Monday, May 30, 2011

Mia Gianna: 11 months

May 30, 2011
 Dear Gianna,
I have not been dedicating a lot of time to your "development," as far as singing songs, reading, and playing games. I think this is because I am confident that you are learning a lot by watching your older brother. And you seem happy to just observe us.  In fact, you are often on my hip, and very much a part of everything going on in the house.   

Suddenly, you are vocal and have opinions.  You might protest if I take a second too long picking you up from your crib.  You might protest when I put you down in your crib. You protest (sometimes) when I hand you over to Daddy. You always protest when you are crawling to me and  I just happen to walk away.  But even with the protests, you are always quick to smile.

I am enjoying  introducing you to new finger foods. Right now, you love Cheerios, puffs, bagels, bananas, and peaches. 

Your second tooth is slowly making an appearance, alongside your first tooth. You will soon have the lower "front gate" teeth in place.

You are starting to pull up on things now.  And you like to crawl over to the window, pull up on the windowsill, and look outside.

You are fast approaching a year old. Yesterday I was looking at photos from your birth. You were so tiny! You were beautiful then, just like you are today. This morning, I held you close, gave you lots of kisses, and whispered "don't grow, don't grow."  But I know that you have a mind of your own, and a lot of growing up ahead of you.  Happy 11 months, my lovely G.

Memorial Day

Do you know about the red poppies that are sold by disabled vets?  When I was a little girl, my mom always bought them.  I didn't know much about it, but I liked wearing the red paper flower with the thin green wire stem on my lapel.  Today, they are still made and sold by vets.  But I haven't seen them since I was a little girl.

They have an official name, Buddy Poppy. You can learn more about them here.  On this page there is also the poem, In Flander's Field, which I remember reading in elementary school.  Again, I didn't know what the poem was about at the time, but I remember feeling that this poem was about something very important and getting goosebumps. I still get goosebumps reading it today. 

To everyone who served, and to everyone who is serving our country today:  thank you, thank you.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 2 of Potty Training

This morning, Bode and I had a date. He wore a diaper and a winning smile. Just kidding. Well, he did wear a diaper out, but he also had on a nice outfit. Bob stayed home while Gianna napped.  Bode and I went to the park, the bagel shop, and Starbucks.  I miss hanging out with my happy little guy!  We have so much fun together.  And I really notice how much he has grown when I have time alone with him.  I guess it is because I think back to the time before Gianna and I can think about how much he has changed since then.  And while I'm on the subject, (sniff), I did cry on the way to the store yesterday for big boy underwear. I just can't believe that we are here already.  Potty training. It just breaks my heart to think about how fast he is growing.

Bode, age 2 going on 21.

Day 2 of potty training is going well.  There was one accident this morning, but it was my fault for not watching the clock. 

Perhaps he is a little too familiar with the staff at Starbucks.
Here he is laughing with another little girl in the adjoining booth at the bagel shop. Flirt!

Swinging is still his all-time fav at the park.

As far as rewards go, Aunt Dawnie suggested that I use a reward chart.  The new deal is this: Bode uses the potty and he gets a sticker. For every 5 stickers, he gets a surprise (a car, or whatever new thing I can find in my hidden (quickly diminishing) stash). Bode is not sure about this new deal. Every time he goes potty, he asks for a car. I'm trying to emphasize the game aspect of the reward chart, as well as playing up the special big boy potty stickers. And before you feel bad for him, he has already gotten a car today! I didn't expect him to fill that reward chart so quickly. I'm rethinking the 5 stickers. Not really. I can't change it up now. I guess 2 cars a day is better than 10 cars a day, right?  I wish I could reward him with outings, and not things. But right now, this is the way it goes and it is working.
Last, a quick apology for the horrid iPhone photos. I know it is a drag to read this blog and squint at these fuzzy photos of Bode and Gianna.  I swear, I am cursed when it comes to computers and cameras. It must be mercury in retrograde. Or my rising sign. Or something.  I am working on it, and promise to post better photos soon.  Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Don't be tardy to the potty

