Friday, January 25, 2013

It's Friday, I'm in love

Hooray! It's Friday! 

I'm in love with this baby (duh).

I'm in love with this boy who is really in love with LEGOs.

I'm  in love with this little chickie who has been so sick this week but always manages to be her sweet little self, no matter how crummy she feels.  Seriously? Where does all the snot come from? I didn't get any pics of her close up this week because she always had a snotty nose. (You're welcome.)

I'm in love with this boy's smile.  It is so beautiful, just like he is (on the inside and outside).

This week, we have been battling sickness and the cold temperatures. Bode and Gianna have both been sick with snotty noses, sore throats and just lack of energy. I've been battling lack of sleep and lack of  patience.  I think Nico is battling teething because he is drooling like crazy and biting.  I have the best babies, because through it all, they maintain good attitudes.  I have a lot to learn from them!

Happy Friday.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Go West, young man

Bode was feeling well enough to go skiing today with his dad.  I have missed seeing my little guy ski this winter.  Before they left, I asked RWF to take some snaps of Bode for me.  Somebody took these snaps of RWF and Bode today. I can see in the snaps that Bode isn't feeling that hot.

Skiing West Mountain

RWF actually took a video of Bode skiing for me. It was a lot of fun for me to watch.  RWF took the video on Bode's last run, and you can tell that Bode is just whipped. He crashes into RWF, which is kind of funny...  I will try to post it later.

What are your plans for MLK?  Bode and Gianna are trading sniffles, so we're laying low.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

It's Friday, I'm in love*

It's Friday, and I'm in love with:

Babies in cozy sweater sets:

Sun-lit baby eyes that make me think of Weimaraner puppies:

Image taken from Google search

(I love Weimaraners, too.)

I love this little girl who loves dresses so much.  It was 7 degrees when she got up, but she insisted on wearing this cute little frock.

She added the green tutu herself.  And about an hour later, she finally agreed that it was probably a tad too chilly to wear this dress  (and bare legs).

I love this baby wearing hand-me-downs.  I just adore pulling out old baby clothes and toys for Nico. It is so fun to revisit the memories, and I love the idea of reusing these loved items.

I'm in love with Gianna's entourage.  They all aren't always with her. But at least half are in her vicinity throughout the day.  At night, we have to quickly round everybody up for bedtime.  If, after (finally) tucking Gianna into bed, we leave someone out, Gianna will suddenly remember, "Oh! Where is [x]? I need [x]!" and the hunt begins.

From left to right, they are: Penguin (the original gifted by my mother when Gianna was about 5 months old), Penguin (a back-up I ordered online before we left for Berlin in 2012), Hop-hop (a gift from Aunt Deb in Pittsburgh when Gianna was a newborn, named by Gianna and sometimes (now) called, "Mommy"), baby (a gift from Aunt Dawnie that's been around since about 3 months, no name), Christmas baby (a gift from Santa in Gianna's stocking in 2012), Leila (a 2013 Christmas gift from Nana, and not named by Gianna but Pottery Barn), Amy (2013 Christmas gift from Santa, named by yours truly), Kristi (2012 Christmas gift from Nana, named by yours truly) (I named Amy and Kristi because Gianna asked me to name those babies. At the time, I drew a blank on names, but then thought of what made me think of love, my two dear friends Amy and Kristi came to mind), Nico (a gift from Aunt Claudia, named by Gianna), and Brooke (gifted by Grandma when Gianna was about 3 months old, and the doll was much bigger than her and I had a hard time imagining that Gianna would ever be bigger than this doll, named by Bode).

Bode Wm. is sick, and Gianna is headed in that direction, too. So we will stay home and stay cozy until everyone is on the mend.
Happy weekend.

*It's a "Friday Love" but I didn't post it until Saturday.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Ladybug is back! This is Bode's first love, and true friend.  When Bode was working on tummy time as a baby, when he was out and about, when he was learning to sleep, she was there. She was always there!  She's a loyal friend, always encouraging and smiling.  She always says, "I love you, Bode! You're the best baby ever! Ever!"  

