Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day Tea (and a warning)

Today Bode's class had a tea for all of us mothers. It was very, very sweet.  I was late, of course, due to feeding Nico and trying to squeeze just one errand into the morning before setting off for Bode's school. We walked in, and everyone was seated in a circle. Bode yelled, "Oh! There's my mommy!" and that made everyone chuckle. I quickly sat down beside Bode with Nico in my arms.  Gianna had already parked herself next to her BFF and future preschool teacher, Miss Amy.

The children sang their "morning song" and then we all sat for tea and scones. Scones are Bode's favorite treat, and I knew that he was just eyeing the number of scones on that platter the whole time!

After we had our tea, the children presented us with handmade cards. We made small talk around the table.  Or, I tried to make small talk but I had to keep my eye on Nicholas, who was seated on the round rug in the center of the room.  At one point, he made a grunt, and I walked over to check on him.  Well!  He had a little Mother's Day surprise for me, too! Let me just say that this was not a one wipe job.  He was soaked through, and I was completely ill prepared.  The fact that he had an explosive poop was embarrassing enough. The fact that the poop went through his pants and I didn't have a spare pair was  Mother of the Year?  I think not. Amateur of the year? Yes. 

I cleaned him (and myself) up as best as I could.  Then we went back to the festivities and I tried to reclaim my composure.  But one of the teachers whispered, "We don't choose when or where we go, Mom."  Wink, wink.


That isn't why I am writing today though.  Something more disturbing happened today.  Something that has creeped into my brain and has haunted me for the rest of the afternoon.

At the tea, someone mentioned, "...graduating from preschool."  And at first, my response was, "Oh, yeah. This school year went by fast. Only 3 more weeks...blah blah blah..."  But then I thought, "Wait.A.Sec. Graduating from preschool? Yes, Bode is graduating from preschool. Oh MY GAWD. MY BAYBEEE!"

It is so depressing for me to think of how fast this goes. When Bode was a baby, I used to hate (and inwardly roll my eyes at) the All Knowing People who used to smirk, or direly warn, "It goes by so fast."  And I knew...I really did...I knew that it would go by fast. I mean, not having lived it before, I didn't know. But I knew to appreciate it all. I really did. I wanted Bode (and all my babies) so much. That of course,  meant that every little millisecond with this baby, Bode William, was (is) precious. 

And now here he is. This baby. This boy. This almost-5-year-old boy who is graduating preschool and going to Kindergarten.

Bode Wm, you are my first love, the first one who made me a mother. I love you so much! It breaks my heart that you are growing up so quickly. But I am so very proud of the young boy that you are, and will love and appreciate every day that we share together. And I must warn you:  I will probably cry at your preschool graduation!

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