Wednesday, May 28, 2014


A portrait a week, once a week, of my children. Linking up with Jodi and her 52 project.

Bode: I am not the only one to notice the growth spurt. Two mothers in the classroom spontaneously exclaimed, "Bode's grown!" and "Bode's shot up!"  Plus, the hair...I'm leaving it alone until  he tells me he's ready for a hair cut.

Gianna:  almost four, and going through a fun, fearless stage

Nico: is able to ride his bear rocker now! He received this when he was a tiny baby from his Grandma.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I've been searching high and low for a (new) house.  It has been frustrating, disheartening and just plain exhausting.  It takes a lot of time to search houses.  We usually look at listings in the evening, after the children are in bed.  If I find something of interest (and the right price),  I'll drive by and scout out the area the next morning while the children are at school (with Nico riding in the car).  That is usually where the interest ends.     As you probably know, most photos of houses portray their best features.  It isn't until you drive up and see the junkyard across the street, or the broken-down fence attached to the yard. Also, Portland is weird, in that houses are just jammed together. And not only are they jammed together, but you will find houses behind you, in front of you and beside you.  For example, the front of our house faces the back of another house (and the back of our house faces another house...).  So we look into our neighbor's backyard.  It's just weird to me. I have not had much luck finding a mix of a good house and good location (and price).

So the search continues!

Gianna is going through a phase.  My little chickadee is spreading her wings, both metaphorically and physically.  She is more brave, riding her bike down the big hill like her brother. And she is being a bit...sassy.  I think it is because she is on the cusp of turning 4.  She has been talking back to me.  Most of the time, I remember that this is not Gianna, but a phase that she is going through at the moment.  Other times, I lose it and yell right  back at her.  But no matter what, we always have quiet time together where we talk about things, and work things out. 

Kate & Gianna at the May Day celebration

This morning, she woke up and went into my bedroom before 6 AM.  "Is it time to wake up yet?"  she whispered in the loudest voice possible (to "whisper" in).  I pulled back my covers to invite her in, and she jumped in and snuggled up next to me.  Without any preamble, she started telling me about her girl friends at school. They are a threesome, and they are so cute together. Two of her friends, Kate* and Ella, were not liking each other yesterday, and clearly this was something on Gianna's mind.  I got a flash of when she is older, and things like this are happening. I hope that she can always talk to me.  Even though lately she can be hard to handle, she brings me to my knees almost every day by (spontaneously)  declaring, "I'll love you forever!" or "I want to love you forever, Mama!"

I am still planning a birthday party for her. Location, date, and time still TBD.  (ai yi yi!)  The theme, of course, is still "pink princess."

Bode is doing well.  It's funny because he and Gianna have kind of switched places.  Where Gianna is sassy and testing limits, Bode has mellowed and seems self-sufficient right now.  It's been really fun to watch him deal with Gianna during a meltdown. It is almost like he knows what is going on, and tries to talk her through it.  One morning, Gianna wanted to wear a sundress on a cool day, and I said No.  This escalating into tears and yelling through the house.  RWF and I both tried to reason with her, and since that had not worked, we resorted to just telling her "NO."  Bode was the one who stepped in, found another dress in her closet and suggested it as a possibility. He presented it to her, "Here, Gianna, why don't you wear this pretty dress?"  It was so sweet, and also, eye, "Oh yeah, why didn't we (adults) think of that?"  Bode is now in a good place at school, and seems to enjoy the routine and his friends.  It's disappointing that the school year is about to end.  Most of the boys in Bode's class will not be returning to this school.

Speaking of school,  I've decided to stay with their current school. Both RWF and I have seen remarkable things with Bode and Gianna, and feel like this has been a good place for them.  So we are staying!  I signed a contract last week and I feel good about this decision.

Nico sez, "Your cracker bribe will no longer work!"

Nico is a happy little camper.  He loves his boots, being outside, and reading!  He has turned a corner on books, and is now obsessed.  He loves to sit and read, and will demand that I "ree" to him all the time.  Every night, I sit in the rocker with him and read three (usually more) books.  It is our special time, and I love it.  I love that he enjoys books right now. And I love that we have something "close" to do together that does not involve nursing.  I was afraid that weaning him meant that our being close was going to end (at least for awhile, because I was afraid of sending him mixed signals).  He is growing, in that he is no longer content to just sit and watch the sidelines.  Bode and Gianna have a few activities that we do during the week.  This means that Nico has to sit tight for an hour.  Well, it's getting harder to contain him.  I try bribing him with snacks and sometimes that works.  But I don't know how I'm going to get through this summer! Bode and Gianna have swim lessons every morning from June through August. They will also have other lessons, most likely gymnastics and ballet. Nico is 'done' with sitting in the stroller.

