Sunday, July 28, 2013


Saturday morning, Gianna got up, put on her fluffiest pink dress, went downstairs and told RWF, "I want to go downtown, Daddy."  So away we went.  This time of year, downtown is a zoo with people visiting for the race track and other things. Luckily, it wasn't too crowded.

DOWNTOWN! (sing it a la Petula Clark)

We had parked near an ice cream store, and the two monkeys had noticed, shouting, "Ice cream! Ice cream, Mommy, ice cream!" as if I wasn't aware of the place when we pulled into our spot.  I may or may not have said something snarky to RWF, about how had I been driving and not RWF, I would have driven around until I found a spot NOT in front of an ice cream store. We ignored their pleas for ice cream, instead suggesting that we walk downtown.

We walked around for a bit, noticing a couple of new restaurants (hooray!) and then walked over to Starbucks so that I could get a coffee.

So after I took care of myself (ha!), I whispered to RWF, "Whaddya think, should we treat them to an ice cream? They've been so good."  Of course, RWF agreed.  So we headed out of Starbucks, intending to surprise Bode and Gianna with ice cream.

Before we left Starbucks, Bode insisted that he was thirsty.  So I asked the barista for a cup of ice water.  I gave him the ice water and started off.  


Gianna started whining that she was thirsty, too. I looked over at the bar. Of course, there was  a line of people waiting for their coffee drinks and the two baristas were banging them out as quickly as possible. I didn't want to bother them again for water.  So I asked Bode to share his water.  Well of course, he acted like I had just asked him to give all the toys on the planet to his sister. He shrieked, "NO!" and kept walking away from us. I finally grabbed the water from him and gave it to Gianna, insisting "Share!"  Of course, once Gianna had the ice water in her hot little hands, she wouldn't give it up.  Bode got mad and pushed a chair over.  Yes. He did.  I was horrified at this act of anger.  (More on that later!)  I told him to right the chair and step out of Starbucks immediately.  He started crying and didn't want to do anything with the chair.  So I picked the chair up and grabbing his hand, walked him out of Starbucks where I could lecture him properly.  (Hindsight...I realize that I should have just asked for 2 cups of ice water the first time around!)

Let's just say, neither RWF nor I wanted to "treat" them to ice cream afterwards.  And they knew it. They whined the whole time we walked toward our car.  Everyone, except Nico, was grumpy.  

We got to the ice cream place and we relented on the ice cream. Why not reward bad behavior with ice cream?!! I think that I was hoping that ice cream would put everyone in a better mood.  The truth is, RWF and I were snippy and angry with each other. Neither of us had gotten a good night's sleep (up 4 times with Sir Nicholas, for one thing) and we both have a lot on our minds. Neither of us felt like dealing with parenting whiney toddlers.  



Bode and Gianna cheered up (and quieted down) after they got ice cream.  RWF and I watched them silently. Finally, after about 20 minutes of watching Bode and Gianna smiling and enjoying themselves, RWF and I softened.  Eventually, we all made peace with each other. And so it is with parenting, right?  You just have to plug along, no matter how little energy or patience you have,  you have to be the adult and you have to be a "team" with your partner. I'm learning, little by little.  But, if you're a parent, you know that things are always changing. So once you've got one thing figured out, something new comes along.  And so it is with Bode.  I'm having a really hard time with him lately. I'll share more in another post.
Happy weekend.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Cooler mornings and last day of camp!

Chilly morning

This week has been so wonderful, weather-wise!  It has gotten down to 48.  We wake up to a chilly house because our house is opened up all day and night.  We have been putting footie pajamas on the baby, and everyone wears fleeces in the morning. In the afternoons, it's been low 80s. Hooray! I of course love this weather.   I know it won't last, but I'm going to enjoy it while we have it.  

I have started Fall shopping! Hooray!  It is my favorite time of year, and back-to-school shopping is probably one of my most favorite activities, ever. But more on that later.

