The following is a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT for the people of Upstate New York:
Here are Cheeksy and Eyelashes McGee, two brothers that are fun, happy, charming and...dangerous. Not a lot is known about them, but here are a few interesting tidbits about these two:
Cheeksy is the older of the two. He is called "Cheeksy" because of his big smile. When he was a baby, he'd smile so big, all you'd see were cheeks ("Cheeksy"). He is a happy guy, and loves cars and to run around. These days, he is often seen riding his bike at full speed. He is full of energy, and can be heard singing or shouting (happily). He is very intelligent, and will argue a point with you until he wears you down. He loves his brother, and will defend him in anything. He calls his brother by these other names: "Neek" (rhymes with "cheek") and "Bobby Builder" (origin of this name is unknown, but Cheeksy is said to have called his brother this name since Eyelashes's birth).
Eyelashes is the baby brother, but don't let his age fool you. This guy is quite the charmer, and can get what he wants with his smile, grunting, or yes, by batting his ultra-long eyelashes. The eyelashes are quite disarming, because you don't see them right off. But if he moves his head just so, BAM! there they are, and passerby are struck by the length of his blonde lashes (hence, "Eyelashes" or "Lashes"). It has been reported that when he was just 3 months old, his aunt came from Texas to meet him, and upon seeing his profile in the car, said, "All I see are eyelashes." To express his disapproval, Lashes will blow raspberries. Eyelashes doesn't say much, but that does not stop him from taking what he wants. He will even go as far as to cry to get what he wants. You have been warned!
People are warned to not engage in direct eye contact with these brothers. If Cheeksy or Lashes starts to smile, please look away! Associating with these two brothers has resulted in loss of Goldfish crackers, sweets, water (due to frequent baths or swimming pool fun), and loss of energy (due to pushing them on swings and endless rounds of "Peek-a-boo").
It is important for the public to know that they do not usually dress alike. Do not be lulled into a false sense of security, thinking that you will see these two coming because they stand out in their matching outfits. They will disarm you with their smiling, happy faces and you will never even notice what they are wearing!
The brothers also have a sister, who has her own charms about her. She is kind of bossy, in a sweet way. She may in fact be the "mastermind" behind the whole crew. She is known for her pink outfits and messy hair. She is not a fan of the hairbrush, and so may sport a rather messy hairdo, despite being "girly." She has several aliases. Some of them are: "Cakes" (or, "Babycakes"), "G" (when she is particularly sassy around her father), or "The MiaGia." Her mother has tried to call her by her given name, Mia, for years, with no success. A separate report will follow when more is learned on the female sibling of the Brothers McGee.
Vey very cute. Thanks!!!