Speaking of summer, I have to figure out how to fill the hours once Bode and Gianna are out of school.  I have enrolled them in swim lessons, which are every day in the morning, but that leaves the rest of the day.  Camps are kind of out of the question, since I've committed them to swim lessons in the morning. Big "Oops" on my part, once I realized that I had messed that up. I'm still on the hunt for an afternoon camp. It would be great if I could find something for them both to do together, or at least at the same time(s). But I've found that most camps go "all day," or at least, start in the morning and end after lunch.

Everyone is doing well at this almost six-month mark of our move to Portland.  Six months!!!

I just wish that I could find a good house.  I am a bit obsessed, and I have to admit that the housing situation is coloring a lot of everything for me.  I can check the school off my list. Now the house is left.  Wish me luck!

*Random trivia: Gianna's name was almost Kate.  It was number 2 on my list, after Mia (number 1!).  We tried it on her while in the was so close that one of my sisters actually congratulated me on the birth of "Kate!" ;)

Sunday, May 18, 2014


A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014. Linking up with Jodi and her 52 project.

Bode: enjoying the first popsicle of the season

Gianna: finishes her popsicle first (of course)

Nico: first popsicle ever!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nico: 19 months

Dear Nico,
The big news is, you've stopped breastfeeding.  Woo hoo!  I love you more than anything but the breastfeeding, especially after 12 months (and beyond!)...not so much.  It has been a rough month, in the breast feeding department.  You've been a bit emotional with me. You want to be held a lot.  It was hard for you to stop something that was so natural for your whole little life. The nighttime bedtime routine has been altered dramatically. And yes, we've hired baby sitters strategically-timed for those nighttime routines to stop.  I've been very emotional, too. The crying at night has been brutal for me. When your "Dada" is home, I've had to ask him to help me. He's had to tell me that you're okay, that you're not going to be damaged, and that yes, you are ready to stop. He's had to assure me that I'm doing the right thing, that everything is okay and that yes, it is time. Over and over. I need to hear it all the time because my mind & heart make me doubt my decision. Your daddy has to go into your room in the early morning hours to soothe you, because I can't.  I have felt so mean to you, avoiding you and avoiding our usual routines. I feel like a traitor and a mean mommy. I feel like you look at me and can't believe that I would do this to you. I know that this is partly my mind & emotions at play here. It took a long time, but we finally got over the hump. It was also hard for me to stop because it is such a huge END to my time as a (breastfeeding) mother.  And while I'm happy to be "free," I'm also sad to say goodbye to this time in my life (forever!). The END.

But enough about me.  You're doing great.  You are still drinking lactose-free milk. But you're eating cheese and not having any horrible reactions.  So that makes me think that one day, you'll be free to drink milk and eat cheese, ice cream and all the other yummy dairy goodness that lies out there for consumption.

You love looking at yourself in the mirror, recognizing that it is you, and not just another baby.  You call yourself "Day."  When you see yourself in the mirror, or if I show a photo that you're in, you'll point, smile, and say, "Day!"

When you wake up in the morning, you call for me, "Mama, mama..." and when I come into your room, you announce, sometimes sullenly, "go night-night" as if to say, "Okay, I did it, I slept. Now let me get up now."

The book, "Goodnight Moon," by Margaret Wise Brown, is your latest obsession.  You will find it and then find me, and say, "ree" (read).  You always smile and laugh at the same places, and you look at me each time you do, like we share a secret.  If I read it once, I have to read it a dozen times, because as soon as I close the book, you say, "Again."  When I insist that I have a million things to do, as I did this morning, you cry.  And I relent, again, doing a speed-reading version, "inthegreatgreenroomtherewasatelephoneandaredballoon..." because I can't say No.

I love that you love a good book, and I look forward to reading many more with you. 
Happy 19 months.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014. Linking up with Jodi and her 52 project.

iPhone photos only this week, I'm afraid.  I was too lazy/tired/busy to pull out the camera, so I had to pull some snaps off of my phone.

Bode:  found a snail shell on our walk

Gianna: a flower in her hair and flowers on her dress for Mother's Day

Nico:  is obsessed with "Goodnight Moon" (by Margaret Wise Brown) and asks me to read it all the time!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Party? What party?

It's probably best if I didn't tell you what I've been doing for the past hour (and a half) (or more).

