Friday, December 2, 2011

Bode: 38 months

Dear Bode,
Yesterday, you were my little Christmas elf and we wrapped some Christmas presents together.  You taped the paper and picked out the ribbon color for the packages.  This is just another example of  how your growth is blowing my mind, every day.   Each month, I think that I'll stop reporting on your growth/milestones because you're 3 now.  But then, every day, you say or do something interesting, funny or spectacular.  And I think, "Oh, I want to remember that!"

You are very active.  You love playing chase when we are outside ("Chase me, Mommy!").  You also like playing "airplanes,"  where we spread our arms out like airplane wings and run around the yard, making airplane noises.  This past weekend, you climbed a tree with minimal assistance from your daddy.  You are climbing on everything you can these days: cabinets, sofas, tables, and trees. 

You still don't have an appetite for much food.  We usually end up negotiating with you for bites of food. You love eating black olives, Goldfish,  pears, and cheese. Every night, you usually request a snack, which is a snack cup filled with Goldfish, raisins or Craisins, peanuts, and Cheerios.

You love going out, and always request to go "bye bye" at least twice a day.  You help me to remember my grocery list when we are shopping. I love asking you, "What else do we need? What am I forgetting?" and you usually remember 2-3 things that I have on my list.

You love puzzles, Legos, and reading.  You also still love cars.  You're more into running and playing with someone else (me) than solo play these days. I love playing with you, but I'm also anxious for the time that you and Gianna can run together, too. You two already enjoy each other so much!

This past month, you had your first nightmare. It was very scary for you.  I hated seeing you so upset about going to sleep that night, and for 3 nights after.  I fear that all the changes and the move have caught up with you.  I worry that all the activity of the movers and the cable guy fed bad things into your otherwise simple, loving conscious. But I guess these nightmares are a normal part of growing up.  And hopefully, you'll recover from them quickly as you did this first time.

When I need to correct something you have said or done (like, pull something out of Gianna's hands), or when I tell you it's bedtime and I'm turning out the lights, you'll start saying, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute..." and try to stall me.   You love saying, "You're in a heap of trouble!" (a line borrowed from Sheriff, from the CARS movie).  When we are walking downstairs, I always repeat, "Plant your feet, plant your feet" after each step, to hopefully remind you to take it slow and make sure your feet are firmly on the step.  The other day, we were walking downstairs and you said, "Mommy, you forgot to say, Plant your feet." and I said, "Oh, you're right! Plant your feet, plant your feet..." and you said, "No, you don't say that!"   You love contradicting me, in a funny way. 

Right now, you are up in your room, making a racket.  It is time for you to get up and start your day. I hope it's a happy one.  I'm sure that you'll do at least one thing to surprise/delight/amaze me, like you always do.
Happy 38 months, Bode. 
PS Sorry this is a day late.  Yesterday we were busy being Christmas elves, and I was too tired to write during your nap time!

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