A warm and stripey outfit today
Bode and Gianna  have their last day of camp today.  They've had fun, but it's definitely been rough in the woods. They've gotten bitten by mosquitos all over, and Bode has blisters on his  heels.  I think Bode enjoys playing with new friends, but Gianna has a harder time friending others, because she is the youngest of the bunch. Yesterday when I dropped them off, Bode ran off with a friend and Gianna lagged behind. I stopped, midway to my car and looked at her. She stood there and looked at me.  And my heart  hurt a little bit, wondering if she wanted me to stay or if she wanted to go with me. I told her that I loved her and to have fun. She yelled back, "Okay, take care!" But she still stood there and watched me. Finally I took a deep breath, blew her a kiss, and walked to my car, hoping that she would have fun.  As I pulled out of the driveway, I looked back and saw that she had joined Bode and his friend.

I keep debating back & forth over whether Gianna should go to school with Bode.  (Bode is going to a Kindergarten that ranges in age from 3-6, so Gianna could go there, too.) My first response is No, because I think she needs an experience independent of Bode. On the other hand, I think it might be helpful for her to have Bode around to show her the ropes.  It's hard...we want to do what's best for her (and Bode) and all we can do is make our best decision based on what we know, right?  I get a little freaked out, knowing that I will have two babies in school this Fall. Luckily, I will have one baby at home with me!

Oh, how I love you.

I have no plans for the month before school starts. I imagine that we will fill up our days with swings, water fun and other summer activities. Hopefully some relaxed downtime/play is just what the monkeys need before the Fall school schedule begins!
Happy Friday.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

PSA: The brothers McGee

The following is a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT for the people of Upstate New York:

Here are Cheeksy and Eyelashes McGee, two brothers that are fun, happy, charming and...dangerous.  Not a lot is known about them, but here are a few interesting tidbits about these two:

Cheeksy is the older of the two.  He is called "Cheeksy" because of his big smile. When he was a baby, he'd smile so big, all you'd see were cheeks ("Cheeksy").  He is a happy guy, and loves cars and to run around. These days, he is often seen riding his bike at full speed.  He is full of energy, and can be heard singing or shouting (happily). He is very intelligent, and will argue a point with you until he wears you down. He loves his brother, and will defend him in anything.  He calls his brother by these other names: "Neek" (rhymes with "cheek") and "Bobby Builder" (origin of this name is unknown, but Cheeksy is said to have called his brother this name since Eyelashes's birth). 

Eyelashes is the baby brother, but don't let his age fool you. This guy is quite the charmer, and can get what he wants with his smile, grunting, or yes, by batting his ultra-long eyelashes.  The eyelashes are quite disarming, because you don't see them right off.  But if he moves his head just so, BAM! there they are, and passerby are struck by the length of his blonde lashes (hence, "Eyelashes" or "Lashes").  It has been reported that when he was just 3 months old, his aunt came from Texas to meet him, and upon seeing his profile in the car, said, "All I see are eyelashes." To express his disapproval, Lashes will blow raspberries.  Eyelashes doesn't say much, but that does not stop him from taking what he wants.  He will even go as far as to cry to get what  he wants.  You have been warned!

People are warned to not engage in direct eye contact with these brothers.  If Cheeksy or Lashes starts to smile, please look away! Associating with these two brothers has resulted in loss of Goldfish crackers, sweets, water (due to frequent baths or swimming pool fun), and loss of energy (due to pushing them on swings and endless rounds of "Peek-a-boo"). 

It is important for the public to know that they do not usually dress alike. Do not be lulled into a false sense of security, thinking that you will see these two coming because they stand out in their matching outfits. They will disarm you with their smiling, happy faces and you will never even notice what they are wearing!

The brothers also have a sister, who has her own charms about her. She is kind of bossy, in a sweet way. She may in fact be the "mastermind" behind the whole crew. She is known for her pink outfits and messy hair. She is not a fan of the hairbrush, and so may sport a rather messy hairdo, despite being "girly." She has several aliases. Some of them are:  "Cakes" (or, "Babycakes"), "G" (when she is particularly sassy around her father), or "The MiaGia." Her mother has tried to call her by her given name, Mia, for years, with no success. A separate report will follow when more is learned on the female sibling of the Brothers McGee.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Rainy days are here again

Gianna sez, "Rain? Again?"
Last night was the second trial in room sharing. It went a little better (but not much). They were both up super late (and slept in this morning).  I know that this will take time.  But let's just say I'm not moving Nico's crib into Gianna's old room yet....

It is pouring down rain.  Today is day 2 for camp and I felt a little wicked dropping the monkeys off in the downpour.  But I know that they will have fun.

