Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gianna: 9 months

Dear Gianna,
This week, I washed and stored the Tiny Gym. This is the playmat that you laid on when you were an immobile baby. It was with a heavy heart that I put this mat away. Another physical reminder of your babyhood...poof! Even your daddy remarked that it was "sad" that it was time to put away the Tiny Gym. But you do not think of yourself as an immobile baby, and you get quite upset with me if I lay you down on the floor. You would rather be sitting up so that you can work on crawling. You are trying so hard to crawl. You rock on your hands and knees, hoping to move along.  Sometimes you fall forward on your face, and you cry. Sometimes you just get so frustrated because your feet get stuck underneath your bum and you don't know how to move them out of the way. Even more frustrating for you is to be stuck in one place while the rest of us move about the house freely.
Your first tooth popped up fully this week. It has been here awhile, but it is now up and out for everyone to see. Your brother had his "front gate" teeth at 9 months. Yes, I am comparing. I'm afraid that you're going to hear a lot of comparisons. I just can't help but think of the differences (and similarities) between you two. I am sorry that I don't know how much you weigh, or how long you are, or other physical stats right now at your 9 month birthday. I know that with Bode, I knew every little detail every day of his first year. This is just a small downfall of being baby #2, Gianna. At least  I am taking lots of photos of you. Some of your cousins, who share baby #2 status with you, did not get the photo history that their older sibling did as a baby. I promise that I am taking photos of you every week (sometimes, every day!).

You love playing Bode's piano.  You do not bang your fists onto the keys. You are so serious. You sit up straight and place your fingers out straight on the keys to play.  You look like you know what you are doing!

I feel bad that I don't have the time for you that I would like to have.  It seems like I spend my days running around the house, trying to "get things done" in between your and Bode's diaper changes and feedings. I really don't like this about our life, and I'm trying to figure out how to change it.  You and your brother are on different nap schedules. So this means that we do have about an hour or more alone together. I usually spend the time playing with you, or just talking to you while we eat lunch together. Or taking photos and other silly things like this:

And I do love our mornings waking up together. You always smile when you wake up and you're always in a good mood. Holding you and hugging you first thing in the morning is the best way to wake up.  I always hand you off to your daddy in the morning, because I really think that he needs to hold his soft, warm baby first thing in the morning, too (and it gives me the opportunity to get my other morning "must have," a cup of coffee).

By the way, you are suddenly coy with Daddy.  He will smile at you and try to make you laugh, and you will duck your head down, or look away for a second before returning his smile. He can always get you to smile when he asks, "How big is Gianna?" Just so you know, this was "my" game with you before he made it "his" game with you. But I will let Daddy have it, because I like hearing him ask, "How big is Gianna?" and enjoy watching you smile when he says, "So big!"

You are now officially 9 months old. Put another way, you are 39 weeks old. And I can't help but think that this is how long you "baked" before joining us in the real world. And just like similar feelings I had during my pregnancy with you, sometimes it feels like you've been with us forever, and other times, I am surprised that you are really here. But every time I look at you, I am always, always, always so very happy that you are here with us.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Search N Find

Here's a little puzzle for those of you socked in by rain or snow this weekend. Can you spot the baby in these pictures:

Look to the're getting warm. Warmer...

I spy with my big blue angelpie.

I left Gianna with Bob so I could do something that I did not want to do with a baby on my hip. I returned and found her on the couch surrounded by these toys while Bob channel-surfed nearby.  I think Bob forgets that she is mobile now!

