Dear Nico,
Happy 7 months to you! Please give me a minute to stop hyperventilating. Every time that I think of you being 7 months, my heart skips a little faster, and my breathing becomes more rapid. 7 months already?!? This year is going by too fast.
You are adored by everyone, and you mirror that adoration right back to those who give it to you.
Sometimes, you have a breathy little laugh (heh, heh, heh). It reminds me of Bode when he was a baby, because I remember him laughing the same way.
When you get upset (if I have taken too long to pick you up, or you fall over when trying to reach something), you sputter with indignation. It is the hum of a motor, almost a raspberry, but the tone is low, a disapproval. Sorry to undermine your frustration but it is so cute!
You are not crawling, but you are scooting around (on your bum, in a seated position). You will reach for things just out of reach, and this causes you to fall over. When this happens, you cry. I will come over and cheer for you (ignoring your cries), telling you that it is wonderful that you are trying new things. You will lie there, in an almost plank position, and look at me like, "Don't you see that I've fallen? Pick me up!" And then I will pick you up, because I can not ignore your cries. So, if you're not crawling in a month or so, don't blame me. You will only have yourself to blame!
We had a great start to rice cereal, but now, nothing. I just can't seem to get you to eat. Either I'm off on the timing, or you're really not interested. I am not worried about you starving, but I would like you to show a little more diversity in your diet. Sooner rather than later!

At night, we have a long bedtime routine. This is my fault. I will hold you while you are sleeping. And that is all I want to do. I am in no hurry to put you down. I would hold you all night if I could. But if your father comes home from work and I'm still putting you to bed, he worries that you're keeping me up. So I fib a little, and tell him that you're taking awhile to get to sleep. The truth is, I just want to hold you while you sleep in my arms. It is my way of preserving you as a baby, trying to soak up this little babe in my arms, willing myself to remember what you feel like at this time, forever. It is just the two of us, and nothing else matters. Right now, nothing makes me feel more peaceful than holding you while you sleep.
You are such a blessing to me.