I used to generate two winners for the giveaway. There were 3 comments by Anonymous, but the winning "anonymous" comment was:
I love your blog! I love the newsy narratives about Bode W. Gianna and Nico. But I want to know how you have changed- your out-look, aspirations and such. How has mommyhood changed you?
Anonymous, I will certainly answer that question on an upcoming post. I think answering that question is going to take some time for me to write (though the answer itself is not hard).
Kristi, I loved your comment. And it's so true. We have to celebrate the every day, because life can be hard.
Congratulations to "Anonymous" (oh, I think I know who you are, Anonymous) and Kristi. I will be sending a package out to you soon! Thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments!
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.