Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Today it is 66 degrees.  We have sunshine, people!  While Gianna naps, Nico and Bode are playing in the newly-cleaned (by moi) playroom.  I took shots of Nico and Bode, both wearing new summer shorts.  But Bode was so focused on his cars that he refused to pose for the camera. Gosh, these 4 year olds are so difficult!  (just kidding)

Does everyone remember Roberto?!!  Or, "Berto" as Bode used to call him when he was 2 years old.  He was part of the Fisher Price Wheelies, and Bode's first intro to cars.  We still have  Roberto (and all the others, except Eddy. Poor Eddy).  Aww, memories. 

Happy Tuesday.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Nico: 7 months

Dear Nico,
Happy 7 months to you! Please give me a minute to stop hyperventilating.  Every time that I think of you being 7 months, my heart skips a little faster, and my breathing becomes more rapid. 7 months already?!?  This year is going by too fast. 

You are adored by everyone, and you mirror that adoration right back to those who give it to you.

Sometimes, you have a breathy little laugh (heh, heh, heh).  It reminds me of Bode when he was a baby, because I remember him laughing the same way.

When you get upset (if I have taken too long to pick you up, or you fall over when trying to reach something), you sputter with indignation. It is the hum of a motor, almost a raspberry, but the tone is low, a disapproval.  Sorry to undermine your frustration but it is so cute! 

You are not crawling, but you are scooting around (on your bum, in a seated position).  You will reach for things just out of reach, and this causes you to fall over.  When this happens, you cry.  I will come over and cheer for you (ignoring your cries), telling you that it is wonderful that you are trying new things.  You will lie there, in an almost plank position, and look at me like, "Don't you see that I've fallen? Pick me up!"  And then I will pick you up, because I can not ignore your cries.  So, if you're not crawling in a month or so, don't blame me. You will only have yourself to blame!

We had a great start to rice cereal, but now, nothing.  I just can't seem to get you to eat. Either I'm off on the timing, or you're really not interested.  I am not worried about you starving, but I would like you to show a little more diversity in your diet. Sooner rather than later!

At night, we have a long bedtime routine.  This is my fault.  I will hold you while you are sleeping. And that is all I want to do.  I am in no hurry to put you down.  I would hold you all night if I could. But if your father comes home from work and I'm still putting you to bed, he worries that you're keeping me up.  So I fib a little, and tell him that you're taking awhile to get to sleep.  The truth is, I just want to hold you while you sleep in my arms.  It is my way of preserving you as a baby, trying to soak up this little babe in my arms, willing myself to remember what you feel like at this time, forever.  It is just the two of us, and nothing else matters. Right now, nothing makes me feel more peaceful than holding you while you sleep.
You are such a blessing to me.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday photos

Maybe it's time to start uploading to instagram?

What he wore

Bode dressed himself extra special yesterday.  I thought it would be fun(ny) to document what he wore, like the fashion mags do.

Helmet:  Giro
T-shirt: crewcuts
Shorts: Gymboree (actually PJs, part of a set)
Socks: Smartwool
Sneakers: Tsukihoshi

Bode has always had a bit of flair when dressing. I love the color combos that he comes up with to wear.  He is still into planets and space, so naturally he paired his planets PJ bottoms with these purple "moon & mountains" socks.  So chic! His t-shirt is one of my all-time favs, a benefit tee for Japan (with a red embroidered heart marking the sight of the 2011 tsunami).

You look FAB as always, Bode! 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday: at home

We have been spending so much time outside, now that the sun has returned.  I love sitting down to dinner and seeing my children wearing rosy cheeks and bringing big appetites to the table! It is the best feeling.

I promise, despite the look below, that Nico has not been confined to the stroller while we are outside. After a stroll around the driveway, he sits on a blanket while Bode and Gianna play around him.

Bode knows how to swing on his own now. Hooray!  Not to be outdone by her big brother, Gianna can swing by herself, too! Hooray, hooray!

This morning, it is raining.  While I paid bills and ordered some things online, Bode did "some writing" (as he likes to say). He can write a B, D, S and an A. It is amazing to see these new skills develop, seemingly overnight and with very little "teaching" from me.  (His school is play-based only.) Meanwhile,  Gianna played with some left-over Easter stickers and plastic eggs she found under my desk.  

