Bode's Gingerbread House 2011 |
The artist, wearing his sister's strawberry hat, and eating a grilled cheese lunch. |
Last night, when I showed RWF our latest Christmas craft, he looked into my eyes and with sincere concern in his voice, asked, "Are you okay? I mean, really...are you enjoying this, or....?" (unspoken: " I need to call a doctor?") I assured him that I am fine. Yes, I have gone a little crazy with the crafts lately. Yes, it is completely out of my personality. No, I am not disoriented from glue and marker fumes.
Gingerbread House
1 brown paper sack (lunch size is best)
stickers (glittery, Christmas stickers to adorn a gingerbread house preferred but not necessary)
markers or crayons
construction paper
paper, plastic bags, anything that you can "recycle" for filling the paper sack
stapler or glue
Lay the paper sack flat so that your child can draw a gingerbread house (or whatever they want) on the exterior. Have the child color both front, back and sides (if possible). Adorn the gingerbread house with stickers. Open the sack and stuff it with the paper/plastic/filling so that it is "full" and stands on its own. Fold the top of the sack over once. Take a 1/2 sheet of construction paper, fold it over the bag to make a "roof" for the house. Staple or glue the roof onto the sack.
This morning we went to the tire store to get snow tires. It seems kind of crazy to me. I mean, the weather has been so mild and it has barely snowed all December. I asked the salesman if I was wrong to get snow tires right now. I think my actual words were, "Am I an idiot for doing this now?" (as I gestured outside at the sunshine and green grass before us). He laughed, "Ho, ho, ho." (or something like that) He said, "No. In fact, all of our customers have already gotten their snow tires. You never know. Sometimes it's mild. Sometimes, it's crazy. One December we got 35 inches." At this point, I stopped listening to him (figuratively putting my fingers in my ears and screaming, "La la la! Can't hear you! Can't hear you!").
No plans this weekend except to hit the post office sans the babies. I have attempted a post office run twice this week, both unsuccessful. For some reason, I can't seem to juggle my packages, pushing a baby in a stroller, and corralling a wayward toddler while trekking to the post office. I know! Crazy, right? I don't know what's wrong with me.
It must be all of that glue.
Happy weekend.
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