My brother, his wife, and two beautiful daughters visited us this weekend. It was so nice to see my brother. I loved talking to him, Jeanne (my SIL), and my nieces. It just reminded me (again) of how important family is, and how wonderful it is to spend time with your family! My family is spread across the US (or, used to be when we lived in Cali) and so it is not so easy to get together, especially because we all have lives of our own (how novel!).
Bode and Gianna have never met my brother or his family. So when they visited the Berkshires last week, they made a point of visiting us (even though they had to drive through bad weather and winding roads).
Bode tricked his uncle into thinking that he was light enough to be carried around downtown (until I informed my brother that Bode is in fact, 45 lbs, and very capable of walking on his own).
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My nieces are the deadly combination of beautiful and sweet. (Don't change, girls!) I think the last time I spent time with them was when they returned from England. They were 2 and 4. Today they are 13 and 15. Family members say that Keara (right) looks like me when I was a teenager. I can see glimpses, but really, my first thought is, "No way. She is so much prettier than I ever was!" It is a real compliment to me to hear family say that she has a look of me. Maggie (left) is pretty and confident, in that she says what is on her mind, boom. They are unique, lovely girls and I love that they are my nieces! (Don't change!)
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A giant plate of cotton candy for dessert |
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After dinner, we parted ways, but not without promising to see each other again soon.
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See ya. |
It is a fact that my mother dying has brought my brothers and sisters in constant communication, since we don't have "Mom" keeping us all informed about each other. I guess that is one positive that came out of losing my mother.
Hug your loved ones, keep them close.