I can't even begin to write about this being my last pregnancy, much less my last day being pregnant! I am emotional. It is better to just focus on facts and details. Here is a journal of sorts, detailing this day, September 17:
Today started out early. Bode Wm was at my bedside around 6:15 AM. He has been getting up early for the past week. RWF has been great about taking Bode outside for a walk, or play, and then later, making him breakfast. But this morning, the duty fell on me. At first, I grumbled about losing my 'last' day to 'sleep in' but then I thought of it as an opportunity to get a jump-start on the day, and enjoy every minute with my babies.
First, breakfast with Bode.
Somehow, he acquired the iPad? |
After dropping Bode off at school, Gianna and I ran some errands. First stop: Starbucks. I scored a pumpkin scone, so I was very, very happy (they were out every single time I went there this weekend!).
She is 'at home' at Starbucks - obviously. |
At Starbucks, I noticed that Gianna's bangs were a little long. I thought, "It's now or never." So we made a quick trip to our favorite kids' hair salon, Snip-its. Gianna likes getting her hair trimmed.
After running errands (oh, so much last-minute stuff! and I still didn't get it all done!), I stayed at home with my babies. I wish I could say that I played with them, but I really just prepped dinner and put laundry away. I was preoccupied and trying to get things done. I waited all afternoon for a call from the hospital to tell me when to arrive for the c-section. After the hospital (finally) called, I felt like I could focus on other stuff again. RWF came home from work a little early. He took the children outside to play. I was cooking dinner and remembered that I wanted some last pregnancy/family of 5 pics taken. Bode happily took my iPhone from me and snapped some shots. RWF took some, too. Nobody looks particularly happy in these photos, but I am glad that we have them.
Photo by Bode |
I made dinner tonight. I think this is the first night-before-c-section that I've made dinner. The other two times, we had take-out. With Bode, we had burritos from Whole Foods (yum) and with Gianna, we had Chipotle (yum). I made chicken curry with basmati rice. Everyone enjoyed it and ate it all (no left-overs!). I was very happy when everyone asked for seconds and finished the whole meal. It is funny how stuff like that (my family enjoying a meal) can make my whole day seem complete and worthwhile.
After baths, we read stories. Bode and Gianna dictated what we would read, and who would read what story. I was instructed to read, "I'm a Big Sister!" and RWF was instructed to read, "I'm a Big Brother!"
I talked to the babies a little bit about tomorrow. I found myself getting emotional when I told them that I wouldn't be here in the morning when they woke up. I tried to focus on the positive, "Tomorrow, J. will be here! Won't that be fun! And, tomorrow, you'll be a big sister and a big brother!" I hate to think about not being around for my babies. I know it is for a good reason (ha) and that it is only for a few days. But I get a lot of anxiety when I'm faced with situations where I am away from my children (which is why I am up late writing this post).
After the babies went to bed, I made another chicken curry and a lasagna. I want my family to have stuff to eat while I am away!
Mmm...lasagna! |
And that is my last day as a pregnant woman/mother/wife. It flew by. And I mean, the entire pregnancy flew by as well as today. I'm excited and anxious for tomorrow.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers, good wishes and thoughts! I enjoyed hearing from everyone!