Thursday, June 27, 2013

Living in the (captured) moment

These photos were the outtakes of Gianna's 3rd birthday party invitation

"To overlook the little things in life is to miss the biggest part of life itself."

Sometimes I feel bad for always stopping, mid-activity, mid-conversation, mid-whatever, to raise my phone up to eye level and snap a photo of whatever is before me.  I am always trying to snap photos of my babies, my husband, my dog, a moment in our life.  A lot of people  wonder why I don't just live in the moment and try to keep it in my memory. The truth is, I have very little memory. My brain just can not keep everything in memory that I would like to remember.  So I take photos of everything. I am the annoying person, at a family gathering, interrupting someone's conversation or special moment by stepping up and into the situation, and clicking my camera button.  I am the mother who sits in the background quietly snapping photos, so that I can capture this happy moment in their lives, a moment that they won't remember and that probably will mean nothing to them in 10 years.  But I want to remember.  So I take the photo, even at the risk of interrupting the moment. 

Today, when I dropped Bode and Gianna off at camp, a little girl ran up to Gianna and spoke to her.  And then, taking Gianna's hand, they walked off, together, hand in hand.  My heart swelled and tears popped into my eyes. It was such a simple and sweet gesture. Two little girls, one of them mine, holding hands. It was something that I want desperately for my daughter: a friend's hand through life.   

I didn't have my phone with me.  I debated running out to my car and grabbing my phone, and running out after them to snap the photo. I knew that I wanted to capture it as I saw it, their backs to me, the hands clasped like perfect paper doll cut-outs. But I didn't.  I will remember this scene. I will write it out instead:  Gianna, in her blue daisy sunhat, pink t-shirt,  and striped leggings.  Emily, in a pink flowered sunhat, pink t-shirt and grey leggings.  Both girls wore Hello Kitty rain boots on their feet (and this is why they bonded).  Emily is 3 1/2. Gianna is 2-turning-3-on-Sunday. They are the same height.  And they walked hand in hand into the woods, ready for a day of adventure and friendship at camp.

This week, I've been so busy getting ready for Gianna's 3rd birthday party. I have had no time to myself during this downtime while Bode and Gianna are at camp! It is funny how I can spend so much time cleaning, shopping and planning when I want to!  I want Gianna to have a happy birthday, a birthday that will surely be captured in several photos from a very well-meaning mommy. But a happy birthday all the same, no matter who remembers what.
Happy Thursday.
* I don't know who to credit, but I love this quote.  I Googled the quote, but only came up with a bunch of random pins and sources. If you happen to know, please tell me. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First day of camp!

Yesterday was Gianna's first day of camp...ever!  Bode was also at camp with her (he went last year).

Last night, I tried to prep her, by talking to her about what to expect, what to do in xyz situation(s), who would be there, etc.  We also packed her camp bag, and I explained every item and what it was for so that she would know.  (Note: this is only day camp).  Finally, RWF whispered, "Knock it off."  He thought that I was talking it up too much, and possibly getting her a little too excited (nervous).  So I stopped, and put her to bed.  Well of course, she couldn't go to sleep.  I heard her later on, and went into her room to check on her. She was crying. She said that she wanted to be with me downstairs (stalling!).  So I brought her downstairs and talked to her, about everything but camp.  Finally, I told her that it was time to go to bed. She went without any resistance. But then, I couldn't sleep last night because I kept worrying about her and how she would do at camp.

Well! I wasted a LOT of time not sleeping last night, let me tell you.  

Yesterday morning, as soon as I went to her to get her out of bed, she asked, "Where's my bag?"  She was ready to go.  We went through breakfast, getting sunscreen applied, getting dressed, etc.  And on the drive over, she kept saying, "Bye, mommy, bye!"  I would murmur, "Mmm hmmm...but I haven't dropped you off yet."   

We got there, and after introductions and hanging her stuff up, she looked at me and said, "Bye, Mommy!"  And she didn't look at me again.  I walked downstairs with her and then she and Bode took off running.  They didn't look back.

They had a blast, and when I picked them up, they didn't want to leave.  Gianna kept screaming this high pitched shrieky scream whenever I asked her to do something in order to leave (put your sunscreen in your camp bag, put on your shoes, etc.).  It was hurting my (and everyone else's) ears.  I knew that she was over-tired. I asked Shawn, the camp instructor, "How did Gianna do?"  Shawn blinked, and then looked apologetic, "Do you mean Mia?  Am I supposed to be calling her Gianna?"  I laughed. She continued, "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know. I was wondering why she was ignoring me and wouldn't even look at me!" Of course, my first thought was, as a nervous mother, thank goodness she wasn't yelling, "Mia, look out for that wild animal!" because Gianna would surely have perished at the hands of a....I don't know what...a gopher? a wild turkey? So I'm glad that we got her name sorted out!

