Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Day in the Life (Bode today)

I go to his room in the morning. It starts out with him accusing me.  "Mommy, why did you take me to that place? Those piggies were biting each other. I didn't rike it."  After a few questions, I realize it is a dream.  He is starting to remember his dreams.  Sometimes they are bad dreams, and those are hard to explain away.  He talks about dreams like they are real, actual events.

After breakfast, I drop him at camp. It is real camp and he spends a ton of time outdoors, in the woods, walking and exploring with his friends.

My favorite part of today?  Picking him up and seeing his bare feet and legs covered in dirt.  "Mommy, we walked Baby Bear (a trail).  We saw a lot of frogs! And a samander (salamander)! I didn't rike the samander though."

After a nap, he requests a smoothie.  I ask him what fruit goes into the smoothie.  But, there are too many choices, and he starts getting confused. So I have to play Mean Mommy and just pick the fruit for him, dumping it into the blender.

We go outside and he rides his bike.  He pulls a wagon behind him.  "Look, Mommy!  This is my bike trailer!"

And then, a cool breeze ushers in a surprise shower.  Bode grins, and runs like a maniac, around and around and around.  "C'mon, Gianna! Race with me!"

Dinner, and then a bath.  When I wasn't paying attention, he kept sneaking more and more cars into the bathtub.  Later, after he went to bed, this is what the bathtub looked like:

He is growing up so fast. He absorbs everything, and then spits it back out at me when I least expect it. I'm constantly surprised by what he thinks and says.  If I complain about the heat, he says, "Don't worry, it will cool off soon."  When he makes these type of statements, I think, "I really, really have to watch what I say."  He is super sensitive, very smart, and oh so lovable.  

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