Bode and Gianna insist on carrying their backpacks (gifted to them by Aunt Mary Lou) to camp every day, even though they really don't need them.  They are supposed to bring certain things to camp, and leave the items in their designated spaces.  But Bode and Gianna insist on carrying their backpacks to and from camp every day.  And every afternoon when I pick them up from camp, they are packing up their backpacks, as if they are nomads, off on another journey, and not off to the comforts of their very suburban, very modern home. While they pack, I point out that all the other kids leave their items at the camp.  I try to talk to them about maybe leaving the spare pair of undies or sunscreen at camp for tomorrow, but am told that everything must go back in the backpack. And the backpack goes with them.  It is all very official with them, you know.

I finally captured a picture of Nico with his first tooth.

This baby has curls.  And I love the curls because they remind me of my dad.
Happy Tuesday.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The weekend, a big change, and camp!

Shortly after joining his company and getting acquainted with his "team," RWF told me that he works with a lot of young people.  On Friday, we went to a picnic for RWF's department. At the picnic, I could see what he meant. He does have a lot of young people working with him, and I felt so old!  I actually thought, "So the tables have turned. I'm no longer the youngest at the office, bidding my old crow manager and his stodgy, Talbots-attired wife adieu when they depart from the company "forced fun event." Mais non.  This time, I am the old crow wife, clucking her tongue at her children, yet smiling brightly while greeting the young worker bees in RWF's department. Yikes! Reality sets in again.  RWF works with a lot of nice people!  I was happy to meet them and "enjoy" the hottest day of the year (!!!) with them. (Man, it was so hot. I threatened RWF several times that if we did.not.leave.this.minute....well, you know. In reality, we stayed until 7:30. It cooled down a bit after the sun started to set.)

Let it be known, that whenever I see Nico's little face, I think, "Oh, my love," and my heart folds itself up into a little origami something-or-other because I just can not get over this baby. He is so precious!

Bode is getting so big. He is definitely going on "5." Not that I really know what "5" is, but he is looking older, acting older, and talking older.  Now, I can no  longer placate him or stop undesirable behavior with a redirection. Now, when I try to placate or redirect behavior, he argues back or tells me "why" what I am saying or doing won't work. He is just too smart for me.  And it's not just personal things that he is smart about (smart alec, sometimes) but brain-smart, too.  The other day, RWF turned on a space program, and without any introduction at all, Bode announced, "Oh that is one of Jupiter's moons, Endura."  We sat in silence until the narrator of the show confirmed that yes, we were in fact looking at one of Jupiter's moons, Endura.  (Honestly, I can't remember if the moon was called "Endura" or what it is called. Look it up. Or ask smartypants Bode sometime. He'll tell you.)

"Hi, I'm 5 going on 42, and a future employee at NASA"

And as you know, Gianna is a big 3 year old. She does not like to be left alone so I have to accompany her to the restroom every time she goes, and she now insists that her closet light be turned on every night as a night light. But, she no longer sleeps with her baby dolls or animals. She sleeps alone in her crib, with just her Hello Kitty blanket. And every night, she tells me exactly what to do, as if I'm some amnesiac that is charged with putting her to bed every night:  "Put on my Hello Kitty blanket. Turn on my fan. Turn on my closet light. I want to see my pretty dresses. (channeling Vanna White, I dutifully open her closet door, with a flourish, and show her pretty dresses to her) Oh, so pretty! Give me my bah-bah and say Goodnight to me." She says all of this quickly, like an order, with barely a breath in between as I go through the paces. 

And now that I've written that, I wonder, does she miss our routine?  See, that has all changed, because on Sunday there was a big change to our routine.

On Sunday, RWF and I just bit the bullet and moved Gianna's crib into Bode's room.  A short 2 hours later, and the verdict was in: Gianna will be moving back into her own room! What happened was this:  to be expected, they were both soooo excited to be sharing a room that they couldn't sleep.  Bode let Gianna out of her crib TWICE, and accompanied her downstairs to check in with us over silly stuff, like, "Hey guys, Gianna needs to go potty." (oh really? )  I was occupied because I was nursing Nico to sleep. So RWF had to deal on his own. The second trip downstairs occurred around 8:30 PM, which is 1 1/2 hours past their bedtime.  And I was about to have a heart attack, thinking of them tripping and falling on the stairs as they made their way down in their giggly, wired, sleep-deprived state. I told RWF, "This will not do. I can not sleep knowing that they will be going up and down the stairs all night."  Luckily, RWF threatened them with immediate separation if they did not return to their beds and GO.TO.SLEEP!  It worked. 