But overall, success. Gianna loves camp. Bode loves camp.  I have a few hours in the morning to myself (and Nico).
Kumbaya, my lord, kumbaya....

Friday, June 21, 2013

First day of summer!

We kicked off the first official day of summer by going downtown to the carousel.  Today is its official opening day. We got there too early.  I have lost my phone. So I asked a man, who was painting the sign outside the carousel (the age & height requirements), for the time.  He told me that it was 10:30.  We had half an hour to wait. I suggested that we walk up to Starbucks for a coffee/treat.  But Gianna would not budge.

I promised her that we would come back when it opened. But she just clung tightly to the bricks.  I started walking off without her, strolling Nico with Bode at my heels. But Gianna ignored us. So we turned back. We stood and waited. And waited. And waited.  

Finally, the little carousel worker bees (and more kids) showed up.  I got in the queue to buy tokens. Then came the fun part: getting the two toddlers on the carousel horses while wearing a baby.  The thing is, these carousel worker bees are not pleasant (despite being two grandmotherly-looking types). They are often rude.  (My brother will vouch for this rudeness, as he experienced it first-hand, twice.) So when I asked the lady if I could roll my stroller (carrying my baby!) into the carousel, she said No.  N-O.  So I put Nico into the Ergo, and raced after Bode and Gianna, who had already got onto the carousel and were standing impatiently by their chosen horses, ready to ride.  I hoisted them up there, not very gracefully. I apologized to Nico for squishing him while picking up his siblings. 

I did not get any pictures of the babies on the carousel. I had to stand in between Bode and Gianna for safety reasons (of course) and so my hands were busy. Plus, I was wearing Nico.  Bode and Gianna were wearing great smiles during the carousel ride! They were very happy.

Afterwards, we walked a little bit and then had ice cream at Ben & Jerry's.  You have to have a cold treat on the first  official day of summer, right?! It must be in the rules.

I love Nico's smiling face here!

Since she was a baby, she's loved ice cream. 

Bode is a very cautious ice cream eater.

"Ben & Jerry"

I want one of these swings. They are so relaxing (except when you have two toddlers jumping around  like monkeys).  Actually, I wouldn't want this monstrosity in my yard.  So I'll just have to pop down here for a relaxing swing and some ice cream.  (wink)

What is on your summer to-do list?  We've crossed off two items today!
Happy Summer!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mia Gianna: 3rd Birthday part one

Today we visited our family in Syracuse to celebrate the big girl turning 3.  I didn't "talk it up" beforehand. I simply told the babies that we were visiting Grandma, Aunt Dawnie & Uncle Craig, Andrew, and Aunt Debbie.  I did not mention a "birthday" at all. The announcement of visiting was good enough for them! They were thrilled.  

But her family did make the day all about Gianna, and they made sure that she felt very special!  Of course, she loved being surrounded by everyone that she loves and spending time with them. 

Hello Kitty everything!
We learned something interesting about Uncle Craig today! (hint: he has a special hair brush, too!)  Uncle Craig also makes a great meat sandwich:

First Barbie!
Check out Bode's face!

Special guest star Andrew!
Nana and her baby boy

We had a wonderful day. It was a great "kick-off" to Gianna's birthday week.  
Thank you, everyone, for making Gianna's day wonderful.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Normal day

"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.” 
- Mary Jean Irion

Happy Monday.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day & Bday, too!

This weekend was special because we celebrated Father's Day and RWF's Bday, too. This guy is a great partner to me, and such a wonderful daddy rabbit to his babies, too.  His children absolutely adore him. Any time spent with "Daddy" is always so eagerly anticipated and enjoyed.

the birthday cake

This year, Bode took a special interest in RWF's birthday. One day, I was telling Bode and Gianna about it being RWF's birthday, and how we should celebrate.  They both got excited and started talking about a cake! with icing! and candles!  I told them that Daddy doesn't really eat cake (because of gluten).  Bode thought a minute and said, "We could give him a bar." (meaning an "energy bar") BRILLIANT!  I was so impressed that Bode had this great idea for a birthday cake substitute! So as his birthday cake, we put a Clif bar on a plate, stuck a candle in it and lit it.  We sang "Happy Birthday" to RWF, he blew out the candle (twice, because Gianna had to blow it out once and Bode had to blow it out again), and we all shared the bar for birthday cake. 

