Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A slumber party

Gianna and Bode bunking in Park City, UT 2010

We are so excited because we are having our first house guest!  Aunt Dawnie is coming to visit us.

We went shopping and got new jammies just for this special occasion.  When I was a little girl, my mom always bought me new pajamas (nightgowns, really) whenever I was invited to a slumber party.  It was a big deal!  My mom always made a big deal out of every occasion, which made it more fun for us, too!

When I told Bode that Aunt Dawnie was visiting us, he got this big smile on his face.  He didn't say anything. But, he didn't have to. The smile was enough.

I found a  cute pajama set for Gianna.  Bode got a new pair, too. But I bet ONE MILLION DOLLARS (said in the Austin Powers voice) that he stays in his Lightening McQueen pajamas (oh, that he hasn't stopped wearing since he got them for Christmas).

We look forward to spending lots of time with Aunt Dawnie. Maybe we will even stay in our pjs and play cars all day (that is Bode's idea).  I am looking forward to ordering a giant eggplant pizza and girl talk. Hooray!

I'll post more details about our slumber party later!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Job description

This morning Bode was playing with his cars.  I had  been busy all morning with the cleaning, feeding, baba-finding, diaper-changing, blowing raspberries,  and general holding that is "Gianna."

Bode was making car noises while he drove his cars around. Feeling apart from Bode and needing to reconnect, I decided to participate from the couch (where I was holding Gianna).  I made car noises along with him:  "Wrrr! Rrrrr! Vrrrroooom!"

He looked up at me and slowly (ever so slowly) shook his head in the negative.  "No, Mommy, no.  No, you don't say that. That is not your job to do. That is my job to do."

I guess I better go back and read my job description.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Post-dinner baba while lounging in mommy's arms

We had a very chill weekend.  We spent our time lounging indoors or outside enjoying the sun.  Bode did go skiing with RWF, but that was the only activity that was done outside our homestead this weekend.  We usually go out to dinner on the weekends.  Not this time. I cooked and enjoyed my family sitting around our dinner table together.

I absolutely adore Gianna's body. All babies have adorable bodies, right? But right now, Gianna's body is especially adorable. She's got a little sumo wrestler body with thick thighs and a belly. And sometimes she evens squat-walks like a sumo wrestler. She is my little Jesse. I love it! I would post pictures but you know that she would hurt me if she found out.  Instead, check out this profile:

RWF called her Khloe Kardashian. Naturally, Gianna screamed at  him.

I don't know if it was the wicked cold weather (3 degrees when we woke up this a.m.) or what, but everyone was relaxed and content to stay together.   Looking back, I think Bode spent most of the weekend in his pajamas? I was too lazy to fight it.

Watching the Orange! Gianna was lounging in my lap when I took this pic

Even my amaryllis and paperwhites are lazy:

We exerted ourselves a little bit outside.  And by "we," I mean me and RWF.  Those little crumb snatchers were content to stay bundled on their sleds while we ran around the yard, pulling them like work horses.  Bode got the better horse because RWF can run very fast.  I loved watching Bode giggle like a loon as RWF ran faster and faster.  Then, RWF would let go and Bode would go flying past him.  It was fun for me to watch, and I'm sure more fun being on the sled. Gianna got stuck with the old grey mare who trudged slowly through the snow.

Do you have the MLK holiday off?  I don't.  I have two bosses who expect me bright and early tomorrow morning.  I am pretty sure that I won't get off  from work early, either. 
Happy Monday.

Friday, January 13, 2012

First preschool meeting

Doesn't he look ready for school?

This morning we got up and had a family scramble as we got ready for an early preschool meeting. As usual, I was the last one to get ready and the only one who was NOT ready when we had to jump in the car.  RWF, Bode and Gianna all looked nice while I looked like...well, like I had just rolled out of bed. It's like that picture puzzle captioned, "Which one of these does not belong?"  It's not like my little family is not used to it. The children are used to seeing me with wild bedhead and yoga pants. And RWF does a double-take every time I do make an effort to look pretty.  So I guess it's really best that I went as I usually look, so as not to confuse my little family. It would have made for an awkward meeting with the preschool if my family could not stop staring at me, like, "Who are you again?"

Honestly, I really dislike not being able to get myself "pretty" before we go out, especially for a family outing. I guess that means that instead of lazily sleeping until the last possible second, I need to get up early before everyone else wakes to get myself ready!

I did not sleep very well last night.  I was so consumed by thoughts of Bode going to school. I'm really not comfortable with it but I know that it is best for him.  And that is what is important.  I also know that I will have plenty of time with Bode. We will both grow to enjoy the time apart, and love our time together more. 

The first preschool meeting was really just a getting-to-know-the-school for us.  We haven't made any decisions and are still shopping around.  So it's not like Bode is leaving me tomorrow. But it was our first real, big step and it was a lot harder for me than anyone else in our little family.  Deep breaths. I will get through this.

Bode found a bookshelf containing some wooden cars. He played with them while eyeing the school director thoughtfully.  When she spoke to him, he'd smile at her shyly.   Later he would tell me that school was "fun" and that we should go again.

Gianna made herself at home immediately and began poking around in various classrooms. The school director that we met with made the comment that Gianna looked like she'd be ready for school much sooner. No surprise there.  She "owned" the preschool while we were there. So naturally she wore herself out and was pretty tired by the time we got home. 

