Sunday, November 27, 2011


We had a lovely Thanksgiving with our New York family.  The food was delicious, but being with family was the best part.  Bode really enjoyed being surrounded by so much love and attention.  I enjoyed seeing my children spend time interacting with their family! And I loved seeing everyone that I haven't seen in a few years.  Hard to believe that time goes so fast. It was a great day with family...a perfect Thanksgiving.

But we are oh-so-tired from the move!  It has been a lot harder than we ever imagined. It has physically and mentally worn us out.  Bode, Gianna and I are all sick with snotty noses and coughs. We spent the rest of the holiday weekend in recovery mode. I tried to catch up on sleep.  During nap times, I would run out and grab a coffee.  I love my children dearly, but I am in need of a break. I need time alone.

Not one for "down time," Bob spent the weekend working on the house. He unpacked a lot of boxes (thank you!) and organized the too-chaotic-to-live-in messes so that they were semi-liveable.  I did manage to unpack the living room.  But there is still a lot to be done.

The one project that is really pressing me is Christmas cards.  I take Christmas cards very seriously.  I want the right photo to send out to all of our friends and family. And this year, I am feeling the need to capture the photo that says, "Whew! We made it!"  This year has been a crazy, hard year.  And I am so very thankful that we are ending it on a high note.  And I want our holiday card to say, "Yes, it is ending on a high note. And we thank you all for your love and good wishes and send it right back to you." A high note!

Today I pulled out the camera and I asked the babies to say "cheese."  But things weren't going my way. As I've witnessed in other photo sessions, getting two babies to look the same way and smile is almost impossible.  And when you throw a dog into the mix, forget it!  I felt like I was running a three-ring circus.  I was pulling my hair out trying to get these monkeys to smile for me.

And then the morning light disappeared. My window had closed. Witnessing my frustration, Bob invited Bode, Gianna and Priscilla outside for some play time.  I stomped around the house, irritated and depressed, thinking that we should just forget about the photo completely this year. I hung up Gianna's dress and Bode's outfit, and put the camera away (after reviewing the snaps I'd taken to verify that yes, these would not do). After I calmed down, I put on my shoes and looked out the window.  And what did I see?  I saw Bob with his camera, trying to snap the right photo of Bode, Gianna and Priscilla outside.  He had Bode, Gianna and Priscilla all sitting closely in front of a Christmas-y looking pine.  This is why I love this man! He is so great. He tries so hard to help me.   I joined them outside, but we didn't take any more photos. Instead, we did what we came out for: we played. We ran around our new yard, climbed a tree, and played tag.  Bode doesn't get the concept of "tag, you're it" yet. Instead of running away from the person that is "it," Bode runs toward him. It is pretty funny.  I even lowered my stance on "no juice!" this weekend and both babies enjoyed a juice box treat after the fun. (They have been sick, and I am all for liquids - any liquids - right now. I think Gianna went to sleep with a bottle of apple juice Thanksgiving eve!). 

So things weren't going my way this morning.  I will keep trying.  Hopefully I'll get that photo! If you don't receive a holiday card from us this year, then you'll know why.
I'm joking!

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