Saturday, September 29, 2012

Past, present

Bode 2008

Nico 2012

I can't stop comparing the two boys.  Maybe it is a postpartum, hormonal daze or maybe there is in fact real similarities between the two brothers as newborns. Thoughts?
No matter, I am equally smitten with all my babies.

Friday, September 28, 2012


This photo says it all:

Nico's homecoming

Bode and Gianna have welcomed baby Nico into their lives with big smiles and open hearts. They have been loving, excited to see him every chance they get, and always quick to help me by letting me know, "Nico's crying!" (Gianna is especially concerned when she hears the baby cry.)  Bode is so sweet, always saying, "I want Nico to be happy."  and "I will help you."  Both embarrassing for me, and hilariously funny is when it is time to feed baby Nico, and Bode always lifts up his shirt and says, "I will feed him!" 

Am getting used to little people waking me up during the day by jumping on my bed:

Am getting used to coloring in bed, as well as stickers and stories (as well as the stray crayons/stickers found in my sheets when I am sleeping):

Bode and Gianna  have accepted that Mommy stays in bed (with Nico) a lot. They have been so great about accepting this huge change, and adapting it to their needs as well (see coloring and stickers pics above).

RWF has been such a great Daddy to them both, and I feel like this has been monumental in how they've accepted this drastic change in their lives.  RWF has been with them 24/7 for the past 2 weeks, taking them out to play, feeding them, dressing, bathing, reading, etc. etc. He has been a "single dad" and done great.  The smiles and love radiating from Bode and Gianna every day is the proof!

When things do get crazy (and they do), RWF has secret tricks in his back pocket:  dance parties, music, and snacks.  I have to remember these tips for when I am solo-parenting!

I [heart] my little family.

Nico's first days

Waiting (before c-section)

My reward (after c-section)

A happy new daddy, for the 3rd time

First diaper change (RWF)

Pictures by Bode and Gianna

This photo above cracks me up.  On my last night in the hospital, I had a wonderful nurse who insisted on taking Nico from me for a couple of hours so that I could rest. Despite all my protests (I DID NOT want to hand MY baby over to anyone), she refused to give up. "You're going to need it," she insisted.  I finally relented, thinking that I would call for him in a few minutes. But she came back into my room about 30 minutes later (I had, in fact, fallen asleep!), "Miss Heather, he just won't settle. We've tried everything. Please feed him for a few more minutes, call me as soon as you're done and we'll try again."  I took my baby into my arms and laughed at his 'do.  The nurse explained that she had tried brushing his hair to soothe him. He looks so funny with his hair brushed back like that! I had to take a snap.  

On the way home. Hooray!
Now we are home and learning about each other.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Nico's birthday

5:00 AM the morning of, saying goodbye to Priscilla. I think she was more nervous than I was! 

One last pg shot

9:19 AM on September 18, 2012, our son entered the world. Welcome to the world, baby Nico!

 I was so overwhelmed (with emotion) by this little baby. He is so beautiful (later, I would text my sister, "he is pink, feminine and pretty like Gianna as a newborn."  But his looks would surprise me again. He looks like Bode! It will be interesting, later, to see what individual features he has, and what features he shares with Bode and Gianna.)

I was shocked when they announced his weight.  A big baby (for us).

He is full of soft grunts, snuffles and cries, and he smells of sweet baby's breath and warm skin.  I am spending my time nuzzling his little cheek and shoulder while I hold him, inhaling his scent and being.
I am, as always, incredibly blessed.

Monday, September 17, 2012

My last day being pregnant

I can't even begin to write about this being my last pregnancy, much less my last day being pregnant! I am emotional. It is better to just focus on facts and details. Here is a journal of sorts, detailing this day, September 17:

Today started out early.  Bode Wm was at my bedside around 6:15 AM.  He has been getting up early for the past week.  RWF has been great about taking Bode outside for a walk, or play, and then later, making him breakfast. But this morning, the duty fell on me.  At first, I grumbled about losing my 'last' day to 'sleep in' but then I thought of it as an opportunity to get a jump-start on the day, and enjoy every minute with my babies.

First, breakfast with Bode.
Somehow, he acquired the iPad?

After dropping Bode off at school, Gianna and I ran some errands.  First stop: Starbucks.  I scored a pumpkin scone, so I was very, very happy (they were out every single time I went there this weekend!).  

