Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow day

I never thought when we moved  here that my children would be sent home for a snow day!  But that is exactly what happened today. 

Gianna's teacher actually called and left a message last night at 9:30 PM, giving me the option of keeping Gianna home today (but I was sleeping and did not get the message until 1:30 AM when I was up with Nico!). I didn't worry about the weather, thinking that our NY winters have been worse.  So this morning, I bundled everyone up, and we walked to the school in the freezing wind, only to find Bode and Gianna's teachers conferencing together outside about whether to cancel classes.  After some discussion (they had recently learned that the public schools had cancelled that morning due to the winter storm that is slated to hit this afternoon), they decided to close. 

So we turned around and got back into the car.  Instead of driving straight home, I drove to the Starbuck's that has a drive-thru.  We ordered a couple of muffins and bagels to share (oh, and a venti mocha for me, but that goes without saying, right?).  We had a mini breakfast picnic while discussing the school cancellation.  (Bode and Gianna felt special, I think, to be privy to their teachers discussing whether to cancel school or not.  We saw parents/schoolmates walking to the school on our way  back to the car, and Bode and Gianna gleefully shouted, "No school today!")

Bode always says he doesn't like sweets, but always manages to eat them???

So this has kind of thrown my day for a loop.  In fact, I was planning on going to the grocery store with (only) Nico this morning. My plans have obviously changed. I am NOT going to the grocery store with three monkeys. The last few times I've had to take all three children to the store have been very...trying. In fact, the other night I took all three into the hardware store to buy hose bibs and there was a TOY display right in front. Toys in the hardware store! In the very front of the hardware store! The one place I thought I was 'safe' from toys! Bode and Gianna flocked straight to the toys. Bode found a build-your-own solar system kit. Of course, he started begging me for it.  I told him that we were not there to buy toys, but to buy house stuff for the freezing weather.  This exchange went on for awhile until my patience was wearing down (it was close to dinner time, too).  Finally, with no more ammunition, I  said, "You know what? That is a Daddy thing! He would love to do that with you! Talk to Daddy about it when he gets home."  Well, this know-it-all lady checking out near us, loudly informed me, "It can also be a Mommy thing. Those things aren't just for daddys and boys, you know."  I wanted to reply, "Well excuse me, ma'am. But I did not ask for or need your opinion on this matter between me and my son." What I did say, after taking a deeeeeep breath,  was "I'm all for equality. I'm just trying to get what I need and get out of this store. Thank you."  She didn't get it. She said, "I'm just saying, he doesn't need his daddy..." Oh my god! Butt out, lady! Don't try to give me a lesson on equality. I'm all about it. I can build a solar system just as good as the "daddy" or the "man" or the chimp at the zoo.  JUST NOT RIGHT NOW WHEN I'M TRYING TO BUY HOSE BIBS IN 19 DEGREE WEATHER at 4:58 PM. THANK YOU.

Anyway. (Sorry for shouting. That obviously is still a sore spot with me.) No grocery shopping today means that I have to scrounge in my pantry to find something for dinner. I think I'm making black bean soup! Let's hope that it turns out well.

Mmm. Bagel and cream cheese.

Other plans include Valentine crafts and possibly a movie (shhh!) if "we" need quiet time. Right now, Bode and Gianna are playing great by themselves in the playroom (and Nico is napping).  I know better than to mess with a good I'll leave them alone for now.

Stay cozy, friends.

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