On Wednesday night, we discovered that Bode has diaper rash.  I feel so bad.  I know it's because I haven't been changing his diaper as much as I normally do.  This happened once before when Gianna was born.  (Note to Bode: blame your sister, not your mommy!) (just kidding) (sort of)  I have always prided myself on the fact that Bode has gotten diaper rash only twice in his 2.5 years. So when I discovered that he had diaper rash the other night, it made me think about my mothering skills of late.  That's a whole other post. Stay tuned!
Yesterday, in order to help the diaper rash heal, I let Bode run around naked outside. But I'm the paranoid type, and didn't like the idea of him running around without some clothes. So I put Bode in some big boy underwear.  The underwear (I'm training myself to say, "underwear" or "big boy pants," and not "panties") was sent by Aunt Dawnie and they are Sesame Street characters. These were sent in April, and I kind of scoffed at them when I saw them, thinking, "Not going to be using these any time soon!" But I remembered them yesterday and presented them to Bode to wear. Bode loves them.  Gianna was napping and we spent the day outside playing. He announced, "I go pee pee,"  and showed me his wet underwear. I cleaned him up and put on another pair.  After that, he wore diapers for the rest of the night because we had an errand, and then bedtime.
This morning, he was in a diaper and I spontaneously asked  him if he went potty.  Bob piped in and asked, "Do you need to go potty?" and Bode answered, "Yes."  So we all went down to the bathroom. I mean, all of us (including Priscilla).  We pulled out Bode's special potty (that I had purchased several months ago and had hidden in his closet) and had him sit on it. And he went.  We all cheered and clapped. I pulled out another pair of big boy underwear, and we talked about wearing big boy underwear now. Then I rewarded him with a Hot Wheels car.  An hour later, he announced, "I go pee pee." And we all quickly tromped down the stairs again.  This time, he had already gone poo in his underwear, but we had him sit on the toilet anyway.  He peed again.  We all cheered and clapped, talking excitedly about being a "big boy" and using the "big boy potty." Then I ran back upstairs, grabbed another Hot Wheels car from my hidden stash. I ran down to him, presenting the car with a flourish and much praise. 

The big boy and his first reward car, a Mini Cooper.

After that, Bob cornered me for a mini parenting conference.  He told me to stop with the cars  and find a smaller reward.  Hmm.  I don't want to use candy for a reward. Bode already has a ton of stickers and gets them any time he asks. But I decided that I would buy some special stickers for potty rewards. And we were almost out of underwear for Bode. So I decided to make a big deal about it and announced that we were going to the store to get more big boy underwear for Bode. 
We went to the store where Bode got to pick out his own underwear. Two packs of Disney Cars underwear, one pack of Yo Gabba Gabba underwear (which is funny because he doesn't know this show), and one Disney Cars potty were all picked out by the big boy. (Note to Disney and the makers of these packaged big boy underwear: you are being cheap and disceitful on the designs. Do you think my 2 year old cares about wearing a pair of underwear that has no graphics, but only has the words, "Hi I'm Mater" stamped all over them?  I think not. ) I snuck some Disney Cars stickers into our cart, and also rewarded myself with a grande decaf mocha. 
When we got home, I had him sit on the potty again.  Gianna was overdue for a nap.  So I jiggled a crying Gianna on my hip while waiting for Bode to use the potty.  When he did, I cheered and presented him with a sticker.  He just looked at it and then looked at me. I knew what he was thinking!  I announced, "This is a special big boy potty sticker!"  He looked at the bathroom cabinet (where I put the special big boy potty stickers) and asked, "I have another one?"  So I gave him one more sticker. Perhaps I set the rewards a little too high in the beginning. I'm not sure how to get out of this one. Hopefully the stickers will work. If not, everyone please put on your thinking caps for special, low-cost, low-maintenance rewards.

Our outdoor activities are getting old (at least, to me). We play with cars, sidewalk chalk, water the plants, and play "construction" in the dirt while Gianna sleeps. So while at the store, I also purchased Elefun.  This is a "butterfly-catching game" where an elephant sprays butterflies out of its trunk (not sure how/why the game maker came up with "elephant spraying butterflies out of its trunk" but I thought I'd just go with it because it can be an outside game). I used this as a reward for the next time he went potty, announcing, "Let's go play a new game!"  (I know, I know! I have to stop with the high end door prizes!)   All I can say is, Elefun is el-frustrating.  The minimum age is 3 years old, but I thought Bode is close enough.  He doesn't get the concept of catching the butterflies with the net. He stands there and watches me running around like a lunatic catching these things. Then when the game is over, he wants me to put all the butterflies I caught into his net.  Then I have to take the butterflies out of the net, and fill the elephant again. And we start all over.  I have to do all the work, with no reward!  Hopefully this will be a game we can enjoy together soon.  I need more outdoor activities for us to do while Gianna naps.  Does anyone know where I can find one of those kid-sized, magnetic fishing pole and fishing games? I think Bode would enjoy that, too. 

