This morning Bode and I mixed up gingerbread cookie dough. He seems to be especially interested in the gingerbread men mentioned in some Christmas stories. So I decided that we need to make some so that he knows what he's seeing in the books. While I was measuring out the ground cinnamon, Bode had the mixer all to himself. Can you guess what happened? Bode shouted, "Whoah!" and I looked up to see the mixers out of the bowl and cookie dough mix flying through the air! We laughed (even though, I wasn't really laughing at took me a minute to get over the initial, "Oh, no! My kitchen! What a mess!" reaction). My t-shirt is covered in cookie dough and I'm sure there are parts of my kitchen that I missed.
While the cookie dough is firming in the refrigerator, here are a few things we have done this week:
- Sunday I decided that we needed a bigger tree. So after dropping RWF off at the airport in the early morning, we went Christmas tree shopping. I picked out a 9 ft tree. After checking out, I realized my tree wasn't going to fit in our car! (I wasn't driving the QEII.) So we had to leave the tree behind and go exchange cars. We returned to pick up our tree in the QEII. I got the 9 ft tree into the house, and built it while the babies played in the Christmas tree box. It fit, but only in the spots where our ceiling arched high. I wanted the Christmas tree in the window. I just love seeing Christmas trees in windows, don't you? So...I took the tree down. I put it back in the box (after convincing the babies to leave the box). We went back to the store after naps. I picked up a 7 ft tree. We took it home, built it, and it fits perfectly in our front window. Hooray! I love having my own grown-up tree (in addition to our lovely homemade Charlie Brown tree). The babies are enjoying both trees as well.
-Cookie making in full force. Bode understands that Santa gets cookies and milk when he leaves toys for good girls and boys. So we are busy in the cookie department. I am a sneaky mommy though. I only make half the dough. So the cookies disappear quickly. Bode usually eats one or two cookies. I eat a bunch while he naps. Don't worry, Santa, we'll have cookies for you!
-Bode and I wrapped the rest of our presents while Gianna napped yesterday. I enjoy asking him to put his finger on the ribbon to hold it in place while I make a bow. My mom used to let me "help" her wrap presents the same way. I remember feeling Very Important holding the ribbon down while she made a bow.
-Bode and Gianna are both wearing Christmas pajamas every night. Bode seems to feel that this is a "requirement" as he won't wear anything else. They both look so festive and huggable. This is another Christmas tradition that I want my children to enjoy every year. (Okay, so it's really for me to enjoy.)
-Bode doesn't want to wear anything that isn't Christmas-y. In fact, he insists on wearing one of his Christmas pajama shirts during the day. The other night after RWF returned home from work, I ran out to Target and bought Bode some Christmas t-shirts to wear for the next couple of days. Problem solved.
-Yesterday both babies got haircuts. Gianna got her bangs whacked off and she now has a 1/4 inch fringe above her eyes. Seriously, it looks bad. The stylist blamed Gianna, stating that she moved her head. I blame the stylist, of course. It looks like I did the job myself. After seeing Gianna's fringe, I was not in the Christmas spirit, as I gave the stylist a (small) tip. Bode has a big boy haircut again. I really enjoy his hair on the longer side but I don't think I can handle the growing out phase to get it long again. The short cut looks nice on him, but I miss the curls and longer, shaggy 'do that my boy used to wear.
And last, I have no pictures to share. Gianna ran off with my camera the other day, and I have no idea where she "hid" it. I have turned the house upside down looking for my camera. We need this camera to take pictures of Christmas, so please send some good little elves over to help me find it.
Happy Wednesday.
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