One of RWF's presents was in an awkward shaped box (it was a cycling helmet), and I didn't have a big gift bag or enough wrapping paper.  So I pulled out the largest shopping bag I had, a white one from babyGap.  One day while Gianna and Nico were napping, Bode and I decorated the shopping bag and colored over the babyGap logos.  We drew a "Y man" (Bode's version of a stick figure, he draws a "Y" and a circle for the head) on a bike, a tree, a "storm" (Bode likes to draw storms, clouds, planets, etc.) on one side. On the other side, we took our Dots markers and made a rainbow and clouds. Bode and Gianna also made cards for RWF. I love that Bode signs his name on everything. It is so fun to see him actually write his name!

As far as keeping the gifts secret, the babies did pretty well. There were a couple of times when I had to "shhh!" them or remind them not to say anything.  On the eve of RWF's celebration, Bode slipped and told RWF one of his presents.  But it was OK because we were going to open them that night. I was very impressed that the babies kept the secrets for so long! (I think that they forgot after awhile, and then as the big day neared, Bode "remembered" the presents so it was harder for him to not say anything.)

The weekend was spent much like we always spend it, but it was nice to hold our birthday boy in our hearts and at the forefront of our mind and actions all weekend.  RWF got up early and rode his bike. We would have a leisurely breakfast.  We took a nice, long walk on a trail Saturday and Sunday.  It is amazing how we are at a time where the children can keep up, and walk for a long time. In fact, they would run ahead of us on the trail and we would lose sight of them briefly.  It was a strange thing to witness...on the one hand, I'm happy to see how big they are, and on the other, it's bittersweet to see them running ahead. But as RWF reminded me, soon Nico will be walking (or wanting to toddle around) and then we'll be slowed down again!  After our walk(s), we would hit Starbucks for a coffee and a treat.  After naps and quiet time, the children played outside or inside (depending on the rain!) with RWF.  They were always great about randomly telling RWF "Happy Father's Day!" or "Happy Birthday!" even after the celebration. They remembered to say it all weekend.

It was a very low key, but enjoyable weekend.  
Happy Father's Day and Happy Birthday to RWF. We love you so much!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Photo bomb

I was thinking about my sister Claudia, and how I'd post a photo of Gianna all dressed for her swimming lesson, with a "Hi Aunt Claudia, we are thinking of you!" type message.  And then it turned into a whole photo bomb session, which was quite funny (but not sentimentally sweet as I had originally planned).

First, Nico pops in:


And then Bode is all, "Hey, I'm going swimming, too! Check out my cool Lightening McQueen trunks." (meanwhile Nico is still charming me)

Still a cutie, even if it looks like I've stuffed my shirt

And then, P gets in on the action:

My crazy life. And now that I look at these snaps, I see that it looks like Gianna has nothing on under her rain jacket??? But she is in fact dressed for swimming.

Claudia, we love you and are thinking of you! Big hugs from us.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Nico: crawling

Let's make it official: Nico is crawling!

Last night, after watching him scoot around on the floor in a half-crawl, half-leg-bent crab walk, I decided that, yeah, he's crawling.  And then I said, "No,'s not really happening...not yet." I turned my back on him, and I went about getting everyone ready for bed.  And then Bode Wm started yelling excitedly, "He's crawling! Nico is crawling!"  And so I thought, "Okay. I guess he is crawling." Hard to deny it when your 4 year old can clearly see what you see (but you are trying desperately not to see).

Nico was playing a little game in the dining room while we ate dinner. He'd throw a spoon and then crawl after it.  He did this forever. So I pulled out the video camera. By that time, he had tired of the game.  And, I don't want to post the video because Bode and Gianna are running in and out of the frame, in their undies! (It rained all day. Then it stopped for a 20 minute window right before dinner. So we went out and played in the puddles. They ditched their wet clothes when we came back inside.)

I did take some snaps after their baths.  I put my camera lens on the floor and let Nico continue his "throw and crawl" game while I snapped some shots.

Now I have to go crawl on all fours around this entire house, to see what Nico can see (and get at). My life just got a whole lot scarier/busier/crazier, now that I have a mobile baby!
Congratulations to Nico!