Sunday, April 1, 2012

21 and 42 months

Dear Bode and Gianna,
I am combining this letter because I am lazy exhausted. I don't see how or when I will write two separate, "you are [x] months" letters tonight (or even this week). 

Bode, you amaze us every day with your intelligence, conversation skills, and your happiness. You have entered preschool without a hitch. I think you were more than ready for school. But I'm glad that we waited until you were (more than) ready.  I can rest easy knowing that we did the right thing, because you are enjoying it so much. You still love cars (and all things "Cars") more than anything. You'll spend hours playing with cars all by yourself.  Sometimes you will invite me to play along with you. But you don't let me choose my car. No, you must choose who I can be.  Every night before getting into bed, you pick out anywhere from 3-40 cars that will sleep with you. Sometimes you know exactly what cars will sleep with you. Other times, you stand in front of your toy bins and study the cars for awhile, carefully and deliberately picking up a car and putting it into your bed, one by one. To you, it is a very serious task. I try really hard not to giggle when you do this choosing. It is so cute to watch. You also love riding your bike outside. I hate to say it, but your Skuut has a short life ahead of it. You have outgrown it, and it's time to move onto a big boy bike.  You're my little sous-chef in the kitchen. Sometimes you help me make dinner, and other times, you will help me make a sweet treat (that, unbeknownst to you, you may or may not be able to enjoy).  Every night ends with books and reading together. I am so happy that we have kept this ritual through the years, and I hope that it lasts your lifetime. 

Gianna, you've had a rough couple of months in the medical department. Well, not exactly rough. It was rough, emotionally and mentally, on me and your father. You were completely oblivious to most of the drama.  And I'm happy to report that you're doing just fine. You are such a sweet baby. You love us all, and always have a smile to share.  You are still a huge meat eater.  These days, you love steak best. I  can't stand the smell, but if it makes you happy, then I will make it.  Every day, at every meal, I put a vegetable and fruit on your plate, just hoping that you'll try it (and eat it).  Most of the time, when you try something, you spit it out dramatically. "Psssffffft!" you'll sputter, and Daddy & I  try really hard not to laugh. Then you return to your meat and enjoying your meal. You still love bath time. Right now, you love pouring water over your head. You think it's such a gas, and you'll laugh and laugh (always looking at me to make sure that I'm watching you). You still love Penguin and sleep with him every night. But now you've added Hop to the nighttime ritual. Most mornings, Penguin and Hop eat breakfast with you, and you always feed them both a little bit of food. It is fun to watch you take care of your lovies. When I am getting ready in the morning, you love to be in the bathroom while I am showering. Sometimes you will sit right at the foot of the shower door and just wait for me to finish. When I put lotion on, I always have to give you some to put on your body. You also brush your teeth and hair along with me when I do mine.  It is our little ritual, and I think it is so funny what has taken your interest. The most exciting change in you is your interest in reading. It all started with one book.  And ever since that one book, we now read together every day and every night. It makes me so happy to see you sitting by yourself, flipping the pages of a book. I love that you are now a part of my & Bode's bedtime reading club. I've written about it several times, but I love that we all pile into my bed after a bath, and read together before bed. It seems like every day you are adding a new word to your vocabulary.  This week, you started saying, "Bode" clear as a bell.  Bode loves to quiz you on words, often asking, "Can you say [word], Gianna?" and you'll repeat [word] back to him.  It is fun having such a sweet brother, isn't it?

Speaking of your sweet brother, he loves to get you up from your nap and sleep.  He gets really upset if I go into your room without him. He loves to open the door first, and be the first smiling face you see.  This afternoon, you two had a post-nap party in your crib. You both jumped on your bed and sang songs, laughing when you fell down together.  It reminded me of a time not long ago, when you were a baby and he was a little older than you are now:

And today:

Happy 21 and 42 months, my babies. You make me so happy.

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