Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! I hope that it was a happy day for you.  I'm kind of "eh" on Mother's Day. As I told RWF, "Every day is Mother's Day for me."  I really feel this way. I am blessed with 3 amazing little beings. 

Three amazing little beings! Who would have guessed?  I will never forget that sunny Saturday afternoon that I brought up "having babies" with RWF.  I was reading a mag, lounging on the deck outside on a chaise.  RWF was inside, watching a game.  I called in through the screen door, "I want to have a baby...."  I was testing the waters. I was pretty serious about RWF.  And I knew that he was serious about me.  But we had not yet broached the topic of children in our convos about our future.   I was tentative, but bold.  Does that make sense?  I didn't want to be the first to bring it up, afraid that I'd look and sound like the crazy female, whose biological clock was ticking loudly. I was suddenly shy, and could have easily slipped him a note as I left for the airport, something like this:

Do you want to have children?




Instead, I took it up with him through the screen door.  We were occupying the same space, kind of, but I didn't have to look directly at him when I brought it up. I was only nervous because  if he'd had said No, or expressed reservations about it, it would have been a deal breaker. I didn't want to end the relationship. Luckily, RWF was positive about a family (or, one baby!). We had the talk, face to face, conversing over the course of a few days. 

And now here we are. 

As per my annual Mother's Day request, RWF took some snaps of me with my babies.  Here we are, last year (pregnant!).  And this year:

I am incredibly blessed, and I am reminded of this every day when I see my little babies.  Every day is Mother's Day for me.

I'm grateful to RWF, too. I am so glad that we had that conversation!

I'm sure RWF still looks around, house full of babies, like, "What?!"  (just kidding)

Happy Mother's Day.

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