Dear Nico,
You have reached the ripe, old age of 17 months! Congratulations! You seem oh-so-big sometimes, and other times, you are still my little baby. You love walking and exploring things, climbing stairs, feeding yourself, and "reading" (turning the pages of) books all by yourself. You also love running into my and "Dada's" arms, being held, and kissed dramatically by me.
The past two weeks have been so rough for you, me, and "Dada" because you are teething. You currently have 4 teeth on top, and two on bottom. I can't tell what teeth are coming in right now, but boy, they are giving you trouble. You are up late in the night with me. Sometimes you cry so loud that Daddy wakes up and joins us. We have had many late nights, and it is really starting to affect my well-being. Yes, Nico, MY well-being! You get to nap all morning and in the afternoon. But I'm up and on duty for three other people/dog in this household from 6:30 AM onward, no matter what time I get to sleep or how much sleep I get. Mommy and Daddy will be so relieved when this teething spell is over (and so will you, I'm sure!).
When we are up late at night together, you are always happy though. You just seem to be so relieved that you are in good company, in a well-lit room, instead of in your crib, alone, in the dark. This is why, when Daddy argues that you need to just "cry it out," I say, "NO!" I will not leave you, Nico. I can't do it. It breaks my heart to hear you cry and I never want you to be sad if I can help it. I am so worried about your well-being, and I'm so over-tired (this post really is about you, Nico, even though I seem to be writing a lot about myself) that even when I sleep, I have nightmares about you. I had one nightmare the other night that has led me to inquire about swim lessons. So coming up soon, you'll be in the pool, just like your brother and sister! Won't that be fun? We will be in the pool together. Yes, I love you so much that I am willing to put on a swimsuit (argh) and expose my post-partum body and white legs to all the world.
You have regular words these days, saying "Mama" (my favorite word), "Dada" (Dada's favorite word), "qwackah" (cracker), "dank do" (thank you), "baaf" (bath), "baba" (for milk), "roar" (for Nico monster), "hi," "bye," and "No," (probably your favorite word, if not, probably your favorite word when you turn 2).
Your brother and sister still love playing "the Nico monster" game around you and you love to be a part of it, running around behind them as they shriek in mock terror. At night, you join in the book reading session by settling down on the floor with us, and turning the pages of a board book, "reading" to yourself while Mommy reads a book to Bode and Gianna. Sometimes while I'm reading, you'll decide that you'd rather have the book that I am reading, and our book reading session will be put on hold while we sort out who is reading what. Gianna has become great at giving you substitutes for things that she wants (a trick that Bode learned quickly when she was a baby, too!).
Eating is a good experience but still tricky. You drink Lactaid and water. You can't eat things that contain a lot of eggs and milk (? or maybe wheat?), or you become so splotchy and itchy (again, breaking my heart when I inadvertently give you something not good for you). I can't decide if we need to get allergy testing done or if we should wait it out and see if you grow out of it. You like eating peas, waffles (gluten-free), crackers (plain Goldfish), sweet potato, rice, broccoli, avocado, mango, blueberries, oatmeal and pasta. You are not big on meat at this time. I have tried all different kinds of meat, cooked all different ways, and no matter what I try to give you, you leave it.
You are so physical. You love hugs and kisses and long tickle sessions, as well as the "Grand Ol' Duke of York" (you stand before me with a quizzical look and ask, "dude dor??" and I know that it is time for you to ride on my knees). You enjoy kicking the soccer ball around the yard. You love going on walks with your family, and surprise us by walking so far. You love being outside and of course, don't mind the rain or wind or whatever element. You're just happy to be out and about. You love going "bye-bye" and will bring me your shoes and jacket, as if to seize the opportunity before I forget or leave you (never!).
Just for grins, here is what your big sister was like at 17 months. I see some similarities!
Now, let's put those toofys to bed and get some sleep!
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