Friday, August 31, 2012

It's Friday, I'm in love

This time last year. (Say whut?)

Today is Friday and we have a long weekend ahead of us. Hooray!  I love the fact that RWF will be home with us for 3 whole days, and not just 2.

This baby is Gianna's fav, and she really gets around:

I think Gianna received this baby as a gift from her Nana when she was oh, 6 months old maybe?  She and the baby were almost the same size.  I love that it has become one of Gianna's must-haves. She carries the baby around a lot.  The baby in the pic above is in a Co-Sleeper.  I purchased it in panic-mode.  Panic-mode seems to be a regular occurrence with me lately. Panic-mode is, "Oh my gawd, what if I go into labor? We aren't ready!"

On Tuesday, I had an OB appointment.  The OB measured me and remarked that the baby was measuring small.  She decided to do an ultrasound to check on the baby.  This news did not sit well with me. And brought me into another form of panic-mode, the one that says, "Oh no, oh no, oh no..." We had to wait an entire day before I was able to get in for an ultrasound (obviously, the OB wasn't in panic-mode). Thankfully, the ultrasound showed a baby who is not behind in growth.

This sweet puppy dog has been making it outside more. I am so happy to see her prancing around her yard these days. And when she is not cavorting around, she is comfortable enough outside now to sit beside  me in the grass (until a fly buzzes by and then it's "See ya later, suckers").

I'm in love with our baby sitter, who, in addition to being totally awesome in Bode's and Gianna's eyes, made us eggplant and chicken Parmesan today.  When I came home from errands, the house smelled wonderful. The still-warm casseroles were sitting on the stovetop cooling.  I could barely contain my excitement when she suggested that we eat them for dinner tonight, and have left-overs for the week-end. My heart says, "Thank you, thank you."

These monkeys are growing so much. Bode has changed a bunch just in the past month. I can't explain it. It must be something with turning 4 in a few weeks. FOUR! I can't believe it. There's a part of me that is already sad, knowing that his birthday is around the corner and I will probably be too caught up with the new baby to do anything special for Bode's big day.  Maybe we can plan a party for later. Yesterday, he ran up to 2 boys at the park and started playing with them. I love seeing him do stuff like that.  I worry that he is not exposed to other kids enough. And really, I know that he is not around other children enough. But when he does stuff like that on his own, it makes me feel better (thank you, Bode!).  School starts up in a couple of weeks so soon he'll be with kids his own age again. 

Happy Labor Day weekend. And here's  hoping that there is not really any "labor" (literally) this weekend for us!

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