Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The (past) weekend

On Thursday, I had a migraine.  It was my first. I hope that it was my last. I thought that I was dying. I didn't know what was happening. I couldn't see anything and I was very confused. Gianna was napping. I freaked out on Bode, though. I told him that I needed to take a shower and then went into the bathroom and cried, and prayed, until Bob came home. Then I freaked out on Bob as soon as he walked in.  After I described my symptoms, Bob announced that I was probably having a migraine. Dr. Bob and Dr. Google took care of things. I sat in the darkened living room while Bob took care of the babies.  I was out of it. I did not feel like myself. I didn't want to do anything. It was horrible. I feel for anyone who has migraines!

On Friday, Gianna sat up in her crib while she was in there for a nap. This is a first.  I heard her crying, and it was  a different cry, so I investigated.  I walked in, saw her sitting up in her crib, and thought the migraine was playing tricks on me again.  I think she was confused about what she had done, and didn't know how to get back down or something. But when she saw my shocked expression, she smiled this big, pleased-as-punch smile, as if to say, "Look at me! I'm a big girl!" And I knew that this was just another one of those milestones that I was going to have to applaud. So I said, "Look at you! You big girl!" and scooped her up and gave her a big kiss. She hasn't sat up since (that I know of!).

On Sunday, Bode sealed our Easter greetings and we delivered them to the mailbox, in a pink Easter basket, no less.

Priscilla is doing well. She misses Kelly.  But we are aware of her loss (because it is our loss) and we do a lot more together now.  We go on walks (see above), sit outside and eat snacks together, and often go in the car together. I ache, thinking about how much she must miss Kelly. I know that she needs a companion.  Unfortunately, we have to wait and see where life takes us before we add to our brood. In the meantime, you're stuck hanging out with us, P.

The Easter Bunny is here. He seems to follow us around the house, or at least follows Bode around the house. We are receiving Easter greetings with loads of love this week, which the  babies are enjoying. I can't believe that Easter is this week.  We have another activity planned this week, and one more this week-end. I hope that we can do them both to round out our Easter celebration this year.

Hope everyone has some Easter festivities to enjoy this week!

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