On Wednesday night, we discovered that Bode has diaper rash. I feel so bad. I know it's because I haven't been changing his diaper as much as I normally do. This happened once before when Gianna was born. (Note to Bode: blame your sister, not your mommy!) (just kidding) (sort of) I have always prided myself on the fact that Bode has gotten diaper rash only twice in his 2.5 years. So when I discovered that he had diaper rash the other night, it made me think about my mothering skills of late. That's a whole other post. Stay tuned!
Yesterday, in order to help the diaper rash heal, I let Bode run around naked outside. But I'm the paranoid type, and didn't like the idea of him running around without some clothes. So I put Bode in some big boy underwear. The underwear (I'm training myself to say, "underwear" or "big boy pants," and not "panties") was sent by Aunt Dawnie and they are Sesame Street characters. These were sent in April, and I kind of scoffed at them when I saw them, thinking, "Not going to be using these any time soon!" But I remembered them yesterday and presented them to Bode to wear. Bode loves them. Gianna was napping and we spent the day outside playing. He announced, "I go pee pee," and showed me his wet underwear. I cleaned him up and put on another pair. After that, he wore diapers for the rest of the night because we had an errand, and then bedtime.
This morning, he was in a diaper and I spontaneously asked him if he went potty. Bob piped in and asked, "Do you need to go potty?" and Bode answered, "Yes." So we all went down to the bathroom. I mean, all of us (including Priscilla). We pulled out Bode's special potty (that I had purchased several months ago and had hidden in his closet) and had him sit on it. And he went. We all cheered and clapped. I pulled out another pair of big boy underwear, and we talked about wearing big boy underwear now. Then I rewarded him with a Hot Wheels car. An hour later, he announced, "I go pee pee." And we all quickly tromped down the stairs again. This time, he had already gone poo in his underwear, but we had him sit on the toilet anyway. He peed again. We all cheered and clapped, talking excitedly about being a "big boy" and using the "big boy potty." Then I ran back upstairs, grabbed another Hot Wheels car from my hidden stash. I ran down to him, presenting the car with a flourish and much praise.
The big boy and his first reward car, a Mini Cooper. |
After that, Bob cornered me for a mini parenting conference. He told me to stop with the cars and find a smaller reward. Hmm. I don't want to use candy for a reward. Bode already has a ton of stickers and gets them any time he asks. But I decided that I would buy some special stickers for potty rewards. And we were almost out of underwear for Bode. So I decided to make a big deal about it and announced that we were going to the store to get more big boy underwear for Bode.
We went to the store where Bode got to pick out his own underwear. Two packs of Disney Cars underwear, one pack of Yo Gabba Gabba underwear (which is funny because he doesn't know this show), and one Disney Cars potty were all picked out by the big boy. (Note to Disney and the makers of these packaged big boy underwear: you are being cheap and disceitful on the designs. Do you think my 2 year old cares about wearing a pair of underwear that has no graphics, but only has the words, "Hi I'm Mater" stamped all over them? I think not. ) I snuck some Disney Cars stickers into our cart, and also rewarded myself with a grande decaf mocha.
When we got home, I had him sit on the potty again. Gianna was overdue for a nap. So I jiggled a crying Gianna on my hip while waiting for Bode to use the potty. When he did, I cheered and presented him with a sticker. He just looked at it and then looked at me. I knew what he was thinking! I announced, "This is a special big boy potty sticker!" He looked at the bathroom cabinet (where I put the special big boy potty stickers) and asked, "I have another one?" So I gave him one more sticker. Perhaps I set the rewards a little too high in the beginning. I'm not sure how to get out of this one. Hopefully the stickers will work. If not, everyone please put on your thinking caps for special, low-cost, low-maintenance rewards.
Our outdoor activities are getting old (at least, to me). We play with cars, sidewalk chalk, water the plants, and play "construction" in the dirt while Gianna sleeps. So while at the store, I also purchased
Elefun. This is a "butterfly-catching game" where an elephant sprays butterflies out of its trunk (not sure how/why the game maker came up with "elephant spraying butterflies out of its trunk" but I thought I'd just go with it because it can be an outside game). I used this as a reward for the next time he went potty, announcing, "Let's go play a new game!" (I know, I know! I have to stop with the high end door prizes!) All I can say is, Elefun is el-frustrating. The minimum age is 3 years old, but I thought Bode is close enough. He doesn't get the concept of catching the butterflies with the net. He stands there and watches me running around like a lunatic catching these things. Then when the game is over, he wants me to put all the butterflies I caught into
his net. Then I have to take the butterflies out of the net, and fill the elephant again. And we start all over. I have to do all the work, with no reward! Hopefully this will be a game we can enjoy together soon. I need more outdoor activities for us to do while Gianna naps. Does anyone know where I can find one of those kid-sized, magnetic fishing pole and fishing games? I think Bode would enjoy that, too.
I can see where the potty training is going to get very tricky. It is easy while Gianna naps. But while Gianna is awake, I feel rushed. Navigating the removal/putting on of underwear, emptying and cleaning the potty, and giving the reward while a crawling baby is moving about is not so easy. She has already made a bee-line for Bode's potty (that I am keeping easily accessible to him at all times).
So there you have it. Without any planning or premeditated moves, I guess we are officially in potty training mode. He is doing great, but I am asking him, about every 45 minutes, if he wants to sit on the potty. It seems to be working, right now. We'll see what happens when my timing slips up (soon). This is being led entirely by Bode. So if he wants to stop, or take a break, it is up to him. We will cheer him on (and hopefully provide the appropriate rewards) to get him fully potty trained.
Go, Bode, go!
Happy weekend, everyone. Enjoy the Memorial Day holiday...any exciting plans?