And to be expected, they both got up at the crack of dawn (5 AM) and yes, walked downstairs and attempted to wake me up (and Nico!), but RWF intervened.

There are so many issues.  I am trying to put Nico down in the evenings after I put Bode and Gianna down for bed.  So if they continue these shenanigans during the week, I'm not going to be able to deal with the situation and put Nico to sleep.  Plus, there is still the whole frightening stair issue (Gianna does not go down the stairs without an adult holding her hand. The fact that she was walking down (and up) the stairs with Bode, who is not so stable himself, gives me heart palpitations!) And then there is of course the idea that Gianna has already lost a lot of sleep (over 1 night), and who knows how long she'll be able to go at this pace.

So. Miss Mia Gianna will most likely be back in her own room by the end of the week.  Hope that you enjoyed the mini sleep-over, kids!

9 AM and they are both already exhausted!

The two monkeys are back in camp this week. It will be the last week of camp before school starts.  Gianna was not so gung-ho this morning about returning to camp. It could be that she is tired from last night. Who knows.  She was fine when I left her.  

Is that snowman laughing at me?!

She did insist on wearing a snowman hair bow this morning. And I had to wonder, is that a statement, that, like her mother, she is so over this stupid, hot, humid Northeast summer, or is it a harbinger of things to come (snowy freeze-your-ass-off winter)? 
Happy Monday.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Daddy love

I took this photo after the big scare at the farmer's market.  After that scare, we went straight home, and we were putting Gianna down for a nap. The little monkey ran and jumped into her daddy's arms before bidding us goodnight.
Happy Wednesday.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Our babies: 9 months

Here is Bode:

Here is Gianna:

Here is Nico:

It should be noted (ha!) that this is one of my all-time favorite photos of Bode.  Bode had the most hair out of all the babies. I think Gianna and Nico's hair color is almost the same. Both Bode and Gianna had their two bottom ("front gate") teeth.  Nico is still getting his first tooth in.  I looked up the weights, and Bode and Nico both weighed the same,  and Gianna was 3 lbs less than them! But Bode was 1 1/2 inches longer than Nico. 

Now I wish I had done this with all the months!  It would be neat to have these photos, stats and notes all compiled together for the three sibs to review together when they are older.  (Who am I kidding, it is really just for me!)
Happy Tuesday.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Nico: 9 months

Dear Nico,
I am late reporting. This is your last week of your ninth month! The big news is that your first toofy is on its way! Woo hoo! Congratulations on your first tooth! You've been handling it pretty well. You have not been sleeping as well lately, which could be due to the tooth making its way through, or the heat that does not escape us until late in the evening.

You love crawling all over the house. Your favorite thing is to find Priscilla's  bowls and throw them around. Speaking of throwing, you love  balls and throwing them. You will throw a ball and then crawl after it.  Actually, you will throw almost anything and crawl after it.

Food is still touch and go. You prefer smoother purees and generally reject any thicker, chunkier textures I try to feed you.  I have tried finger foods, too. You usually just pick up the little pieces and throw them to the ground. That is, unless your brother and sister get to them first. They love "teaching" you how to eat Puffs and bits of banana that I have put out for "you" on your tray. As soon as I sprinkle food on your tray, they are there, swarming your highchair like a couple of bees.

You love to take a bath  with Bode and Gianna. And you still love Bode so much! He will call you "Neeek" or "Bobby Builder" (a name he has called you since you were wee) and you will give him the biggest smile for it.  Gianna is getting in on the act, too, calling you these names and sending love your way (occasionally).  We've been getting out and about, and I think it is so easy with you. You're happy as long as you're with all of us (and have a fully belly).

I think your 9th month has been a lot of fun for you, with all the crawling and exploring that you're able to do. Good luck on that toofy...don't worry, it's almost there, and there are plenty more where that came from.
Happy 9 months my love!