I can see where the potty training is going to get very tricky.  It is easy while Gianna naps. But while Gianna is awake, I feel rushed. Navigating the removal/putting on of underwear,  emptying and cleaning the potty, and giving the reward while a crawling baby is moving about is not so easy. She has already made a bee-line for Bode's potty (that I am keeping easily accessible to him at all times).
So there you have it. Without any planning or premeditated moves, I guess we are officially in potty training mode. He is doing great, but I am asking him, about every 45 minutes,  if he wants to sit on the potty. It seems to be working, right now. We'll see what happens when my timing slips up (soon).  This is being led entirely by Bode. So if he wants to stop, or take a break, it is up to him.  We will cheer him on (and hopefully provide the appropriate rewards) to get him fully potty trained.
Go, Bode, go!
Happy weekend, everyone. Enjoy the Memorial Day holiday...any exciting plans?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Under Construction

Our little village is under construction while they put in new walkways and such.  I have taken Bode downtown twice this week so that he can watch the construction.  He loves watching the cement mixers, diggers, and dump trucks working.  I like watching Bode's excitement over construction.  He points to the orange traffic cones, the men in neon vests, and the construction vehicles and shouts, "Oh, construction! Construction, Mommy!" 

The lovely G

Give this boy a bagel, some milk, and some construction, and he is happy.
I have also been sitting downtown viewing this demolition with Bode as a respite from thinking about our life, which also seems to be under some major construction. So this is an apology, of sorts, for being out of touch, not blogging regularly, and just general vagueness (is that a word?). If I could read the signs, I think our traffic sign is Caution. Or possibly, simply, Road Closed. Whatever the sign, we do have changes ahead. Hopefully we will be in a position to communicate those changes with everyone soon. Whatever we end up doing/going/being, all will be well.  How can it not be, with these two beautiful passengers in tow?

Happy Thursday.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Like Lightning 'Queen

After viewing some photos of me and the babies taken on Mother's Day, I realized that a hair appointment is long overdue. I've actually been aware of this need for awhile now.  I'm getting discouraged with my stylist.  It seems like we don't communicate the same way.  It's a total Mars and Venus thing. So I've been thinking about breaking up with him.  Anyway.  My hair color is now red.  And before I step on anyone's toes, please understand that I love red hair. One of my girlfriends in Texas and I are always debating if we should color our hair auburn. We love the shade. Unfortunately, that is not the shade of my hair. It is red. I mean, RED.  It is so red that every time he looks at me, Bode can't help but say, "You hair is red, Mommy. Like Lightning 'Queen!"  (ed: I know it's Lightning McQueen, but Bode says "Queen.") He says this all.the.time.  "You hair is red, Mommy. Like Lightning 'Queen!" As if I need reminding!  Suffice it to say, there will be no photos of my new Lightning 'Queen hair any time soon.

Image of Disney's Lightning McQueen

In addition to reminding me (constantly) about my new hair color, Bode is such a big help around the house. He loves mixing things in the kitchen.  This week, we made salt dough (a homemade play dough) and used the dough to form the letters of his name. Bode can sing the ABC song now, which is super cute to hear. We also made "pancakes" and other mixes involving flour and water. If I spend any amount of time in the kitchen, Bode will ask to mix something.

The head chef mixing while the sous chef observes and learns.

We played "Sink or Float," which is a fun activity.  You take a bowl of water and various things around the house (picked out by Mommy, not Bode!) and find out if they sink or float. 

Why yes, I do ignore huge piles of clean laundry in order to play games with my son!

Bode started swimming lessons.  He goes once a week with Bob.  He did so well that he was moved up to the next level after his first two beginner classes.  I am sure that Bob has a lot to do with Bode's comfort in the water.  I am dying to sneak into the swim class and spy on Bode!  There's also a small part of me that knows that the  cautious mother in me is probably not ready to watch her baby jump into a pool.

