Sunday, March 24, 2013

The weekend

Dude, I am so sick of the snow and crummy, crummy weather. Everyone is talking about SPRING! "Spring!" "Spring has sprung!" "New Spring clothes,"etc. People are posting ridiculous pictures of themselves in short sleeves, with the sun blazing above them. Pictures that make me grouch. No Spring here. Not here!!! After a big snow dump last week, we are still covered in snow and experiencing temps in the 30s and wind. Wind, you are not my friend.  Upstate New York, you are not my friend.

And then I read this Tweet: Spring: Winter Part 2.  I'm sorry, but I do not know who authored that Tweet. And if you could review my "History" in my iPhone and Mac, you'd understand why it would be a long process to find that source.  I do not take credit for it, so hopefully that will suffice.

I've been trying to figure out why I've hated this winter so much. Why have I struggled, and moaned, every single day over the weather?  I've decided that it is very hard to have a baby in this type of weather. I don't want to bring Nico out in the cold. Therefore, I'm 'stuck' inside a lot. A LOT. Yesterday, after arguing with RWF about whether it was too cold for Nico to be outside, I brought Nico out. It was a bit windy, but Nico was warm in his down snowsuit. I took him out for 15 minutes, which I thought was long enough to get a blast of fresh air but not so long that his little eyeballs, nose and mouth would freeze. (If you must know, RWF was "for" bringing Nico out, and I was "against")  The other thing I'm struggling with is the lack of sun.  It is crazy how the sun does not shine here. I never minded overcast days WHEN I LIVED IN TEXAS or CALIFORNIA.  Because in TEXAS and CALIFORNIA, overcast days are few and far between. But here, it is a regular occurrence. And it really is a drag.  

But enough about me. 

Keepin' it real with the (clean) laundry in the background

Bode is such a great big brother to Nico. He plays with him and makes him smile.  And I like that Bode will entertain Nico in the mornings while I make my much-needed coffee.  

The boys, before they go skiing. I guess that this is one reason we live here? Skiing? Wait. We can live on the West Coast and ski, too. 

Hope that your weekend is lovely, and that you have sunshine in your corner.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Nico: 6 months

Dear Nico,
I don't know what to say about you turning six months that doesn't involve words like, "fast," "unbelievable," or "quick."  Instead of lamenting over the quick passage of time, I'll just give the stats that I have on you now:

You are over 17 lbs. You are a chunk.  A delicious, gooey chunk of a baby. I took you to the chiropractor last week and she could not stop talking about what a perfect chunk of a baby you are. (She has a baby herself who is a couple of weeks younger than you. But she absolutely loved your weight in her arms, and lamented that her baby was not a "chunk" like you are.)

You definitely have food allergies or sensitivities. I passed on the blood test last month. But this month, we just might have to move forward with the food allergy testing. I don't want you to suffer through a blood draw, but I really don't want you to suffer through food sensitivities.

You love blowing raspberries. This is your absolute favorite past time right now. If someone comes up to you and blows a raspberry while you are blowing raspberries, you think it is such a kick. Your eyes light up and you seem to say, "Hey! You speak my language!" For you, it is a common language, a  bonding experience, a shared interest.

You are using your hands and can transfer an object from one hand to another.  I can not carry you in my arms and do something like I used to, because now your little hands have to explore.  For example, I used to be able to carry you into the kitchen and pour milk for your sibs. Not anymore. Now, if I carry you while pouring milk, you grab the cup or try to stick your hand in the flow of milk.  I love that you're curious about things and want to experiment, but I'm keeping you out of the kitchen from now on!

You aren't sleeping so well these days.  You've been waking up a lot.  Consequently, I'm really hurting from the lack of sleep.

You love taking a bath.  You get excited when I'm getting the bath ready. You kick your feet and legs as soon as I lower you into the water. You've outgrown your baby bathtub. I'm not sure what to do, because our regular tub is way too big and deep to bathe you in it.  I need a solution here, quick.

You absolutely love Bode, and smile and laugh with him all the time.  You also think that your daddy is pretty neat, too.  It doesn't matter how long your daddy been gone, you're always smiling and happy to see him.

Now  here's the part where I reveal just how hard it's going to be for you, being the 3rd child.  You have rolled over exactly 6 times.  And I have never actually seen you roll over once. Not once!  I lay you down on your back on the floor, and then go do something. I hear you crying or grouching. I come out to where I've laid you down on your back, and you're on your tummy!  Amazing! I can't believe that I've missed this important milestone every single time!  Six times you have done this and six times I have missed it. Welcome to your birth order.  I'm sorry (in advance).

Happy 6 months to my precious baby boy.  I can't wait to see you do this roll over!  

Monday, March 18, 2013

Gianna swims

Okay, so finally! Finally!  My sweet girl is getting out there and doing stuff. I felt so bad, earlier, because it seems like she's always stuck at home. Now, there are things on the calendar for Miss Mia Gianna.

