Monday, October 21, 2013

Birthday boy

At long last (!) here are the 103, 478 pictures I took of Bode's birthday. In no particular order (because I am lazy busy):

I did not decorate with all the super heroes, Cars characters, Planes characters, etc.  I did have a Buzz Lightyear/Woody cake (per Bode's request), some character balloons, and I gift wrapped the presents in all the characters. Bode seemed pleased.

Aunt Debbie, Aunt Dawnie, Uncle Craig and SPECIAL GUEST STAR Andrew attended Bode's party.  Grandma could not make it because she was sick.
Special guest star! Andrew!
 Even though it was Bode's birthday, Gianna got a special Hello Kitty purse, packed with all kinds of special Hello Kitty accessories like lip gloss ("lips" as Gianna calls it), erasers, notepad and stickers, etc.
She also got a ton of dresses ("pretty dresses" Gianna would say) from Grandma.  And let me tell you, Gianna wasted no time putting her purse to use (even though Andrew did seem rather fond of it). And the next week, Gianna wore all her new dresses to school.

Nico also received a bunch of presents from everyone for his first birthday.

We put on some 70s music and watched in amazement as Nico busted a move:

Just kidding. This photo just looks like he is dancing. He is actually a little wobbly getting into a standing position. Still, his aunts were impressed.

Aunt Dawnie was chief present opener while we all watched. ;) I'm sure that her hands were tired from all the cardboard, zip ties and cellophane she had to open!

In the end, I asked Dawn to put down her birthday-package-opening scissors and to take a family photo of us.  This was the best one! Ha!  

But you know what? I like them all, even the ones where I am scowling while Nico is crying...because it just shows how messy and chaotic our lives sometimes are with three little monkeys.  I'm sure I'll look back on these photos with great fondness and think, "Those were the days!"Just like now, I look back on these five (5!) years with Bode and get smushy and weepy. Those were the days!  I can't believe my baby is a big 5 year old. There will be more good days to come, I'm sure.
Happy 5th Birthday to my happy little guy.

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