So when I pulled Ladybug out for Nico, guess who was right there, ready to stake claim to his girl?  Bode loves it when I tell him stories about (his) clothes that Nico is wearing, baby gear, and of course, when I pull out old baby toys.  I told Bode and Nico all about Ladybug this morning. I told them how loyal she is to Bode, because she thinks that he is "the BEST baby, ever!"  And then we talked about how (maybe) Ladybug could keep Nico company while he does tummy time.  

Bode asked me if Nico was "working" and I explained to him that tummy time is his exercise. We talked about how we all have to do exercises to get stronger. 

And then I went into the kitchen, and with my back to them, I stuffed a cookie in my mouth. 

It's all about survival.

It's been a rough week at our house, sleep-wise.  Every night, Bode (and Nico, of course) gets up for some reason or another.  And it's always dramatic and loud when Bode gets up in the middle of the night, which means I'm scrambling to act quickly in my sleep fog to get to him before he wakes the whole house.  But last night was really hard.  Everybody got up at one point. First, Bode was up. Then Nico got up for a feeding. And then Gianna was up.  I went up to her room at 3:12 A.M. and she smiled brightly and announced, "I AWAKE!"  After I got her settled down again, it was time for Nico to wake for a feeding. Good times.
Happy Thursday.
* I changed this post title from "That Girl is Mine," to "Ladybug" because I couldn't stand to have a reference to a cheesey Michael Jackson/Paul McCartney song....even though that song was the original post title...because that song was stuck in my head all day. (ugh)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Taking care of my baby

I'm re-thinking this 5 kids thing.  Maybe God is right - maybe 3 kids is enough!  :)

I love torturing RWF whenever the topic of pregnancy comes up (always by moi). "What if we have one more?" I ask (only half-joking).

Then there is the reality of three children, and one stay-at-home mommy.  I have very little attention to give to each child, especially because I'm busy with the baby.  And then there are the other "important" things like 3 meals a day,  clean floors, clean beds and clean bathrooms (at the minimum).  I wish I could carve out more time for each child. I tell myself that it will happen. It will happen.

There have been many mornings when I've dropped Bode off and Gianna has cried all the way home. "I ready for skool, Mama. I want to go!"  It breaks my heart.  Technically, she could go to preschool at 2.  But I was not ready to put her into school. I want her to stay at home with me for as long as possible. My thinking is, she will only be home with me for a short time. And then she'll be in school for the rest of her days. I know that socially, she is ready for school. She will make (much needed) friends and learn (hopefully) how to share, play well with others, etc.  But I think of the little time that I have left with her, just her and me (and Nico), and I am in no rush. Even if that means that she spends her "alone time" with me following me around the house while I take care of Nico and straighten the house. 

RWF and I have been talking about how we can carve out special time for Gianna. She really is the "middle child" right now.  Bode does everything outside the home (because of his age) and Nico gets all the attention (because of his age and lack of mobility/independence...ha!).

I finally found a class at the YMCA that is geared toward toddlers aged 2-3.  It is an exercise/games type class that is one hour, one morning a week.  The timing is perfect because Bode is in school on that morning. This is a big deal to me and to Gianna. For Gianna, it's special because she finally gets to do something fun on her own. (It wasn't our intention to leave her out of the fun.  She's just too young for most organized sports and classes.) For me, it alleviates some guilt about Bode getting to do "everything" (school, ski, and soccer).  And it gives me a small window of time outside the house where I can play with  Gianna.  Nico is (usually) content to sit in his stroller during the class.

