Friday, August 31, 2012

Bode Wm: 47 months and Mia Gianna: 25 months

Here's the monthly recap for Bode Wm. and Mia Gianna. The changes are many but hard to remember. I think I need to take daily notes! (I do, mentally, but then when I sit down to write it out, I've forgotten). I'm putting my random thoughts down anyway. I imagine that after this month's recap, I won't be able to write them for awhile.


Dear Bode,

You are definitely growing up and are a big boy, but you have got to stop looking so much like your daddy:

Okay, this is better:

Even better:

Today I was surprised when I looked down and saw that your feet actually can touch the ground when you are in the swing.  Suddenly, you are a long-limbed, energetic little running man.  I need to remember that you're soon to be 4, and need to be given free reign to run and play. You enjoy running up to random kids in the park and saying, "Hey guys..." You are all-inclusive and fun. 

Your new expression is, "I have no idea" as in when I ask you how the play room got so messy, you'll reply, "I have no idea how it got so messy." When I got lost driving to the park yesterday, I muttered to myself, "How in the world did I get so lost?"  and you answered from the back seat, "I have no idea how you got lost, Mommy."

You are remembering your dreams more and more. You'll sit at breakfast and say, "I am starting to dream about lions, Mommy" and then you'll tell me a scary dream about lions roaming the streets and eating cars. Sometimes you seem to be lost in your own little world of make-believe. You have these long narratives about a car, a planet or a skeleton (and honestly, I have a hard time following you). You're currently fascinated with planets. You sing the "Planets" song daily, if not hourly.

You are incredibly sweet. When someone in our family is upset, you're quick to give a hug and a kiss.  In fact, tonight, Gianna picked out this book to read. I knew it was mistake to even try to read it. I've never been able to read this book without crying.  But I started reading it, and immediately, I couldn't complete the words and my eyes were filled with tears.  I said, "I'm sorry, but I can't read this book."  Gianna was in my lap and not facing me.  You looked over at me, and your face became concerned. You immediately hugged me and gave me a kiss.  I sat there and cried, and then your eyes welled up with tears, which made me cry more.  I told you, through gaspy sobs,  that I was okay. I told you that this was a happy story and it made Mommy cry happy tears, because she is happy to be a mommy like the mommy in the book. I told you the story about how Aunt Melinda sent me this book when I was pregnant with you.  How I opened it in the kitchen in our house in California and non-chalantly thought, "Oh, a book for the baby. How nice." I started reading it and suddenly was on my knees, crying. It was really a book for me. I knew then what I had suspected as soon as I was pregnant with you: that motherhood would take me on an emotional journey every day.  That I would never be the same after I met you. 
I can think of a million more cliched lines about having you as my wonderful boy. But I'll stop now.   Happy-soon-to-be-4-years-old, my sweet boy.

Dear Gianna,
You are now officially 2, and you now tell people that you are 2 when they ask. You love your brother immensely.  You repeat every little thing that your brother says.  You are his adoring mimic (you know all the words to the "Planets" song, too).  You are his side-kick in the playroom, at the park, in the yard, in the tub...everywhere. 

You are testing boundaries (because you are, after all, 2) and love to tell me "No."  You think it's funny to run in the other direction when I'm coming toward you.

You hate having your hair brushed. But you love putting on lotion, washing your hands, and brushing your teeth. You are still very opinionated about what you will (and will not) wear.

Your favorite question is, "What's dat?" because you want to know about everything that you see. I forget how much there is still for you to learn.

I forget what a baby you still are, because you pretty much hang with your older brother Bode like you two are the same age.  But then there are times when you say, "Carry me, Mommy" or you simply want to sit in my lap. Or you simply ask, "What's dat?" and I'm reminded again that you are still my baby girl.

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