The time we lost (and found) Gianna

On our way to drama the Farmer's Market on Saturday

Saturday we went to the Farmer's Market. We got there later than we normally would because of the baby.   So by the time we arrived, it was packed with people and vendors.  We walked through quickly and decided to eat breakfast at our favorite stand.  I ordered, while Gianna stood beside me.  RWF was nearby, with Bode and Nico (in a stroller).  

We sat down in a picnic area to eat our breakfast sandwiches and we were joined by Mrs. Atkins, Bode's (future) Kindergarten teacher, and her daughter (who is Bode's age).   We ate and chatted for awhile.  Then we said goodbye to Mrs. Atkins, deciding to do one quick walk through the stalls again.  RWF joked, "You can spend your remaining 6 bucks on anything that your heart desires," because buying breakfast had taken almost all of our cash.  And I laughed.

We walked through a maze of people.  RWF had Nico in the stroller, and I had Bode by the hand. Gianna was beside Bode, skipping along. RWF stopped at a tomato stand, asking the vendor where she was from in NY.  They exchanged a few geographical references before we started to move on.  I then stopped, looked at RWF and asked, "Where is Gianna?"  I just knew that she was gone. Doom.  We looked at each other for a second before splitting. I felt drained and yet, full of adrenaline. I ran in one direction, still clutching Bode's hand.  RWF ran in the other direction, wheeling Nico through the crowd. 

I got to the end of my side of the farmer's market and spun around, scanning for a tiny 3 year old in the mass of tall shoppers, tables piled high with greens and crates.  No Gianna.  I yelled her name a couple of times. I remember one man glared at me. I looked at him, challenging him to say something. Then I ran back the other way I had come.  I remember Bode asked, breathless, "Why are we going so fast?"

I ran smack into a wall of people.  Roadblock. I was about to claw my way through. I was so scared at how much time had passed since Gianna had gone missing. My mind was racing with possibilities, each one worse than the last.  Then I saw Mrs. Atkins looking at me as she made her way through the shoppers. She very calmly told me, "I saw Gianna. She's over there (pointing through the crowd).  Bob is on his way to her."  I thanked her. And then, I started to cry.  Relief poured through me, and I wanted to sob. But I cried silently. I wasn't going to feel better until I saw her with my own eyes. And, I didn't want to scare Bode or Gianna by crying as openly and loudly as I felt like. 

We got through the crowd. RWF was standing on a sidewalk, holding Gianna in his arms.  I walked on my jelly legs, toward them.  "Is she alright?" I asked.  RWF said that she was fine.  I pulled her out of his arms and into mine. I hugged and kissed her, so thankful to have her back.

What happened? Why didn't I notice that she was gone sooner? Where did she go? Why didn't anyone help her? What was she thinking? Was she scared? These are questions that I keep asking myself. The answers will never be known. I think that she just got 'swept up' into the crowd walking away from us, in the opposite direction.  
As RWF said, "Well, that was our first."  But probably not our last incident involving a lost child.   Over the weekend, we would both ask each other questions about what had happened, offering our own opinions and observations.  RWF told me that when he spied Gianna, she was standing by herself on the sidewalk, looking up, as if scanning the adults for her own parents.  She did not look or act scared or panicked.  I wonder how long she had been standing there. How much longer before she would have cried, feeling abandoned and lost by the two people who are supposed to be watching over her.  When I picture her standing alone on the sidewalk, I like to imagine both her grandfathers  standing sentinel on either side of her, keeping her from harm.

I've had tearful moments over the past couple of days, reliving the "what ifs" and being so thankful that things worked out the way that they did, with my little girl safely with us. I have not wanted to leave her side, telling RWF at night, only half-joking, "I want to sleep with Gianna."  The idea of her being tucked into her crib only a small reassurance to my PTSD over the incident at the farmer's market. I wanted to crawl in beside her, press my nose to her warm, small back, and dream sweet dreams of being together always.

Happy Monday.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Holiday weekend

the Griswolds visiting a battleground

We had a very relaxed weekend. We went to the Fourth of July parade, visited a battleground, ran 4 miles, and that was about it.  Everything was pretty low key.  I didn't take very many pictures.  

I've decided that I dislike summers here. Sorry but it's true. I'm not much of a summer person anyway. But you can take your humidity, your mosquitos and your crowds back, thank you very much.  The only thing that I like is the daily (!) rain and thunderstorms, but even they are getting old.