Under my umbrella

Guess what...we are being pounded by rain and wind! I think we are supposed to get rain all week. Again, I am not complaining. I'm just reporting. And, this is important to my story today.
Last night, I made the most pathetic dinner of store bought, gluten-free ravioli and a homemade "tomato sauce" (no onion, no basil, etc. Aunt Mary Lou, I hope that you are not reading this!). It was actually pretty good. Or maybe we were just starving! It's time to go to the store when you don't have an onion in the house!
We were seriously low on everything. Despite the crazy rain and wind, I had no choice but to take everyone to the grocery store this morning. I had two sick babies and one long grocery list. I know that we entertained a few onlookers. First of all, any of you with multiple children know that it takes some planning to get from Point A to Point B.  My plan at the grocery store is to park the car as close to the store as possible, get a cart, wheel the cart to the passenger side door, take Bode out of his carseat and secure him into the grocery cart. Then I wheel and park Bode/grocery cart by the driver's side door while I remove my jacket, strap on the Baby Bjorn, unhook Gianna's carseat from the base, set the carseat on the floor of the car and then remove Gianna from the carseat. Then I put Gianna into the Baby Bjorn, put my jacket on over the Bjorn, do one last check that I have my keys with me, lock the car, and then I walk/wheel into the store.  Today, my plan was compromised by rain. One, I couldn't put Bode into a wet grocery cart that had been abandoned in the parking lot. Two, I couldn't leave Bode sitting in the rain while I did the car seat/Bjorn shuffle with Gianna. So I had to leave Bode in his carseat while I knelt in the back of the car and did the carseat/Bjorn shuffle with Gianna. Once I secured Gianna, I had Bode hop  down from the carseat and we walked, hand in hand  through the rain to the inside of the store for a dry grocery cart.  Here's where it got fun!  I somehow had to pick Bode up (without smooshing Gianna, who was strapped to me in the Bjorn) and heave him into a grocery cart.  This was diffcult because Bode was not sure how to sit in the cart (as I usually move his legs into the seat for him), and my "hurry-up" atttitude got him more confused about how to stand/sit in the cart. At one point, I felt like I was doing a backbend while trying to "lunge" Bode's uncooperative legs into the seat of the cart.  Finally, I got Bode sitting in the cart. I know that I look harried with my curly frizzy wind-blown hair, a baby strapped to me while trying to coach an unweildy toddler how to squat down into the cart. 
Here's the part where I brag about my babies. So if you're not into it, just move along.  These babies of mine are so good.  They are not feeling 100 percent. They both have runny noses that I am continually wiping as gently as I can (but they still dodge and cry when I approach their little noses with a tissue).  They are bundled up with hats, jackets and rain coats against the elements. They are confined to a grocery cart and the Baby Bjorn for over an hour while I shop, check my list, backtrack for another item, repeat. They do not complain. They do not cry. They do not squirm. They do not pull things off the shelves. They are SO GOOD.  Maybe I am wrong...maybe this is not unusual "behavior" for a toddler and a baby. Maybe the bad "behavior" comes when they are older, like 4 and 5 years old.  But I am proud of my babies. And, I am so thankful that they were so good today. (And, I'm making a mental note to remember this particular grocery trip the next time they happen to act out in public.)
When we were checking out (warning: more bragging), these two ladies (the checker and the bagger) could not stop oohing and ahhing over Gianna. "She's so beautiful," they said, and both gave delighted gasps when Gianna smiled at them. And then the same with Bode.  Who doesn't love (love love love) to hear how beautiful their children are? I DO! And then I write about it! (Bob, I hope that you're not reading this.) These ladies were really sweet and made the end of my marathon shopping trip sweeter.
But then, it gets better:
You know how at the end of the check-out process, the checker always asks, "Do you want help out?"  I am always Ms. Self-Sufficient and say, "No, thank you."  Today, with the rain and my Gianna/Bode shuffle in mind, I said, "Yes, please." So the bagger wheeled Bode and our groceries out to the car. This was a nice little perk after our grocery cart fiasco, and  I would have happily driven the bagger home with me to unload the groceries if I could have gotten away with it!  Before we exited the store, she produced an umbrella from the doorway, and proceeded to walk out, making sure that Bode was under the umbrella.  We got to the car and  I started to put Gianna into her car seat, so that I could work on Bode next. I looked back to check on Bode, to make sure he wasn't upset about being "alone" with the bagger. The bagger was just standing there, holding the umbrella over Bode. She asked, "Will you get him next please, so that he's out of the rain?"  She wasn't in a hurry to unload the groceries so that she could get inside. She was keeping my preshus  sheltered under her umbrella.  And then, an older man wearing a windbreaker walked up and asked the bagger, "Can I hold your umbrella for you?"  So a man stood in the rain holding an umbrella over my son's head and a lady got soaked as she put the groceries in my car. I thanked them both and wished them a nice day. They certainly made my day. ;)

After our shopping trip. Bode is ejoying watered-down apple juice (per the nurse's advice to me yesterday).

It was pouring down rain when I took these photos but it looks bright outside.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring has sprung! (just not around here)

Yesterday was the first official day of Spring. It has been rainy, windy and cold around here (not complaining, just reporting). And to kick off the first official day of Spring we have a special surprise! Sick babies! Bode and Gianna are both congested again. Bode has a sore throat and sounds so pathetic. I just hope that this cold doesn't last as long as the other colds. I didn't have anything special planned for the first official day of Spring. This month has been kind of blah, with the happenings that make up life, and the weather. And I didn't have a special Spring kick-off dinner planned, either. I ended up making an easy dinner of vegetables. A meal that I couldn't help but think that my brother-in-law would have labeled, "rabbit food."  That's fitting for a first day of Spring, isn't it?

I can't wait to get outside and do some Spring things! I want to plant some flowers with Bode like we did last year.  I want park play dates, sand toys and floppy sun hats. I want to buy all pastel things welcoming Easter, like dessert plates, dish towels and foil wrapped chocolates!  Most of all, I want to see more smiles like this:

Bob and Bode March 19, 2011

I ran an errand this weekend while the babies napped. I came home and found Gianna here.  Bob calls her "Alfalfa" when her hair does this weird middle part.

