Dear Nico,
Wow - you are now a year and a half old. That is amazing because it feels like you've been with us forever, and have only been here for a year and a half. And you have done so much in that year and a half!
Your most favorite thing to do these days is to go outside and splash in the puddles. We have many puddles to splash around here, and you think it's the bomb! Your favorite place is at Bode and Gianna's school because there are really big, really deep puddles in the woods. Every morning, along with your brother and sister, you put on rain gear: rain jacket, rain pants and rain boots. You love it. "Boot? Boot? BOOOOT!" you'll demand once Bode and Gianna start gearing up. "Yes, sir!" I reply as I sit down with you on the kitchen floor, and begin the very official business of putting on your rain gear and boots. You also love being outside. We play in the backyard every day. You might say, "Outside? Outside?" to make sure that I know where we are going. "Yes, sir!" I reply and take you out the door.
We started swim lessons a few weeks ago. You could leave it, I think. But you are such a good sport, and put up with the changing of clothes, the cold water, and the (stupid!) water games that we play with your teacher. You don't like being handed off to your swim teacher. You'll cry for a minute, but then, stop, and just put up with it (her) until you're handed back to me. I put you in swim lessons because I had a nightmare. And now that the horror of this nightmare has faded, I'm ready to ditch the swim lessons, too. I don't like the cold, the wet, and the bother for either of us. So once this class is over, we won't be back. We won't be back until you decide that you're ready, or when you're a little bit older and can deal with the cold, and verbalize things better.
You enjoy all the B word things and say them so well: balls, bagels, books (flipping through them by yourself, pulling them off the shelf, or throwing them), bites (yogurt bites), baths, and babies! Your vocabulary is great - thank you, sibs!!! You have two great teachers who love to play with you, and their chatter is a constant lesson to you. I can only imagine how much your brain "records" throughout the day.
You are starting to carry cars around in your little hands. You go, "Brrrm! Brrrm!" to make car noises. You'll watch cars go on the road, and repeat, "Brrrm!" Cars are what you play with when I am cooking, or when you have a minute to yourself. You'll drag them across the floor, or push them violently away to make them "go" but they'll skitter and crank across the floor, because you don't have the coordination yet to have them "glide" across the floor.
Your little personality is wonderful. You are such a happy guy, and you smile easily. I think that you're going to have a very easy, mellow temperament. I hope so, as this will serve you well in life!
We have started a parent-child class this week. It is a mixed aged class and there are two baby girls in there who are 6 months. You really enjoyed squatting in front of these babies and just smiling at them. It's pretty funny to watch. There are also some older children in the class (2 years), too, and I'm not anxious for you to pick up new skills from them! I want you to stay just the way you are right now. Yesterday, we had a little talk. I asked you, "Nico, will you please stay like this at 18 months for awhile?" and you said, "Okay." You said it so easily, so readily and I was happy that we had an agreement. But a second later, I realized that I did not define "awhile" and therefore, even though we had an agreement, you could easily grow, and become 19 week.
But most of all, you love me! You and me, baby, we are so close. I understand what you are saying, and what you want/need more easily than anyone. You want me before anyone else. And I love it that way. At nap time, or at night, when you wake up, it's almost a curse, because you cry, "Mama, mama..." and Daddy will joke, "He's calling for you." When I have a baby sitter watch you and your siblings, you get so sad. You'll cry and cry. And I'll cry inside, too. I usually time it so that I put you down for a nap before the errand. That way, you sleep through the sitter and I'm home by the time you wake up! See how easy I make your life? No drama for my baby! Not yet, anyway. Maybe when you are a little older.
You have become a hugger. You will give "Anna" a hug when you see her. And then you might go over to "Bobo" and give him a hug as well. You love your "Dada" and enjoy wrestling and tickle matches with him. You also pat "Pa'dah" (Priscilla) and often tell me "Pa'dah outside" when she's out, or "Pa'dah night-night" when you see her sleeping.
We are a very busy family and often on the road, but you make these excursions so easy right now. Thank you for being so agreeable, skipping naps and full meals for car rides, and always sitting patiently while your brother and sister do gymnastics or swim.
Happy 18 months, Nico. It has been a wonderful year and a half for all of us!