Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A very special delivery

I am so emotional today.  I feel fragile and on the verge of tears. I hug and kiss Bode, telling him over and over how much I love him.  He lets me hug him for a second, before running off in the other direction. I am so excited, nervous, and emotional because a dear friend of mine is having her first baby today.  She is having a boy.  And I know all too well what a magical experience she is about to have in the delivery room, and beyond.

Bode on his birthday
I never understood why people get so in-your-biz and antsy when a baby is on the way. Well, now I do.  I keep checking my phone and email for news of the baby's arrival.  Bob burst my bubble and told me to stop checking because most likely, I wouldn't hear anything today. He said, "You didn't let anyone know, except family. You waited a few days, I think." Whaaat?  How could I have done that to well-meaning friends and acquaintances?  I am so excited to *meet* this baby. I hope that I don't have to wait a couple of days.

So little!
Today was meaningful to me as I anticipated my friend's new baby. I thought a lot about my first pregnancy, the day that Bode was born, and the days after that.  The day was made even more meaningful because I got to spend the morning alone with my firstborn.  Bob watched Gianna while I took Bode out.  First, we got his bangs trimmed. I am still not ready to shed the curls and give him his first, real "boy" cut (though I have come close).  The stylist talked about how beautiful Bode's hair is and how the color and curls are "perfect."  She confirmed, like other stylists before her, that he will probably lose the curls, for good, after the first big boy cut.  Bode sat in my lap and I held him as the stylist snipped away at his bangs. 

Afterwards, we celebrated the haircut with a visit to Starbucks, since we were not near a bagel shop.  Bode surprised me by requesting a blueberry muffin instead of a bagel.  I thought he would eat a couple of bites of the muffin, and then request the bagel.  Instead, he sat there and ate the whole muffin!  I couldn't believe it.  He also flirted with two women while they waited on their drink orders. He is becoming more outgoing. He surprises me, by smiling at strangers, sometimes asking, "What's your name?" With one of the women, he followed her back to her seat, chatting her up.  She loved it and was very gracious about answering his questions and listening to his random, sometimes unintelligible, observations.  We were there for a long time, because Bode insisted on finishing his muffin.  I sat and enjoyed the time alone, able to watch him and talk to him without other distractions.
A big muffin for a big boy

Chowing down and enjoying the sugar

My first love, my sweet little boy


  1. God's greatest gift really is man's greatest joy!! Isn't motherhood grand!!

  2. Love, love, love it! I am so blessed with my two babies.