On Mondays, she has a playdate with her friend Berkeley. On Tuesdays, she has the gym class at the Y (and this time around, there are 3 other girlies in the class).  And on Saturdays, her very favorite, she goes swimming with her daddy.  Hooray!

On Saturday, I snapped these pics of RWF and Gianna at the pool.  They aren't the best pics. But you can see how happy Gianna is to be swimming.  I stood there, smiling, and watched her, with tears in my eyes. It was so great to see her so happy.

The photos are cloudy because I snapped them through glass.  I had Nico and Bode with me. So we were standing outside the pool area. Here is the deal:  RWF takes Bode to soccer at 8:00. Then, at 9:30, Gianna has swim lessons. This means that I take Gianna to the Y at 9:15, suit her up, and then RWF and I 'switch' children.  I take Bode (and Nico) to Starbucks for a treat. Gianna swims with Daddy.  Good deal, right?  

Bode doesn't think so.  He wants to go to soccer AND to swimming. He always acts like he's being duped, cheated, misunderstood. I've tried explaining the deal to him but it doesn't matter. You can't reason with a toddler. He stands there and cries these big crocodile tears. It is so sad (and frustrating).

A not-so-happy little guy
By the time we get to Starbuck's, he's okay. He's moved on and is ready to order.  But still, I think to myself, "How are we going to do this moving forward? How do we juggle 3 kids, 3 activities?" We don't have to worry about Nico for awhile. But there are so many outlets that we want to give our children (if they want to do them). It's kind of mind boggling to think of the shuttling everyone around. Ai-yi-yi. 
On that note, have a happy Monday!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Wee Irish lass and laddies

We had a very quiet St. Patrick's Day.  I have to admit that I've been kind of 'off' on holidays lately. I think I am a bit sad, thinking about my mother. This year (and last, I guess) I haven't felt very motivated.  Then again, it could be the chunk of a baby that I've carried around with me these almost 6 months.

While RWF and Bode skied, Gianna and I decided to bake.  I looked through some Irish Soda Bread recipes. Then I found this super easy "Irish Lace Cookies" recipe on epicurious. It was so simple and the ingredient list so short that I knew we had to try it.    They were good straight out of the oven.  But after they cool and crisped up, I wasn't such a fan. Plus, the sugar gave me an instant headache.  I don't think Gianna liked them that much either. She ate two, but never asked for more after that. 

Speaking of cookies, this little guy looks like he eats a bunch!  What a chunk. A delicious, gooey chunk of baby is what he is...nom, nom.

He's got a spot of rash on his forehead because I ate an egg the other day. I was just testing to see if the egg would do anything. I don't know...rash appears so I'm thinking yes?  Anyone? 

I was looking at pictures of Bode, wearing this same exact onesie when he was 6 months old.  These two are still very similar. If you put (a lot of) brown hair on Nico, he and 6 month old Bode would look a lot alike, I think. I need to post the two photos together.

And here's my wee lad that first made me a mother. He has stolen my heart, this one. I am so lucky!!! 

Enjoying an apres-ski snack of milk and banana bread
That pile of toys over there is an "airport" according to Bode Wm.
After being underwhelmed by the Irish Lace Cookies, we made banana bread.  It did not disappoint.  Bode came home from skiing and was able to enjoy the banana bread with us. After he ate, he disappeared into the playroom for an hour.  Then he walked into the kitchen where RWF and I were talking and said, "Hey guys, I have made a wonderful discovery. Come rook (look)."  So we followed him to the playroom where this huuuuge pile of LEGOs, cars, blocks, stuffed animals, books...basically everything out of the bins...awaited us.  We looked at him for explanation.  "It's an airport." he said.  "Ohhhh." we said.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you.

Friday, March 15, 2013

It's Friday, I'm in love

Wild child

Welcome to this week's Friday Love!  In lieu of being redundant on what I love (come on...we all know what I'm gonna say...), I'm just going to post pics on today's activity.  It was cold outside, so we were stuck in the house.  So what to do in an already messy house? I decided to make an obstacle course in the living room. 

I pulled out the bench from the bedroom ("walk the plank") and the tunnel from the playroom ("army crawl to the green chair") and a laundry hamper served as a basketball net ("make a basket") and my glider provided just enough wobble ("test your stability"). And of course, the couch and green chairs served as good jumping/running platforms. 

Nico and Priscilla acted as "monsters" on the ground to keep Gianna and Bode moving on the furniture. I think this activity lasted well over an hour!  Plus, it is great for Bode to test himself on balance, jumping, etc.

So that was our Friday.  And that is who I love. Friday Love completed. Check!  Actually not quite "checked" because I am waiting on my other love, Mr. F, to return from a business trip. He will arrive home late tonight. Can't wait to see him!
I hope that you had a wonderful Friday. 

