....she's probably going to want to touch everything. She's going to touch the door handles, the step stool, the table, the floor...every possible dirty thing available to her in the room. (I thought about asking the dr. to give her a tetanus shot, just based on what she had touched in the e.r. alone.)
While we waited, I got tired of telling her to stop.touching.everything.it'sdirty!!!
I came up with this genius idea: have her wash her hands while we wait.
Most 2 year olds love water. Gianna had fun washing her hands a million times while we waited. I had no reservations with the amount of soap she used or the fact that the water was free-flowing for 20 minutes or so. Wasteful, yes. But the least of my concerns at the time. I was busy nursing Nico anyway and didn't have hands to entertain Gianna. The sink and some soap helped me out in a pinch.
This was a great diversion while we waited. And waited. And waited. My two year old has a possible concussion*? No problem! Take all the time you need, we will wait!
Gianna really was fine. We did have to wait forever and this did make me very angry. Had she not been fine, I would have been a different animal.
We left the e.r. at 7:40 p.m. And I still had not voted. I was planning on voting when RWF returned home from work. Gianna was zonked, but also kind of hyped from the whole e.r. experience. Nico was exhausted, crying, and needing to cluster-feed himself to sleep STAT. The temps were in the 30s, not exactly a balmy night for a stroll with my children to the local polling place.
But I knew if I did not stop at the polls on the way home, I would not make it out again.
I walked in, children in tow, and there was a lovely warm fire going in the living room clubhouse (the polling place). The ladies at the polling desk all looked sympathetic and clucked their tongues at me. I must have looked horrible. And my babies probably looked like zombies themselves, up way past their bedtime. They all peeked in at Nico, nestled in his car seat and coo'ed over his little baby self. I explained that we had been in the e.r. I did not say this to garner sympathy. I simply was embarrassed that my children were out at the late hour. I said that I simply wanted to explain why they were out at 8 PM on a Tuesday night.
The ladies became even more sympathetic...toward me! Clearly these were all mothers:
"Oh you poor thing. Is the child okay?"
"Oh my goodness, you must be exhausted."
"Do you want something to eat? We have food, cookies..."
One of the ladies simply got up and walked off. She sidled up to me a few seconds later, pressing small packages into my hand. "Here," she whispered "You need this," I glanced down. Two packages of chocolates just for me. Had she handed me a dirty martini, I would have knocked it back eagerly. But the chocolates? Bliss. I had a "reward" waiting for me once the babies were asleep.
Another lady had me sign in, then presented me with a ballot. She thanked me for taking the time to come out and vote. I walked over to the voting stall, children in tow. I voted quickly and submitted my ballot to the electronic machine.
Civic duty over, I really wanted to just cozy up to the fire and let these nice ladies take care of me. One duty done. I still needed to get the babies to bed.
(Yes, he is sleeping on his stomach. Do not judge. Do not call CPS. I was sitting with him the whole time.)
Grateful for the kindness of ladies/mothers. Grateful to live in a country where I can VOTE. Grateful that my baby is okay. Thankful for the good e.r. doctor and staff (and insurance!).
Happy Super Tuesday, and to all a good night.
* While outside, Gianna fell backwards, bumped her head and briefly passed out. I called her pediatrician and was of course directed to take her to the e.r. immediately.**
**"Immediately" in my book was many minutes later. "Immediately***" after I had fed Nico, had Bode change out of his pjs (which he had been wearing outside without a coat - mother of the year! Vote for me!), made snacks and bottles for the e.r., found my wallet, threw diapers, blankets, change of clothes into a bag, etc. etc. etc.
***Gianna was acting fine which is why I took the time to do these things before leaving for the e.r. "immediately"