I've decided that I need to enjoy this time with Gianna for as long as she is at home. It is not easy to carve out time to do something with her. After we drop Bode at school, I am usually feeding Nico, changing Nico, or moving Nico in tummy time, etc. And when I am not doing that, I'm trying to clean up, do laundry, or something equally boring and mundane.
It seems like every night, my constant lament is, "Oh, Gianna is growing so fast," or, "Oh, she is really missing me, I can tell!" I have minimized how hard having a new baby has been on Gianna.
On Monday, I thought, "Why am I trying so hard to keep the house neat when I have this adorable, lovable baby girl right here in front of me?"
I decided that we needed to do more things together. We may not be able to get out and do things, but that is no reason to not do something. So I made up a plan: Mondays, we will bake or cook something (make a soup, prep dinner, etc). Tuesdays, we have the toddler program at the Y. Wednesdays, we will craft or run an errand. When the weather is nicer and Nico is a little bigger, maybe we will be able to do more things outside the house.
Yesterday, we made marshmallow treats. I wanted to bake cookies with Gianna, but thought it might take too much time. I never know how much of a "window" I have with Nico, so I needed something simple and quick.
It was the perfect "intro to baking" for my 2 1/2 year old sweetie. We had a lot of fun together. And she loved eating what we made.
Last night, she was so excited about going to the toddler program at the YMCA. When I tucked her in, she said, "Tomorrow, I go to Y." This morning, when I went into her room to get her dressed, she said, "Yay! I go to Y!" She reminded me all morning. When we dropped Bode off at school, she said, "I go to Y!" Later, when I was on the phone with RWF, she interrupted, "Are you done yet, Mommy? I go to Y!" She was not going to let me forget to take her to the Y! It was pretty funny. We did go, and she had fun playing "basketball" with the boys (She is the only girl in the class right now. This poor girl can not get away from boys!) (sigh).
Tomorrow, I will try to fit in a quick art project with Gianna. Or, I'd like to get her bangs trimmed. We will try to fit in something fun. Hopefully, this mommy will stick to her plan. I think it will be beneficial for both of us!
Happy Tuesday.
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