Monday, April 15, 2013

Nico: First rice cereal

Friday, Nico had his 6 month well check. Yes, a little late, but we were sick when  his 6 month appointment came up and I had to reschedule.  The 6 month appointment is always a milestone because (a) it marks a half year, and (b) green light on eating solids!

Nico weighs 18 pounds and is 27 inches long.  He is healthy and developing great. Hooray!

His pediatrician gave us the OK to start solids. Hooray!

Saturday night, while the rest of his family ate burgers and french fries for dinner, Nico got a taste of yummy rice cereal.

He ate like a champ.  There was no hesitation on his part! He had no questions about what this thing called a "spoon" is for, and that the white stuff in the bowl was for eating. I approached with spoon (and cereal) in hand, and he opened his mouth, and swallowed, just like he's been eating from day one.  

Nico is the only one in our little family that had his entire family watching him eat for the first time! I have to admit that I made a big deal about it. I made everyone put down their burgers and fries and watch attentively as Nico took his first bite!  (If there had been a drummer/drum in the house, we would have had a drum roll. If there had a been a willing videographer, we would have video. Alas, RWF does not take these milestones as seriously as I do. I took photos between bites.)

And now, I must close and feed my children breakfast.  Bode and Gianna are very curious about Nico's rice cereal.  Hmm....  Just kidding!
Happy Tax Day to you. (ugh!)

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