She is 'at home' at Starbucks - obviously.

At Starbucks, I noticed that Gianna's bangs were a little long.  I thought, "It's now or never." So we made a quick trip to our favorite kids' hair salon, Snip-its.  Gianna likes getting her hair trimmed.

After running errands (oh, so much last-minute stuff! and I still didn't get it all done!), I stayed at home with my babies.  I wish I could say that I played with them, but I really just prepped dinner and put laundry away. I was preoccupied and trying to get things done. I waited all afternoon for a call from the hospital to tell me when to arrive for the c-section.  After the hospital (finally) called, I felt like I could focus on other stuff again.  RWF came home from work a little early.  He took the children outside to play. I was cooking dinner and remembered that I wanted some last pregnancy/family of 5 pics taken.  Bode happily took my iPhone from me and snapped some shots. RWF took some, too.  Nobody looks particularly happy in these photos, but I am glad that we have them. 

Photo by Bode

I made dinner tonight. I think this is the first night-before-c-section that I've made dinner. The other two times, we had take-out. With Bode, we had burritos from Whole Foods (yum) and with Gianna, we had Chipotle (yum). I made chicken curry with basmati rice. Everyone enjoyed it and ate it all (no left-overs!).  I was very happy when everyone asked for seconds and finished the whole meal. It is funny how stuff like that (my family enjoying a meal) can make my whole day seem complete and worthwhile.

After baths, we read stories. Bode and Gianna dictated what we would read, and who would read what story.  I was instructed to read, "I'm a Big Sister!" and RWF was instructed to read, "I'm a Big Brother!"

I talked to the babies a little bit about tomorrow. I found myself getting emotional when I told them that I wouldn't be here in the morning when they woke up.  I tried to focus on the positive, "Tomorrow, J. will be here! Won't that be fun!  And, tomorrow, you'll be a big sister and a big brother!"  I hate to think about not being around for my babies.  I know it is for a good reason (ha) and that it is only for a few days. But I get a lot of anxiety when I'm faced with situations where  I am away from my children (which is why I am up late writing this post).

After the babies went to bed, I made another chicken curry and a lasagna. I want my family to have stuff to eat while I am away!


And that is my last day as a pregnant woman/mother/wife.  It flew by.  And I mean, the entire pregnancy flew by as well as today. I'm excited and anxious for tomorrow.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers, good wishes and thoughts! I enjoyed hearing from everyone!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Last-minute stuff

Three days left,  and I have a whole long list of things "to do" this weekend. My official "last weekend before baby comes so let's get everything taken care of" list.  And that list includes: cleaning the house, cooking food, laundry, ironing and putting away clothes, and going to Starbucks by myself for a last solo mocha/scone outing.  You know that the last item on that list is most important to me.

But this morning, RWF reminded me of something that was important to him (or, to Bode).  Skis!  We went to the ski shop and got Bode fitted for skis for this winter.  It was not high on my priorities (of course) but I did it.  Once he figured out what we were doing, it wasn't high on Bode Wm's priority list, either.  He was kind of grouch the whole time.  But we got him fitted, so now he'll be set for winter.

Gianna, on the other hand, is a natural shopper.  She found plenty of "stuff" that she wanted.  She could be heard saying, "Dat one! Dat one, Mommy!" or "Put dis on me."  She found a cute pair of red ski boots that she liked (they didn't have her size).  And what ski outfit would be complete without a pink helmet?

The babies were pretty zonked after the visit to the ski shop. They both napped!  And then they got up and played outside with their father while I had a solo outing.  And by the time I got home (from more shopping/errand running/mocha drinking), they were zonked again.

Exhausted children lying down on top of a sandbox

We also went to the park. And while swinging, Bode suggested that we eat at this bar-b-que joint that he likes a lot. So we did. We sat outside at a picnic table, ate bar-b-que and listened to 50s music. It was a very enjoyable evening.  

And Gianna would like everyone to know that she really, really likes her Daddy's green drinks, and that she is soon to be a big sister.  (RWF put this shirt on her this morning. When I saw what Gianna was wearing, I said, "She's not supposed to wear that until AFTER the baby comes."  But when RWF is dressing either child, he is the type  that just picks up the first shirt he sees.  So he saw this shirt this morning, and put it on Gianna. And then he gave her a green drink, which she promptly spilled all over her new, white "big sister" t-shirt. The end.)

Happy weekend.