Speaking of pools, Bode could water our plants for hours. He is into mixing the water and dirt to make mud.

Watering the roses and making mud.

Enjoying a peanut butter sandwich after a mud bath! Is it me or does he look huge now?
Gianna is now feeding herself little finger foods.  I love that I can put her in the high chair, sprinkle some Cheerios on her tray and she will entertain herself while I empty the dishwasher or fold laundry (ahem).
(See? No laundry in the background)

Last night, Gianna started pulling up on her own.  Bob was reading to the children, and he started calling for me.  I walked into the living room, and there she was, pulling herself up on the chair arm, up and down, up and down, like she had been doing it since birth. Bob loved this new development, and was actually encouraging her to continue practicing this new skill. I reminded him that the next thing is walking. Are you ready for that?  I'm not. I didn't get a photo of it because I was in a hurry to get the babies down for bed. Priorities!

May 21, 2011

Your daddy is helping you to develop too quickly!

Have a happy weekend, and may your hair color not resemble any Disney Cars!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

More of the Same

A pancake breakfast (or maybe French toast)

Hanging out with Daddy

Enjoying the fresh air and sunshine

Maybe enjoying a coffee (or, in Bode's case, a muffin)

but always enjoying a smile
A walk (or, in this case, a wagon ride)

Bedtime stories (hopefully, followed quickly by sleep!)
Our weekends follow a predictable pattern.  And I like it that way.  What about you? Would you say that you have a typical weekend pattern?  Do you want to change up your routine?  Whatever your plans this weekend, enjoy!

Friday, May 13, 2011

"Mommy" as told by Bode

Last night, Bode put on my shoes. This is not unusual because he likes putting on my shoes when he finds them lying around the house. But then he said, "OH! My purse! Where is my purse?"  and searched around until he found "my" (Gianna's) purse, and then, "My hat! Where is my hat?" and he went around until he found "my" hat (Gianna's). Then he announced, "I Mommy." And then he told us what "Mommy" is doing:

Mommy is going bye-bye. Mommy is going shopping. Mommy is going to Target. Mommy is going to get fruit, diapers, milk and bread.  And then Mommy is going to Starbucks* for coffee.

*It is amazing what they know about you!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Every Day is Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day, everyone!  We had a lovely day together, just hanging out as a little family. As one of my sister-in-law's told me, every day is mother's day. It is so true! I love, love, love being a mom. I love my children so much! I feel so blessed that I wake up every day and get to do this 'thing' all over again.  There is one flaw that I have discovered to this whole thing though.  They grow up so fast!  As the saying goes, time flies when you're having fun.  The saying could also be: Time flies when you are a mother.

This evening, Bode must have been thinking about the whole mom thing, too.  He was looking at my Mother's Day cards and he announced, "Mommy, you a mom! You a mom!" and I said, "Yes, I am a mommy to Bode and Gianna, and I love it!"  Then, for awhile after that, he called me "Mom," like he was 16 years old or something.  I told him, "Let's stick to Mommy for now, please. I'm not ready for you to call me Mom." The truth is, he could call me anything and I would be happy. I have the title and the privilege of being his (and Gianna's) mother.

A very Happy Mother's Day to my mother. Mom, I love you and  at least once a day, I think about what a wonderful mom you are to us.  And I also usually think, "How did she do this so well, with so many kids?"

Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bode: 31 months

Dear Bode,
This past month, we started reading Beatrix Potter.  It has been so much fun reading these stories with you!  You love reading these stories over and over (and I love reading them, too).  You stare intently at the illustrations while I read about the rabbits, mice, frogs and other creatures getting into mischief. 

These stories are really spurring your imaginative play.  We love a lot of  the stories, but I think our favorites are "The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse," and "The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher." You love to pretend to be Mr. Jeremy Fisher, and I have to pretend to be the trout. You pretend to fish, and I come along and grab you as if I am about to eat you. You start shrieking, "Ow! Ow! Ow!" and we pretend to thrash about in a pond.

But my favorite of all is when you say that you are Mr. Jeremy Fisher thinking, and you imitate the illustration exactly, with your fingers to your mouth, deep in thought.

Here you are as Mr. Jeremy Fisher thinking, but you couldn't not smile.

We have many more Beatrix Potter books to read, and I'm sure that there will be a lot more pretend play involved. Daddy and I are both so happy that you love to read.