The first tooth is officially here. Can you see it?

How cute is this onesie? It has embroidered pastel whales on it. How retro-adorable! It makes me want to dig out the Polos and Bermuda shorts. Tennis, anyone?  ;)
My house is making me crazy. It just looks so dull and uninspiring. I did take down all the photos and books from our bookshelves. I am waiting for inspiration to strike. I definitely think more color is in order.

What are you doing to celebrate Spring?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Do you know the muffin man?

Another wet, windy and cold morning so Bode and I had to forgo our outdoor activity. I have had a can of pumpkin in my pantry since November. I am sure that I bought the pumpkin puree to make a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving (my mom went to Marie Callendar's instead). This can of pumpkin didn't expire for another year or so, but I decided that it couldn't be sitting in my pantry through Spring and Summer. I decided to  make some muffins because (a) it would use up the pumpkin, and (b) more importantly, it would give Bode and me an activity to fill the morning while it rained (and Gianna napped).

We had a good time measuring, mixing and pouring the batter. While the muffins* baked, we cleaned out the pantry. This is another good activity and I have to remember this one for future use!  I set the trash can and recycle bin by the pantry. I went through the pantry shelves, handing things to my little helper Bode to toss into the two bins. 

After the muffins cooled for a bit on the counter, we got to enjoy them together. 

Bode eating his muffin (with the rejected breakfast of eggs, potatoes, and blackberries also in front of him).

You may notice that Bode is sporting some bling in the photos.  He wore some green beads on St. Patrick's Day. Then, we read about a clam in a story, so I showed him my pearl jewelry. A pearl bracelet was immediately added to his ensemble. Every day, he asks for his "necgress" and "bracette" to wear. Perhaps this is his new Spring look. 

* I am happy to share the recipe. I added huge Ghiradelli bittersweet chocolate chips to the batter after I had poured out three muffins of plain batter for Bode. The muffins are delicious, plain or with chocolate. A perfect Fall muffin...or in our case, a perfect "au revoir, Fall" muffin.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Second (?) in What Will Be A Half Dozen (or More) "She's (almost) Crawling!" posts

Today Bob and I watched Gianna do the pre-crawl ritualistic dance of deep bend, feet together, belly flop and then scuttle-push on the floor. She is getting thisclose to crawling. Evidenced as follows:


Wait. What does my shirt say?


Going for Daddy!

Maybe that piece of paper is a more attainable goal...

So close!

A little help, please!

Got it!

Netflix? Did Bode get a Disney movie?

Maybe next weekend, I'll be crawling!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lucky have a strong, supportive, generous, caring and loving partner have this happy, funny little guy in my life have this little angel in my arms

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Crazy for You

Our weather has been rainy and cold for the past two weeks. Gianna has been sick for the past three weeks. Bode got sick somewhere in that three week period but recovered after a couple of days. Three weeks of Gianna being sick has gotten old, very old. The pediatrician told me that there is nothing to do. Gianna is a baby and her little system can not work out this cold as quickly as other people can. This week, Bode got sick again. I am surrounded by snot, coughing and the hoarse cries for milk, love, and comfort.

It seems I have the swivel hips of Rosie from The Jetsons, but not the unemotional efficiency of taking care of a household. I wipe Gianna's nose, then Bode's nose, Gianna's nose, then Bode's nose. Every morning I change dirty sheets. My garbage can holds more used tissues than the typical garbage. My hands are dry and wrinkled from the fifty million applications of soap, water and antibacterial gel. Someone coughs and I wince, irritated at the sound and the idea of more germs floating around.
After being gone a week, Bob came home from his business trip on Sunday night. I was so looking forward to him being at home, and just taking a little bit of the children's attention off of me. Monday morning he announced that he was feeling "off."  Tuesday, he stayed in bed until 10:15 a.m. and then spent the rest of the day at home, blowing his nose, sneezing and coughing.  If Bob stays home in bed, I know that things are very, very bad. If things are this bad for him, how bad must Gianna and Bode feel? It made me frustrated again. My poor babies have probably felt terrible for so long and can not tell me what is bothering them.

This morning the sky turned grey and the air turned cold again. The forecast is for more rain through the week. I sat and fed the babies breakfast, grimacing as I wiped snotty noses again. Dirty tissues piled up by the breakfast dishes as I tried to get Bode to eat something.  And then Bode dropped a smushed piece of banana on the floor. A piece of smushed banana that reminded me of the one thing that I had been cleaning up for three solid weeks. 

"I AM GOING CRAZY!" I screamed.  I went to the closet and pulled out shoes and jackets.  "Bode, do you want to go bye-bye?" I asked, internally begging him,  Please just say YES.  "Okay bye-bye" he agreed.  Thankfully, I did not have to wrestle him to get the shoes and jacket on him. Maybe he is going a little stir-crazy, too.