I mean, I did do things that had to get done. I fed the children. I put the children to bed. I read them stories (4!), gave them more milk, then handled various other issues (potty, pillow fluff, tucking in, hurt hand, hurt feelings, etc.).  I cleaned the kitchen (a lot). Then I got online to start planning Gianna's 4th birthday party.  I tried to answer various questions so that I could construct the proper invitation. Where to host, at home? (Bwaahaaahaa! No.freaking.way.) Okay, if not at home, then where?  I started searching online and ended up in this black hole called "best birthday party ever!" where I was sucked into thinking that if I didn't select the perfect venue, and all the best of everything, then Gianna would be damaged.  Then I started thinking about how she's turning FOUR, and OHMYGAWD how is that possible?  And then I started thinking, "Well, what did she look like at this time last year?"  

And then went down another rabbit hole:

Baby G

And then further:

And further still:

Stop. You're killing me.

Ohmygawd. Swoooooon.
And then suddenly, I was back in California with a toddler boy and a baby girl. And that little cheeky monkey was just killing me with his smile. I had to stop the insanity! So here I am. Confession is good for the soul.  And I still have a lot of party planning to do.
Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The weekend

This is RWF's photo that he took of us on the Deshutes River, when we were on vacation a couple of weeks ago.  I can't edit his shadow out of it, but that's okay. I like that he's in the picture.

This morning, Bode looked taller. His legs looked longer. And to be sure, I stood next to him closely and measured us together. He is taller. The top of his head now reaches the top of my shoulder. That's not saying much, since I'm petite. But my boy is definitely growing.

Sunday morning, Gianna woke up with pink eye.  I was horrified, and immediately chastised her.  "How many times have I told you that you have to wash.your.hands. or you'll get pink eye?" I was so mad.  I thought I had sufficiently scared her into washing her hands like crazy, ever since she started potty training. And then for her to wake up with crusty, swollen eye lids first thing in the morning was just too much for me.  I got on the phone and scheduled the first available appointment at one of those walk-in clinics. While we waited, I cleaned every  bathroom, stripped bed linens, stripped the bathrooms of all towels and announced, "We're all using paper towels for hand washing!" At the clinic, the doctor examined Gianna and confirmed that it was pink eye, but viral pink eye (not bacterial pink eye).  She's had a horrible cold since last week. The doctor said that it's due to the cold that's stayed in her sinuses.  I had no idea that there were two different kinds of pink eye.  The doctor told me that Gianna's not really contagious, just to use good judgment and frequent hand washing, etc. etc.  So Gianna is at school today.  Her eyes are still a little pink. I was apologetic, and waved the doctor's diagnosis sheet in front of Gianna's teacher.

We looked at a couple of houses this weekend.  We did it in shifts, which was more time consuming. First, I would go look at the house. And then, I would go home and watch the children while RWF looked.  This way, we weren't dragging our children through other people's houses and we could take our time looking. Afterwards, we compared notes.  We still haven't found the right house. I hope that the right one comes along soon.  

I also spent some time this weekend planning the Mia Gia's FOURTH birthday party.  RWF and I discussed dates, and I started scouting out locations.  We settled on a date, and all I had to do is schedule the place.  But then, I checked my email and Gianna had received an evite for a classmate's birthday party guess it...the date I had wanted.  So it's back to the drawing board on the date.    As far as a cake, (cue Franck Eggelhoffer, of Father of the Bride) she wants chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting.  For theme and color, Gianna wants a "pink princess" party.  No surprise there!  I will have to focus on the fun of planning of this party, because when I think of Gianna turning four, I'm just...stunned.

Happy Tuesday.

Sunday, May 4, 2014



A portrait a week, once a week, of my children, in 2014. Linking up with Jodi and her 52 project.

Bode: is sometimes emotional and tired in the late afternoon (as evidenced in this photo). It is a shame that he can't/won't nap.

Gianna: was so excited about the May Day celebration that she couldn't eat breakfast that morning.

Nico: is more vocal about what he will and won't do/what he does and does not like/what he thinks is acceptable and not acceptable for others to be/say/do.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Day Celebration

Here is a branch of snowy May,
a branch the Faeries gave me.
Would you like to dance today with a branch the Faeries gave me?
Dance away! Dance away! 
Holding high the branch of May!

Today the children celebrated May Day at school. It was a fun, magical time in the forest, making flower wreaths for our hair, making sachets with grandmothers, singing songs, and eating homemade bread with honey butter during our picnic. And of course, the May Pole Dance!  

Happy May Day!

Early in the morning

Sometimes,  I like these early morning quiet moments with him, waiting for the sun.

Happy 1st of May to you.