On looking "exhausted"

Dear Well-meaning (?) Friends, Family and random Passerby,

Thank you (not), upon seeing me, for being so quick to comment, "You look exhausted!" And suggesting that I need sleep (you think?) or help with my children (I would love it! Are you offering?).  Your wide eyes and fake looks of concern are unnecessary.

In case you are interested, I KNOW that I look exhausted. I cringe every time I look in the mirror. It's nothing that make-up can fix (believe me, I've tried).  Because I am the sole source of nutrition for my preshus babe, I do not want to use any chemicals on my body. So for now, any magical elixirs that promise to rid the wrinkles and dark circles will have to wait. Believe me, I would love to find the one potion to rid my face of the wrinkles, the dry skin, and the luggage under my eyes. Being a mother of 3 has not taken my vanity away. There are things that take precedence right now, and my looks are not always one of them.

Not only do I KNOW that I look exhausted, I also FEEL exhausted.  And as far as comments like, "I don't know how you do it,"  well I "do it" because I love having these children in my life. Yes, they kick my ass every day and come back for seconds. Yes, there are times when I wonder, "What was I thinking?"  But that's for me to worry about, not you. They are a gift.

So please, keep the "exhausted" comments to yourself. And just give me an encouraging smile. And if you see that my hands are full, please open the door for me (I'm talking to you, father at the preschool).

 Argh. I'm sorry. But really? Six months post-partum and I'm really getting tired of that comment. (I had taken all 3 kiddos to the chiropractor with me on Wednesday and that is what I hear as soon as I plop down in the waiting area. I wanted to say, "I'm exhausted from what is the "marathon" of getting all 3 babies ready to go out in the real world and to make this appointment on time.") I was hoping to look better at the 6 month mark. But apparently, it's not happening.

Blurry early a.m. photos because I was "blurry-eyed" waking
Chunky baby thighs for breakfast 

Blurry photos from this morning...I actually love my mornings now (though I always want more sleep).  Bode comes into the bedroom to wake me up. "Mom?" he "whispers" in the loudest voice possible.  I pop up and hiss, "Be quiet! You'll wake Nico!" But of course, that has already happened.  Then Bode climbs into my bed while I feed Nico. We talk about how he slept ("good") and what he would like for breakfast ("just milk right now, I want to go play with my cars"). Or sometimes, like this morning, he is still quite sleepy himself, and wants to get under the covers for a quiet wake-up time.  I don't usually give him my iPhone to play a game but this morning, I really needed some extra sleep.  Nico was up at 11:30 p.m., then 1:00 a.m., and then surprise of all surprises, Bode woke me up at 3:15 a.m. for milk (huh?), followed by Nico again....

It is supposed to be very chilly today so I guess we will be indoors again. I  don't want to take Nico out in 20 degree weather because, even with a down suit, his little face is exposed. And I don't like that he can't tell me stuff like, "My eyeballs are frozen," or "My little body is roasting in this down suit!"

We were going to drive down to see Grandma but Aunt Dawnie nixed due to the snow activity in their 'hood. I'm really bummed that we aren't going. But I guess I don't want to chance road issues with my 3 preshus in tow.  So no plans again. I really need to motivate. Hopefully warmer weather will bring more outdoor activity!
Happy Friday.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sunny weekend

We had such an incredible weekend. It was incredible simply because the sun was out!  I absolutely loved it.  I think my mood improved by 1000%.  I smiled. I was happy.  I felt relaxed. I played outside with all of my babies. It was so much fun for all of us.

Saturday morning, RWF brought up the Exersaucer from the basement. I washed it and stuck it outside to dry. Nico thinks he's "sooooo big!"

Bode Wm. is "soooo big" as well. I can not get over how big he is getting, and turning into such a "boy."

A picture of me, smiling about being outside in the glorious sunshine. I have no jacket on as it was so warm. I still bundled Nico up in his down suit though.   That proved to be a mistake as he got too hot.  Luckily we have plenty of outdoor gear to wear.

 RWF and Bode negotiating on what scooter to ride.  Bode won and got the big one.  They raced around. I am so surprised how good Bode is on the scooter.  He took a hiatus over the winter and just hopped on and rode it like nobody's biz.

This child of mine.  She splashed in all the puddles and then took her pants off because they were "aw wet."  We let her run around bare legged. She loved it.

I hope that you got some sun this weekend. It made a world of difference in our little corner.

Today, it has rained all day. Really.  Non-stop rain. I actually love the rain, so it hasn't bothered me.  After we picked up Bode from school, we got donuts. I declared an impromptu donut party.  Bode and Gianna thought it was a great idea.  I asked what all we needed for a donut party (even though I 'called' it) and Bode said, "Balloons!" So I blew up two red balloons. I also put two birthday candles and stuck them in each donut. A bright spot to our day. Party complete. Babies happy.

Happy Tuesday.