I ran out to the car and put my purse and the Baby Bjorn in the front seat before getting the children. The front door was open and Bode was waiting by the doorway.  I ran inside to get Gianna and on my way to the door, met a perplexed looking Bob.  "Are you okay?" he asked. Before I could answer, Bode answered for me:

"Mommy is crazy, Daddy."

Indeed.  So we left Daddy in the house and went out for a bagel. I wanted to send a broadcast message to our little town: BEWARE! Sick Children and Crazy Mommy Approacheth! But mercifully, neither Bode nor Gianna had a snotty nose while we ate. And both seemed in good spirits while we were out.  When we came home after an hour, I was still feeling stir-crazy. But the weather threatens rain and it's windy in the hills. Too much weather for two sick babies to be outside.  I put Bode down for his nap early.  I took Gianna back to the bedroom to nap. She was not sleepy so we sat in bed and played.  I had her facing me in my lap. Her new trick is to pull my eyeglasses off my face.  This annoys me. "No, Gianna, no no."  I put my glasses back on. She smiled and pulled them off again.  "NO, Gianna. NO." I put them back on. I weighed how much she would cry if I just put her in the crib and walked away, and whether it would keep Bode up, too. I decided that I was 'stuck' sitting with Gianna. She pulled off my glasses. I sighed. She smiled again.  And then it hit me: get out of your head and have fun with your baby. She's playing a game with you.  So this time I smiled and said, "no, Gianna..." and laughed as she pulled off my glasses. She laughed too, and everything was alright.

Already There

Gianna is making moves like she is ready to crawl.  She leans forward and rocks on her bum and arms.  Then she usually falls forward onto  her face and cries.  I pick her up to sitting position and she starts all over again. 

What are you playing with there, Bode?

Forward motion...

Slow and steady wins the race...


That car will soon be MINE ALL MINE!
Soon she'll be crawling full-time and this house will be a whole new world.  She'll navigate furniture, sleeping dogs, random shoes, pieces of Legos and cars discarded by her brother. She'll have so much fun discovering everything around her. And she'll be asking for the car keys before we know it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bode - 29 Months

Dear Bode,
If your 2nd year had a subtitle, I think it would be "CARS! CARS! CARS!" in neon flashing lights, just like how the Vegas strip advertises "Girls! Girls! Girls!".  You are obsessed with cars.  You race them along the back of the couch, around the dining table, in your crib, and everywhere else. I love eavesdropping on your dialogue about the cars.  I love that your cars always introduce themselves to each other before racing:  "Hey! I Lightning McQueen!" "Hey! I Ramone!"  "Vrooom!"  Our day is often punctuated with the sound of cars dropping on the floor, a sound that sometimes makes me cringe. When we go out, you typically have one car in each hand.  When you go to bed, we have to bring  a bunch of cars with us: Lightening McQueen, Ramone, Tow Mater, Sally, Sheriff, Mack, Construction (a generic construction car of your choice) and basically any other car you can get me to carry down to the bedroom. I don't know how you sleep with all of them, but you always do.

After a haircut.
You had your first visit to the dentist. In typical fashion, you were what I like to call "curiously calm" in a new situation. You did not freak out and refuse to open your mouth (as I had feared). You sat there calmly, opened your mouth, while your ears and eyes took in everything around you. You got to pick out a pair of sunglasses to wear while the dentist shined the bright light in your mouth to count your teeth. You got to pick out a surprise after the check-up. Guess what you picked out (see above if you need a clue!). After the appointment, you wore the sunglasses all day and only took them off to nap. You have ten perfect teeth on top and ten perfect teeth on bottom. Hopefully we will get a similar check-up in the next six months.
First Dental Exam
You enjoy hanging out with your daddy.  We have been going to the California Academy of Sciences, which has been a lot of fun for everyone.  But I think it is a "Bode and Daddy" event because you two hang out together and daddy loves telling you all about the exhibits we see.

Daddy is always thinking of ways to entertain, educate, and share things with you. He has a long list of things that he wants to do together. You are so lucky!

You are still regressing a little bit. You like to say, "I Gianna" and coo.  You might sit in her bouncy seat or in the Exersaucer (which is about to break every time you get in).  Tonight you got into the swing all by yourself. I was feeding Gianna her nightly bottle and I just looked up in time to see you climb into the swing on your own.  You love your sister.  Your favorite thing is to shriek, laugh or do something silly to make her smile and laugh at you.

The things you do lately that I love are: walking around in my shoes, wearing hats all the time, going into the pantry and picking up some random food item and asking, "How about this?"

You are such a character. And we are loving it!
Happy 29 months to my happy little guy.