I got up early on July 4th, kissed my baby and my husband goodbye, and then went to the Firecracker Run.  It was hotter than ever.  I ran all 4 miles while the sun blazed down on me (and over 3500 other runners). Thankfully, some kind souls had their sprinklers and hoses out for us runners. I finished it!

I'm running again. I want it, I need it, I must have it in my life.  

This week, I've challenged myself to take the babies to different parks.  Yesterday we went to Eastside, which is right next to Bode's school. It is not a new park, so it doesn't count.  But it has great shade in the afternoon which is why we went there.

Ahh, shade!

Today, we went to Division Street, which has a splash pad, swings, a merry-go-round and the usual slide/climbing structure.  I like it because it is big, but small enough for me to see everyone in different places.  The children love the splash pad (of course) and swings (their must-have for a park).  They had never ridden a merry-go-round before and they both seemed to like it a lot.  

"Eyelashes McGee"

Eastside is always (weirdly) vacant, despite being a nice, clean park.   This park was full of other kids. Of course, I like that Bode and Gianna can interact with other kids at this park. But I did have a few panic moments of "Oh my gosh, where is he" while scanning for Bode in this park. I like empty parks! But I know that it is better to have a bunch of new friends to play with when you're at the park.

I know of two other parks to visit this week.  Hopefully, the sun will shine for part of the day and we can venture outside to the other two parks before the week ends.  We are in the middle of a thunderstorm at the moment.  It is welcomed! Bode is resting quietly while Gianna and Nico nap. I'm exhausted, too. 

See ya*
Happy Wednesday.
* I promise, I did not let my baby crawl over God-knows-what for very long. I just saw him taking off, took a quick snap, then picked him up. His hands, knees and feet were then sanitized before "Eyelashes McGee" was in lockdown (the stroller) again. 

Independence Day!

Over the July 4th weekend, Bode surprised me by riding his bike on his own!

I drove up in the car, and Bode was on the swing outside. I walked up to him and asked him what was wrong (because he looked upset).  He said, "nothing," and then asked me to help him ride his bike.  Well. I was tired and hot (having just returned from the grocery store - quelle nightmare!).  But seeing him look so down, I said, "Yes, of course!"  And I helped him on his bike.  When Bode's grandmother gifted him this big boy bike over a year ago, RWF immediately took the training wheels off.  So whenever Bode wants to ride the big boy bike, it requires an adult to hold the handlebars and the seat while Bode "rides" (sometimes pedaling, sometimes not).  

So, we walked around the driveway, with Bode getting the feel for the pedals.  And then he was smiling again!  He said, "Let go, Mommy."  I wasn't sure I had heard him. "What?" I asked.  He smiled, "Let go."  "Are you sure?" I asked.  "Let go, Mommy!"  So I did. And he rode on his own.  "Bode! You're doing it! Bode! You're riding by yourself!"  I couldn't believe it.  I was so happy and shocked.  He looked so happy.  I ran alongside him until he wanted to stop.  I looked at him and said, "I can't believe it."  He was still smiling, "What?"  I sighed and said, "I can't believe that you're riding a bike by yourself. I'm so proud of you!"  And then of course, I started crying.  I stared at him while my eyes filled up.  He looked concerned, "Why are you crying, Mommy?"  I told him that I was crying happy tears, and that I was crying because I was so proud of him for riding his bike. I stood there, with the sun beating down on us and my firstborn staring up at me. I thought about Bode as a baby, and I thought about milestones and events in his life. Some things that I can remember and others that I can not.  I wanted to remember this one.

Then, Bode took off again around the driveway.  I went to RWF and said, "Can you believe it?"  He looked incredulous, "Are you CRYING?"  "I just can't believe it...can you believe it?"  He shrugged, "Well, we've been practicing..."  

My boy is riding his big boy bike! Another milestone. Boom.
Go, Bode, go!!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday

Happy 3rd Birthday, Gianna!

I am late posting Gianna's 3rd birthday details. I have about 200+ photos to sort through and edit. Basically, she had 1 fun party, 2 cupcakes,  and 3 friends for her birthday fun. And of course, there were too many presents and a ton of love to fill her big day.

Gianna had a wonderful birthday. Thank you to everyone for the love and good cheer to our big 3 year old girl.