Saturday, May 18, 2013

Race day

Bode and Gianna, after the race
For the past 4 months, I've been working on the race committee for the Emma Foundation 5K and Kids Run, which is hosted by Bode's school.  Volunteering is important to me and to RWF, and so when the request came out for volunteers, I took it as a sign that it was time for me to roll up my sleeves and help. I also volunteered in order to meet more people, and to 'stretch' out of my comfort zone.  When I signed on, I had no idea how much I would be stretched!  It was not easy to do this gig with a 7 month old, and two toddlers.  And my respect for working parents grew once more. In addition to attending weekly meetings and posting advertisements, I was given the task of asking for sponsorships ($). Asking people (companies) for money made me very uncomfortable!  I wouldn't say that I was a complete success, but I did get a few companies on board to help us.  So it did stretch me, and I am glad that I did it. It also helped that RWF was very supportive of me volunteering, and did what he could to help me attend the meetings.  (Thanks, RWF!)

I was especially happy today, watching everything come to fruition. I've run in many races, but I've never been behind-the-scenes. It was great to see all of our hard work being enjoyed by so many children and adults.

Nico, not a runner, but sporting a very dangerous looking scratch

The best part of course was when my little family showed up. I was working the children's registration table, and when I saw my husband rolling up with my baby and two toddlers in tow, I left my post, and ran off to greet them! Everyone in our family was registered to run, but nobody did (because of timing issues - hello, we do have a 7 month old baby!).  But we supported the run by just showing up! Bode and Gianna wore their race shirts all day.

Later in the afternoon, Bode and I went to Starbucks together.  Downtown was packed with people walking around.  At one point, Bode hopped on a garden inset, and walked its curb. While I was watching him,  he bent over to pick up a cigarette butt.  I SCREAMED and smacked the gross garbage out of his hand.  My reaction was so violent, I  think everyone in a 5 foot radius of us stopped and looked. Bode's face crumpled, and reddened, as he started to cry.  I hugged him, and tried to explain why I had done that (and spoke loud enough for concerned passerby to understand that I didn't just randomly smack my child!). I felt terrible, but I was more horrified that he had picked up something that had been in someone's mouth and on the ground. ICK.  I made him promise that he'd never do it again, which he did. (I am still grossed out about it.)

Tonight RWF and I have a date! I am so excited. We have no plans. And as we have just discovered, Saratoga is mobbed for the Preakness and graduation, so we might just be out of luck on an actual restaurant dinner date!
Happy Saturday.

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