Yesterday I took Gianna to her special "toddler fun" class at the Y.  It was going well, until she started losing interest. I could tell because she walked off in the middle of a game (ha!).  I walked over to her and asked her to join the game. She said, "I have to go potty."  Oh boy.  I ran over to Nico's stroller and grabbed our shoes and bag.  I took her hand while wheeling Nico out of the gymnasium.  I spotted the ladies locker room and opened the door for Gianna.  I used my foot as a doorstop and, with one hand, pushed the stroller through the doorway while keeping the door propped open (if you've ever done this, you know that it's not easy). We walked into the locker room and women were in various stages of dress. I wheeled the stroller straight to the back where I vaguely remembered that showers and restrooms were situated.  (It's been a LONG time since I've worked out here!)  I did sense that we weren't welcome in there.  (Pay attention! This is called foreshadowing!) The area between the dressing room and the bathroom stalls was small.  I didn't know where to park the stroller so I parked it as close as I could, but without it being too close to the bathroom stalls (euuw).  I helped Gianna with her clothes, and put her on the seat.  And then I stood there, halfway in the stall, halfway out of the stall. I needed to watch both children. And then Gianna was updating me on her status, and my attention was turned completely on her.  Suddenly, I heard someone say, "Excuse me,"  I turned and there was a woman THISCLOSE to me. I startled and she half-hissed, half-whispered, "You can't bring children into here."  I blinked.  She continued, "The women don't like it."  I took a deep breath and said, "And I'm sure the women remember how hard it can be to HOLD IT when you have to GO....especially when you are 2 and a HALF years old." Then the lady said, "I'm sorry, (ed: not sounding at all "sorry") but there is a family restroom next door."   The lady had already walked off, having gotten that off of her chest.  And left me feeling....scolded. And young.  And wrong.  Here I am, a grown woman with 3 children, and I felt like a child!  Then I felt more anger at that lady. The nerve!  As we were leaving, I could not help myself. I took Gianna's hand, and while leading her out of the dressing room, I could not resist saying in a louder-than-normal voice, "Come on, Gianna, the ladies don't like it when little girls use this restroom." (Now who is really juvenile? But I couldn't help myself.)

One lady was walking in, and held the door open for us.  And then I remembered, a long time ago, when we were given the tour of the facilities, how the YMCA representative had stressed that there was a family restroom and locker room, and we needed to use that when our children were present.  Ooops. 

If you're ever out in public, and see a person walking with children and/or a stroller trying to enter a building, please hold the door open for her/him! It will take a minute out of your busy day, and it will help her/him immensely.  Thank you.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Nico: 4 months

Dear Nico,
I enjoy you so much.  I love holding you and exchanging smiles. I love holding you a little bit too much. I tend to hold you long after you've fallen asleep in my arms, studying your beautiful features and just enjoying your little weight in my lap. 

Even though you are my third baby, I can't seem to get the nail trimming right.  You often have red marks on your face and head from your little razor-sharp nails.  I feel so bad when I find that you've scratched yourself again. Those nails just seem to grow (and sharpen) overnight.  I'm trying to do better!

This past week, you've gotten so loud!  You have this "Tarzan" yell that you do and it is hilarious (and, might I repeat, LOUD).   The "Tarzan" yell usually occurs when you are getting a diaper change. 

You are such a wonderful addition to our little family.  Your brother Bode adores you, and he will stop whatever he is doing to comfort you if you cry.  Gianna is a baby like you, a little older, but still a baby. She is very sweet to you, and will apologize quickly in her sweet little girl voice ("I sowwy, Nico") whenever she (accidentally) hurts you.  You two travel together in the car, side by side.  You've gotten much better about the car seat (thank you) and don't scream/cry as much in the car. 

Now, Daddy has three babies to tickle and love when he comes home from work.  The other night, he had you all in a row, assembly-line style, and tickled each of you, over and over.  You enjoyed the tickling as much as your brother and sister. It was...perfect.

We are a busy, happy little bunch and so glad that you are with us.  Happy 4 months to my love!

Friday, January 11, 2013

It's Friday, I'm in love

It's Friday, and I'm in love with...

my little girl eating peanut butter toast in the morning.

I'm in love with...

my little girl trying to reach and do things "by myself."

I'm in love with...

little girl braids and...

my little girl loving books.

I'm in love with...

brothers wearing "sib shirts."

I'm in love with...

a big brother who narrates his car adventures to baby brother while Mommy is busy in the other room.

I'm in love with...

a boy who insists on staying in his pajamas alllll day.

Happy Friday.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Here is Nico hanging out with his big brother Bode and his faithful companion P in the playroom on a sunny Saturday afternoon.

Happy weekend.