Dear Well-meaning (?) Friends, Family and random Passerby,
Thank you (not), upon seeing me, for being so quick to comment, "You look exhausted!" And suggesting that I need sleep (you think?) or help with my children (I would love it! Are you offering?). Your wide eyes and fake looks of concern are unnecessary.
In case you are interested, I KNOW that I look exhausted. I cringe every time I look in the mirror. It's nothing that make-up can fix (believe me, I've tried). Because I am the sole source of nutrition for my preshus babe, I do not want to use any chemicals on my body. So for now, any magical elixirs that promise to rid the wrinkles and dark circles will have to wait. Believe me, I would love to find the one potion to rid my face of the wrinkles, the dry skin, and the luggage under my eyes. Being a mother of 3 has not taken my vanity away. There are things that take precedence right now, and my looks are not always one of them.
Not only do I KNOW that I look exhausted, I also FEEL exhausted. And as far as comments like, "I don't know how you do it," well I "do it" because I love having these children in my life. Yes, they kick my ass every day and come back for seconds. Yes, there are times when I wonder, "What was I thinking?" But that's for me to worry about, not you. They are a gift.
So please, keep the "exhausted" comments to yourself. And just give me an encouraging smile. And if you see that my hands are full, please open the door for me (I'm talking to you, father at the preschool).
Argh. I'm sorry. But really? Six months post-partum and I'm really getting tired of that comment. (I had taken all 3 kiddos to the chiropractor with me on Wednesday and that is what I hear as soon as I plop down in the waiting area. I wanted to say, "I'm exhausted from what is the "marathon" of getting all 3 babies ready to go out in the real world and to make this appointment on time.") I was hoping to look better at the 6 month mark. But apparently, it's not happening.
Blurry early a.m. photos because I was "blurry-eyed" waking |
Chunky baby thighs for breakfast |
Blurry photos from this morning...I actually love my mornings now (though I always want more sleep). Bode comes into the bedroom to wake me up. "Mom?" he "whispers" in the loudest voice possible. I pop up and hiss, "Be quiet! You'll wake Nico!" But of course, that has already happened. Then Bode climbs into my bed while I feed Nico. We talk about how he slept ("good") and what he would like for breakfast ("just milk right now, I want to go play with my cars"). Or sometimes, like this morning, he is still quite sleepy himself, and wants to get under the covers for a quiet wake-up time. I don't usually give him my iPhone to play a game but this morning, I really needed some extra sleep. Nico was up at 11:30 p.m., then 1:00 a.m., and then surprise of all surprises, Bode woke me up at 3:15 a.m. for milk (huh?), followed by Nico again....
It is supposed to be very chilly today so I guess we will be indoors again. I don't want to take Nico out in 20 degree weather because, even with a down suit, his little face is exposed. And I don't like that he can't tell me stuff like, "My eyeballs are frozen," or "My little body is roasting in this down suit!"
We were going to drive down to see Grandma but Aunt Dawnie nixed due to the snow activity in their 'hood. I'm really bummed that we aren't going. But I guess I don't want to chance road issues with my 3 preshus in tow. So no plans again. I really need to motivate. Hopefully warmer weather will bring more outdoor activity!
Happy Friday.
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