I put Gianna down for a nap.  Then Bode and I went outside together for some snow fun.  I love his little snowsuit and the fact that it keeps him warm and dry.  He loves playing in the snow. We were outside for an hour, enjoying the sun and snow. We made a miniature "Frosty" and threw snowballs at each other.  Bode climbed and walked the snow bank that the snow plow made in our driveway. We also chased Priscilla around. Later, Priscilla found a "frozen treat" (ahem. can you guess? euuw!) and didn't want to play with us.  It was nice to spend time alone with Bode, especially after this morning's meeting. 

Our miniature Frosty

Priscilla finds a frozen treat (euuuw!)

Do you have any special plans for the weekend?  I have a salon appointment (yay!) and hopefully a date with a mocha at Starbucks. I also plan to run outside if the weather cooperates (fingers crossed - the treadmill is getting old real fast!).  Bode has ski lessons. I'm sure Gianna has several fun plans in mind, that I don't know about yet.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow patrol

Snow today. Here is how the snow looked, according to our very own snow patrol:

Bode sez,  "It was fun. And I crimbed up dere and I --daddy's gotta get me da ski mittens. And da (long pause) Frozen bur rub prurl durrrprrrrrrbbb."

Gianna sez, "NA-NA! UNH!  UNH! Bah! NA! NA! Mama! NA! (pause) NAAAA!"

Rough translation:  Like, I'm a Cali girl?  And like, I don't like the snow?  Cuz it's like, cold? And wet?  And I can't walk in it. Such a bummer, cuz like, I just started walking a few months ago! Yeah. And like, my mother? She bought me this rad pink down jacket and it has these matching snow pants. And check out my pink snow boots. I look totally bitchin'.  Like, TOTALLY! (pause) My hat's kinda dorky though. 

Hope you have a happy Friday!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The weekend

This weekend, I woke up to find our amaryllis had bloomed.  Now, there are three beautiful red flowers on our amaryllis.  Should amaryllis be capitalized?  Geesh, I have lost so much of my grammer skillz since the birth of Bode.  It is really disturbing how "mommy brain" takes over so stealthily (and really, not so stealthily).  I read a quote by someone recently, a celeb who just had a baby and she was joking about "mommy brain" and how she can't remember anything. I chuckled right along with her, har har. Not. Maybe it's okay when you're a celeb with nannies and assistants. But to me, not so funny. I have two children, a dog and a partner depending on me to get things done. It is no laughing matter.  Most of the time, I'm a big FAIL.
Making "dot-art" with Bode on Friday afternoon.

This is my creation. A modern piece that spells out "Bode"

Moving on.  This weekend, we went for several drives to check out the area.  One day we headed toward the Adirondacks. We took a detour and found an honest-to-God park. I nearly wept.  Unfortunately, it is 20 miles away so I won't be taking the babies there often.  You know, unless I am desperate.  There are so many sentences that I start with, "I miss..." and then quickly tap on the Delete key. I don't want to go there.  

It looks kind of like Cali, no?

Hanging out in our backyard.

I guess, like this weekend, it is important to keep driving forward, checking things out and exploring.  Most of all, being open to new things.   And if all else fails, there is always Starbucks, dot-art, and the backyard.
Hope your Tuesday is fun!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Murder or a heart attack

This one, as one of my sisters-in-law has recently said, will be responsible for every single grey hair on my head.  I think my sister-in-law suggested that both babies will be responsible for every single grey hair on my head.  But I disagree: it will be solely Gianna's doing.

This week, she has fallen approximately 492 times.  One such time she passed out.  And another time, she did that horrible huge-intake-of-air-and-not-making-a-sound before letting loose with a blood-curdling scream.  She needs to wear a helmet, and maybe even those pads that football players wear under their uniforms.

When she wasn't climbing on things that she wasn't supposed to be climbing on, she was single-handedly destroying the house.  She marches around, picks anything up that catches her eye, and then, when she's bored with it, drops it wherever. I don't expect her to know to put these things away. It just astounds me how quickly she makes a path of destruction through the house. Once I put her down for a nap, I don't put my feet up and rest. Oh, no! After I breathe a huge sigh of relief that she's still alive and well, I spend the next hour picking up, fixing, and cleaning everything that Gianna's left in her wake. 

This house has a big stairwell (well, big for babies) and many more rooms than our last house. When I am alone with Gianna, there is at least one time where I am freaking out and yelling, "Gianna! Gianna! Where are you???" I race around the house in a panic because God only knows what she is capable of when she is left alone to her own devices.  When I do find her, she is often just sitting there, with a small mischievous smile on her face, her eyes wickedly suggesting, "Got you!" 

On the other hand, she loves being held by me.  And while I used to complain that I couldn't get anything done, I'm now thinking that I prefer her riding my hip all day than letting her loose.

 It is better for my nerves, anyway.
Happy Monday.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's snowing

So this morning we woke up to beautiful snowflakes coming down. We went out before naps and nothing was sticking. But we enjoyed the snow "shower" all the same.

Priscilla found a deer leg to gnaw on. Merry Christmas, P!

Bode really wants to build a "Frosty" today. I think he's going to be able to when he gets up from his nap.  The snow is still falling and starting to accumulate. Me, I'm feeling oh-so-lazy in that all I want to do is sit inside and watch the snowflakes fall. Hope you're warm and happy.