Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday: at home

We have been spending so much time outside, now that the sun has returned.  I love sitting down to dinner and seeing my children wearing rosy cheeks and bringing big appetites to the table! It is the best feeling.

I promise, despite the look below, that Nico has not been confined to the stroller while we are outside. After a stroll around the driveway, he sits on a blanket while Bode and Gianna play around him.

Bode knows how to swing on his own now. Hooray!  Not to be outdone by her big brother, Gianna can swing by herself, too! Hooray, hooray!

This morning, it is raining.  While I paid bills and ordered some things online, Bode did "some writing" (as he likes to say). He can write a B, D, S and an A. It is amazing to see these new skills develop, seemingly overnight and with very little "teaching" from me.  (His school is play-based only.) Meanwhile,  Gianna played with some left-over Easter stickers and plastic eggs she found under my desk.  

Today, we are stranded at home because we have no car! Hopefully the rain will let up a little so that I can take everyone out.  If all else fails, we can always make cookies!
Give a genuine smile to everyone you see, and give your loved ones a big hug today.
Happy Friday, everyone!

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