Friday, March 22, 2013

Nico: 6 months

Dear Nico,
I don't know what to say about you turning six months that doesn't involve words like, "fast," "unbelievable," or "quick."  Instead of lamenting over the quick passage of time, I'll just give the stats that I have on you now:

You are over 17 lbs. You are a chunk.  A delicious, gooey chunk of a baby. I took you to the chiropractor last week and she could not stop talking about what a perfect chunk of a baby you are. (She has a baby herself who is a couple of weeks younger than you. But she absolutely loved your weight in her arms, and lamented that her baby was not a "chunk" like you are.)

You definitely have food allergies or sensitivities. I passed on the blood test last month. But this month, we just might have to move forward with the food allergy testing. I don't want you to suffer through a blood draw, but I really don't want you to suffer through food sensitivities.

You love blowing raspberries. This is your absolute favorite past time right now. If someone comes up to you and blows a raspberry while you are blowing raspberries, you think it is such a kick. Your eyes light up and you seem to say, "Hey! You speak my language!" For you, it is a common language, a  bonding experience, a shared interest.

You are using your hands and can transfer an object from one hand to another.  I can not carry you in my arms and do something like I used to, because now your little hands have to explore.  For example, I used to be able to carry you into the kitchen and pour milk for your sibs. Not anymore. Now, if I carry you while pouring milk, you grab the cup or try to stick your hand in the flow of milk.  I love that you're curious about things and want to experiment, but I'm keeping you out of the kitchen from now on!

You aren't sleeping so well these days.  You've been waking up a lot.  Consequently, I'm really hurting from the lack of sleep.

You love taking a bath.  You get excited when I'm getting the bath ready. You kick your feet and legs as soon as I lower you into the water. You've outgrown your baby bathtub. I'm not sure what to do, because our regular tub is way too big and deep to bathe you in it.  I need a solution here, quick.

You absolutely love Bode, and smile and laugh with him all the time.  You also think that your daddy is pretty neat, too.  It doesn't matter how long your daddy been gone, you're always smiling and happy to see him.

Now  here's the part where I reveal just how hard it's going to be for you, being the 3rd child.  You have rolled over exactly 6 times.  And I have never actually seen you roll over once. Not once!  I lay you down on your back on the floor, and then go do something. I hear you crying or grouching. I come out to where I've laid you down on your back, and you're on your tummy!  Amazing! I can't believe that I've missed this important milestone every single time!  Six times you have done this and six times I have missed it. Welcome to your birth order.  I'm sorry (in advance).

Happy 6 months to my precious baby boy.  I can't wait to see you do this roll over!  

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