Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Holiday weekend

the Griswolds visiting a battleground

We had a very relaxed weekend. We went to the Fourth of July parade, visited a battleground, ran 4 miles, and that was about it.  Everything was pretty low key.  I didn't take very many pictures.  

I've decided that I dislike summers here. Sorry but it's true. I'm not much of a summer person anyway. But you can take your humidity, your mosquitos and your crowds back, thank you very much.  The only thing that I like is the daily (!) rain and thunderstorms, but even they are getting old.

I got up early on July 4th, kissed my baby and my husband goodbye, and then went to the Firecracker Run.  It was hotter than ever.  I ran all 4 miles while the sun blazed down on me (and over 3500 other runners). Thankfully, some kind souls had their sprinklers and hoses out for us runners. I finished it!

I'm running again. I want it, I need it, I must have it in my life.  

This week, I've challenged myself to take the babies to different parks.  Yesterday we went to Eastside, which is right next to Bode's school. It is not a new park, so it doesn't count.  But it has great shade in the afternoon which is why we went there.

Ahh, shade!

Today, we went to Division Street, which has a splash pad, swings, a merry-go-round and the usual slide/climbing structure.  I like it because it is big, but small enough for me to see everyone in different places.  The children love the splash pad (of course) and swings (their must-have for a park).  They had never ridden a merry-go-round before and they both seemed to like it a lot.  

"Eyelashes McGee"

Eastside is always (weirdly) vacant, despite being a nice, clean park.   This park was full of other kids. Of course, I like that Bode and Gianna can interact with other kids at this park. But I did have a few panic moments of "Oh my gosh, where is he" while scanning for Bode in this park. I like empty parks! But I know that it is better to have a bunch of new friends to play with when you're at the park.

I know of two other parks to visit this week.  Hopefully, the sun will shine for part of the day and we can venture outside to the other two parks before the week ends.  We are in the middle of a thunderstorm at the moment.  It is welcomed! Bode is resting quietly while Gianna and Nico nap. I'm exhausted, too. 

See ya*
Happy Wednesday.
* I promise, I did not let my baby crawl over God-knows-what for very long. I just saw him taking off, took a quick snap, then picked him up. His hands, knees and feet were then sanitized before "Eyelashes McGee" was in lockdown (the stroller) again. 

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