Today, we are stranded at home because we have no car! Hopefully the rain will let up a little so that I can take everyone out.  If all else fails, we can always make cookies!
Give a genuine smile to everyone you see, and give your loved ones a big hug today.
Happy Friday, everyone!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This morning

This morning, Nico napped. A miracle!  I guess I timed it just right because he went down without a hitch.  So that left me alone with Gianna (rare).  We colored for awhile.  And then I started feeling antsy, like maybe I should fold the mountain of  laundry piled on our dining room table.  So I asked Gianna to bring her coloring into the bedroom while I folded laundry.  (I went into the bedroom to minimize the noise level so that Nico would stay asleep.)

As I was folding laundry, I looked over at my little girl. She was intently scratching her blue crayon across the surface of the paper.  I noticed how her chubby little hand curled awkwardly around the crayon. I saw the look of concentration on her face, her pursed lips, and her body bent over her artwork while she colored.  It was such a peaceful moment. And I thought, "Is it ever going to be this simple again?" 

I've been thinking a lot about Gianna growing older. She's going to be 3 in a couple of months! It is crazy.  And, I've been thinking about her going to school next year.  I went to the school office and signed the contract this week, so it's on my mind.  The school director kept talking about Gianna, and I kept having an urge to correct her, "No, you mean Bode."  Because in my mind, Gianna is not a part of the school. 

So I had to pull out my camera and capture this moment. A snapshot of my still 2 year old baby girl, soon to be 3 year old school girl.

Happy Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Goin' green

Gianna, getting bigger and leaner by the minute.

Things are greening up around here, ever so slowly.  I have halted my garden plans for the past few days, due to rain and cold weather.  I am a wimpy farmer. But, I am wearing my down jacket today! Crazy NY weather.

Friday night, we had a thunderstorm. RWF and I both enjoy a good thunderstorm. It was even more exciting because the power went out.  We sat in our dark, quiet house, whispering and waiting for the lights to flicker on.  After waiting for about 20 minutes, we went to bed, excited to go to sleep to the noisy rain and thunder. Then, about 5 minutes after we crawled into our bed, we heard Bode crying and screaming.  Our kids are "white noise" addicts.  So when the power goes out, the white noise stops, and babies wake up. So dealing with the wake-ups (plural) was not fun. But we did enjoy the storm while it lasted.

Then, on Saturday morning, we discovered this:

That is the top of a very tall tree.  Crash, boom, in our yard.  Luckily, it didn't hit the nearby power lines (or our house)!  RWF and I walked around the yard, trying to find the broken stump that the tree split from.  Finding no stump, RWF looked up and saw that it had actually split from the very top! Yikes!

Saturday, Bode had his last indoor soccer game. Next Saturday, he starts a new soccer team outdoors. It will be his first 'real' soccer team/game. I am so excited.  I went to our local sporting goods store and bought him his first shin guards, socks, and shorts.  

On Sunday, we visited Nana, Aunt Dawnie and Uncle Craig, and Aunt Debbie. It was a nice afternoon. The babies just love spending time with their family.    I didn't take any photos because I have found, I rarely have time to stop and take a photo!  I am busy with one child or the other when we are visiting.  The parenting does not stop, even when you are surrounded by family.

The bullying continues at school for Bode.  So, we are having to step up our talks with the teachers involved.  Bode was not in school last week due to sickness, and he still talked about this bully and the meanness. I don't like that this bully is in Bode's head, even while he is away from school for a week.  On Monday, I had hoped that time away from the bully meant that the bully would forget about the meanness. But Bode came home from school and told me that the bully had pushed him down and "was mean" during recess. That's it. It needs to stop now.

Happy Tuesday.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday fun

It is partly cloudy and super windy today. We got outside before it rains. Bode and Gianna rode their bikes while I strolled Nico.  Then, we filled the bird feeder, made bird food, had some bubble fun, and worked on the soon-to-be garden.  We also went to the grocery store and the pet food store.  It is easy to get a lot done in the morning when your morning starts at 5:33 AM!

Yes, she is wearing this shirt again. Hearts + pink = Gianna fav.

I think Aunt Dawnie and Aunt Melinda both suggested this bird feeder idea this winter. Even though it is now warmer, maybe the birds will still appreciate the effort!  We took a paper towel roll and cut it in half. Then I spread peanut butter all over the two tubes.  Bode and Gianna rolled the peanut butter tubes in bird seed.  I strung the tubes on ribbon and we hung them on branches.  (We originally hung them low, and I went back and hung them on higher branches.)

Don't worry,  we won't be eating peanut butter-bird seed sandwiches. That was the last of that peanut butter!

While I was working on our little garden plot with Bode and Gianna, Nico sat on the rug. I put two pin wheels in front of Nico for entertainment. He scooted close and tried to grab them.  It's so fun and easy to entertain him right now!

Happy weekend.